View Full Version : More games against Shels - A good thing?

02/02/2005, 5:40 PM
What do people think about 2 extra games against Shels in the Setanta Cup?

Not winning the league last year boiled down to not beating Shels in the league.

Really hope we beat them once cos if we don't people will be saying "They're your bogey team" and there will be even more pressure on for the league games against them.

I think the players would be delighted to beat them just to get that monkey off their back.

02/02/2005, 5:50 PM
havent beaten them for 3 seasons(opening day 2002). what a night. flynny and georgie scoring on their debuts..

need to beat them soon or else it could go on for a long long time

02/02/2005, 6:02 PM
havent beaten them for 3 seasons(opening day 2002).

Last time City beat them was in fact November 2002 at the Cross 2-1. If memory serves Greg got the opener and ran to the dug out to celebrate the goal with Gunther, after a few fans held a Murphy Out banner up at the previous game in Belfield. Flynny got the winner with a penalty (well he won the penalty, cant remember who scored it).

02/02/2005, 6:04 PM
Our games against Shels will, in all likelihood, define our season.
Which, given our recent history against them could be a scary thought :eek:

02/02/2005, 6:08 PM
after a few fans held a Murphy Out banner up at the previous game in Belfield..

shameful behaviour altogether :)

03/02/2005, 8:30 AM
havent beaten them for 3 seasons(opening day 2002). what a night. flynny and georgie scoring on their debuts..

need to beat them soon or else it could go on for a long long time

Yes, one of THE best nights at the Cross............ball never left the deck and Shels were lucky to get the nil.

And the manager was.............Gunther!

03/02/2005, 9:10 AM
As it stands, providing we don't meet Shels in any of the domestic cups, we're only playing them once more than last season.
Each of the teams will meet 3 times in the league this season.
I'd prefer to be playing Shels than teams like Waterford, St. Pat's or Rovers.
Shels are the club we must aim to beat.

03/02/2005, 9:32 AM
shameful behaviour altogether :)

Couldn't agree more. If only knerw who they were.

I hate watching shel$ as they bore teams into submission.

03/02/2005, 9:39 AM
Yes, one of THE best nights at the Cross............ball never left the deck and Shels were lucky to get the nil.

And the manager was.............Gunther!
happy days when the chant was "its just like watching brazil" :cool:

03/02/2005, 9:43 AM
I think demoralisation will be the key factor - shels will more than likely edge out cork - wins or draws, whatever - actually the more I think of it with their new signings and your financial problems they may trash you. It will be devastating - I cant see City competing with that unless wallace has more than 700 euros in his piggybank

03/02/2005, 9:44 AM
your financial problems

havent seen one ounce of proof that we have financial problems so until i do...its business as usual

03/02/2005, 9:46 AM
go on a buying spree and i might believe it - unfortunately ure shedding key staff and aside from doyle - who looks the part you dont have enough elite players who win leagues

03/02/2005, 10:22 AM
As sure as night follows day, we get a post from wws as he continues to indulge his enduring obssession with all things Cork City....:rolleyes:

I suppose it enlivens the endless tedium and demoralisation of being a fan of a joke club like SPA.....Anything to say on your upcoming relegation battle?...:p

03/02/2005, 10:41 AM
well done Patsh - the issue here is how can second place cork overcome shels
1)shels have added to their squad with proven quality - cork have not
2)shels have a league winning back room team- cork have lost all theirs
3)cork have posed no problems to shels in recent head to heads - a draw the best they could muster - even pats managed that ffs!
4)you have publicised money issues - and cant pick up a tab at UL

argue on the facts and I might take you seriously

This is allegedly the season earmarked as the league winning one by the cork boss after two fruitless years in charge

I'd like to know what basis there is for optimism?

03/02/2005, 10:50 AM
you have publicised money issues

You just go on believing that all you like but it won't make it come true and it won't make up for the pathetic state your own club is in.

03/02/2005, 10:54 AM
Dubya Dubya Esssss, I'll do a deal with you. You worry about Pats and I'll worry about City, it does seem to be taking up a lot of your time. Im sure you could use the free time to organise better do's for your Club. I mean a 75th party in the snug of McDowells:rolleyes:. Or maybe you could spend all the free time working out how Cork City got 12 points off Pats this season.

