View Full Version : Bit O' Red trust night

03/02/2005, 10:58 PM
Did anyone go? Unfortunately I could'nt so I was just wondering what it was about, any good?

04/02/2005, 3:31 PM
Very good night, nothing but positives have come from it. The history of the club will dictate that this trust concept will not happen but basically the only factor that will enable it to work is down to us the supporters. Realiatically it's up to us to decide what the future of Sligo Rovers holds. Sean Connor said he has the contacts to bring in the players should the funds be available. It's no use thinking that if the football is right then the crowds will flock to the Showgrounds. For too long we the supporters have lived in this fantacy land we must realise that the football can't be right unless the funds are available to bring in the quality players needed. It's put up or shut up time so lets get involved/behind the fundraising efforts of the club.
Well done to the steering group for bringing the concept thus far now it's up to the rest of us to lend a hand.