Christ you could even spend all your Cork City/Dolan obsession time figuring out why Eamon Collins didnt turn Pats into a World Super Power.

Thanks for calling in

03/02/2005, 10:59 AM
well done Patsh - the issue here is how can second place cork overcome shels
1)shels have added to their squad with proven quality - cork have not
2)shels have a league winning back room team- cork have lost all theirs
3)cork have posed no problems to shels in recent head to heads - a draw the best they could muster - even pats managed that ffs!
4)you have publicised money issues - and cant pick up a tab at UL

argue on the facts and I might take you seriously

This is allegedly the season earmarked as the league winning one by the cork boss after two fruitless years in charge

I'd like to know what basis there is for optimism?
"argue on the facts and I might take you seriously"...:rolleyes:
Some of us might take you seriously if you weren't so eager to jump in with your ridiculous comments every time some unsubstantiated rumour happens to suit your anti-Cork City/Dolan agenda.
You and your other obssessed cronies on the SPA "fans" mb spend more time talking about Cork City with snide and childish comments than you do about your own "club".
Pat Dolan has left SPA. GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON.

As regards your "analysis" of City v $hels, they are ahead of us on and off the field. It is up to us to catch them, and we are trying to do that.
Of course, everything is relative. SPA aim for the season is hoping to avoid relegation. City's aim is to win the league. Which club has real problems?

03/02/2005, 11:00 AM
well he did the trick at shels
a trick pat dolan hasnt managed with cork

I counter a lot of the mindless optimism about Corks prospects with a few cold facts - as per above - If you wanna tear those points to shreds with a decent case of your own than feel free - I've yet to read an intelligent reading of corks prospects on the field based on anything other than "we're a great club, big attendances" type drivel

but spare me the "obssession" line - the equivilant of "i give up, he's got us there"

03/02/2005, 11:10 AM
well he did the trick at shels
a trick pat dolan hasnt managed with cork

I counter a lot of the mindless optimism about Corks prospects with a few cold facts - as per above - If you wanna tear those points to shreds with a decent case of your own than feel free - I've yet to read an intelligent reading of corks prospects on the field based on anything other than "we're a great club, big attendances" type drivel

but spare me the "obssession" line - the equivilant of "i give up, he's got us there"
1. You don't "counter" anything.
2. You don't know how to recognise "an intelligent reading" of anything. You have never made one, so "intelligent reading" is a novel and uncharted area for you.
3. I actually do "give up, you've got me there". What can one say to mindless drivel from someone who cannot spell "debate", never mind one hold one?

03/02/2005, 11:15 AM
have Cork strengthened their squad in line with shels?

simple question

03/02/2005, 11:18 AM
have Cork strengthened their squad in line with shels?

simple question
It's such a simple question, even you can work out the answer!...:D

03/02/2005, 11:20 AM
Collins did well at Shels after he failed at Pats

Well biggest club and best support gives us the financial backing to go on and do well (dont forget our sponsorship deal which dwarfs your "one of the biggest in domestic football" deal), but sure thats only drivel:rolleyes:

Ok lets look at the facts buddy.

1) Shels have spent big, they can still only put 11 players on the pitch. They have a better squad than ours but well all accept that

2) Look at the players we have. Look at the sucessful manager we have (he managed to win a few leagues with a small club in Dublin). Doyle, Kearney, O'Callaghan, O'Flynn, Bennett, Horgan, Fenn, Devine, Gamble all top quality players (better than anything small club above has). They are all young too. Fancy that, they'll only get better, you saw that as they started to gel towards the end of last season.

3) Shels escaped twice in Tolka Park last seaon with draws thanks to wonderful goal keeping by Steve Williams.If you were at the matches you'd know that we posed then a fair few problems

4) Yes everything written in the Star is gospel

Like I say Dubya I'll worry about City, you worry about Pats. I know I'll sleep soundly tonight

03/02/2005, 11:23 AM
Collins did well at Shels after he failed at Pats

Well biggest club and best support gives us the financial backing to go on and do well (dont forget our sponsorship deal which dwarfs your "one of the biggest in domestic football" deal), but sure thats only drivel:rolleyes:

Ok lets look at the facts buddy.

1) Shels have spent big, they can still only put 11 players on the pitch. They have a better squad than ours but well all accept that

2) Look at the players we have. Look at the sucessful manager we have (he managed to win a few leagues with a small club in Dublin). Doyle, Kearney, O'Callaghan, O'Flynn, Bennett, Horgan, Fenn, Devine, Gamble all top quality players (better than anything small club above has). They are all young too. Fancy that, they'll only get better, you saw that as they started to gel towards the end of last season.

3) Shels escaped twice in Tolka Park last seaon with draws thanks to wonderful goal keeping by Steve Williams.If you were at the matches you'd know that we posed then a fair few problems

4) Yes everything written in the Star is gospel

Like I say Dubya I'll worry about City, you worry about Pats. I know I'll sleep soundly tonight

theres my post of the month ;)

Real ale Madrid
03/02/2005, 11:37 AM
Collins did well at Shels after he failed at Pats

Well biggest club and best support gives us the financial backing to go on and do well (dont forget our sponsorship deal which dwarfs your "one of the biggest in domestic football" deal), but sure thats only drivel:rolleyes:

Ok lets look at the facts buddy.

1) Shels have spent big, they can still only put 11 players on the pitch. They have a better squad than ours but well all accept that

2) Look at the players we have. Look at the sucessful manager we have (he managed to win a few leagues with a small club in Dublin). Doyle, Kearney, O'Callaghan, O'Flynn, Bennett, Horgan, Fenn, Devine, Gamble all top quality players (better than anything small club above has). They are all young too. Fancy that, they'll only get better, you saw that as they started to gel towards the end of last season.

3) Shels escaped twice in Tolka Park last seaon with draws thanks to wonderful goal keeping by Steve Williams.If you were at the matches you'd know that we posed then a fair few problems

4) Yes everything written in the Star is gospel

Like I say Dubya I'll worry about City, you worry about Pats. I know I'll sleep soundly tonight

1) Sorry to disagree with you SOC but do you not think that until we Do have a stronger squad than Shelbourne that we wont finish ahead of them in the title race. Ok we had a super finish towards the end of last season – but CTOB aside we had no injuries. IMO we will defo need 3 or 4 good additions to the squad to realistically win the league – otherwise we’ll get close again but no cigar – and I’m getting sick of finishing second. Over the last 10 years we must have been second or third about 7 or 8 times.

03/02/2005, 11:38 AM
Colins failed at pats as a manager - he took financial risks and he tried to break the stranglehold that a full time shels and bohs had on the league at that time - it ended in disaster but he did sign interesting players like for example Ndo who's now seen as crucial at shels - it was a gamble - a gamble that failed to come off - shels took a gamble (getting heavily in debt in the hope of gains - so have bohs) - for now - shels gamble has paid off and they've hit pay dirt

ok - 1 league is what Pat Dolan actually managed to win with st pats to be absolutely exact about things. I'd argue he won two but the league and history books disagree with that viewpoint as we all know full well.

Its not about an argument between the respective strengths of Cork and Pats but if it is, Keith Fahey and Colm Foley would walk into any team Cork have fielded over the last 10 years. And fan wise you probably couldn't find a saint who'd swop Stephen Quigley for his cork equivilant. But thats all by the by.

On sponsorship I've no idea as I haven't seen the figures for either the Nissan or Smart deals - if a comparison were made presumably the money per season would be the deciding factor - the nissan deal was reported to be spread over several seasons...hmmm.

Shels have the country's top striker and they've signed the second best. Cork have lured no one - You mention Fenn - I thought he was sidelined which led to an upturn in your fortunes?

anyway bottom line is I think Cork at best have stood still - I'll discount the financial disquiet as "paper talk" giving you the benefit of the doubt on that score but player wise nothing new has occured to revise estimates of your prospects upwards....shels on the contrary - took what they had and built on it with serious financial outlay - if the league is a battle between you two than my moneys on shels - obssessed? Maybe. Realistic? Definitely. :D

03/02/2005, 11:46 AM
obssessed? Maybe. Realistic? Definitely. :D

At least we agree on that

03/02/2005, 11:49 AM
obssessed? Maybe. Realistic? Definitely.
Obssessed - Definitely!
Realistic - Maybe!

03/02/2005, 8:05 PM
Shels have spent big, they can still only put 11 players on the pitch. They have a better squad than ours but well all accept that

Hawkins - FREE
Crowe - FREE
Baker - FREE
O'Neill - FREE
Ryan - FREE

I understand we have to pay wages every week but to pull off those 5 signings for free is a massive coup...

I would think Cork City would put any of the above in their squad? Not first team but they would make your squad...

Cork as has been said have done nothing yet only Gavin Dykes!!! :D

I really think you need to sign a few players to stay in the top two this year. Drogheda have made plenty of signings so they could squeeze in between the pair of us. Even Bohs could be there if Farrelly gets the finger out and eventually signs 2 or 3 decent players. He has until March 4th....

If you go into the season as you are now then your heading for 2nd or 3rd I would think. It a long way until the July transfer window.

03/02/2005, 8:44 PM
Hawkins - FREE
Crowe - FREE
Baker - FREE
O'Neill - FREE
Ryan - FREE

I understand we have to pay wages every week but to pull off those 5 signings for free is a massive coup...

No doubt ye have the best squad but at best only Hawkins (not great form last season & Crowe look like 1st teamers. fair enough to pay good money to 1stv teamers but it could be an expense shel$ bench in 2005. Will ye need CL round 3 to have a chance at break-even?

If ye those 5 players were available i don't think city would have taken them considering the cost & disruption to club.

03/02/2005, 11:20 PM
If ye those 5 players were available i don't think city would have taken them considering the cost & disruption to club.

So you would not buy in better players for fear of disruption? What will you do in 5 or 10 years when your current lot of superstars are in their 40's???

You can put a good slant on most things but you not signing players wont help you next season. Im not saying you wont sign anyone but as it stands it has to be a worry.

Who exactly have we got that Ryan and Baker cant replace? Exactly!! We dont have a right winger so now we have one and another for when hes out of form. so except for Crowe and Hawkins and Baker/Ryan you should say. I also think that O'Neill for McCarthy is a very very very good deal :D

Did you not have a look at the player of the season shortlist this year?

Still a long way to go to the league but on paper so far shels have made the right moves and NO we dont have to make the 3rd round to break even!!??? Where are you getting this from?

We lost a few players too
Tony Mccarthy
Ger Mccarthy
Thomas Morgan
Derek Pender
Alan Macdermot
Stephen Murtagh
Kevin Doherty???
and others who I cant remember??

A face
04/02/2005, 12:48 AM
but CTOB aside we had no injuries.

Ahh ... Stephen O'Flynn ... and you left him out ???
Hoggie ... where are you at ... and all the knocks and tips through the season. Fúck off to Off Topic with this comedy you fúckwit. We had a fair few.

We didn't incurr one injury last year, there are pics of Benno in a head lock being dragged to the ground, everyone saw the elbow Georgie got from Rennie at the cross (i know he played the next week). We didn't incurr injuries ?? We did ... but worked around it ... but we still got them, if a player cant play because of an injury from the previous game then that is an injury.

Shels were very lucky last year .... the game at the cross .. they scored two from two shots on goal all game. We'll if its like that all year now.

Shels barely got away with it last year, infact we gave it to them and City should make it easy this year, end of !! It was our own downfall last year ... take it away this year.

We are worse to be listening to this !!
Some of ye are paying múppets too much attention altogether !!!

04/02/2005, 8:09 AM
What will you do in 5 or 10 years when your current lot of superstars are in their 40's???

Most of the City squad is early 20's. Only Mick Devine, Colin O Brien and Billy Woods are over the age of 26.

04/02/2005, 3:49 PM
We didn't incurr one injury last year, there are pics of Benno in a head lock being dragged to the ground, everyone saw the elbow Georgie got from Rennie at the cross ...

Uriah Rennie ???

:D :p

04/02/2005, 3:51 PM
Shels barely got away with it last year, infact we gave it to them and City should make it easy this year, end of !! It was our own downfall last year ... take it away this year.

Is it my imagination or were Shels on top of the table for virtually the whole of last season? It's not as if Cork were pipped at the post LIKE !


04/02/2005, 3:55 PM
Is it my imagination or were Shels on top of the table for virtually the whole of last season? It's not as if Cork were pipped at the post LIKE !

you can be top for as many games as you want during the season, its where you are at the end that counts. you win nothing for being top halfway through or after the second last game. thats like saying that the team who scores first should automatically win the game. Shels were the better team, but City weren't far off them at all.