View Full Version : Post Of The Month

02/02/2005, 4:06 PM
Discuss nominations here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=21646), not in this thread.
Post the URL of the thread where it appeared.

Post of the month compeititon now open! Quote you favourite posts here and the winner will be annouced at the end of this month.
Simply click "quote" underneath you favourite post, copy the entire reply you will come up with and paste it as a reply to this thread.
Closing date for entries this month is Friday 25th and you can make one nomination and cannae nominate yourself!
The winner will be selected by an independent judge (me) :D

02/02/2005, 4:22 PM
I see your point Mick, but it's the sanctimony and self-righteousness of those "real" football fans on here that really sticks in my craw. I have a stereotypical view of them as lads in their teens and early twenties with no other commitments than meeting their mates on a weekend and watching their football. No wives, families or mortgages to consider. It's those things, after all, that allow people as they get older to put football and all that goes with it into perspective.

And, in the light of that, you shouldn't have to devalue or downplay your own commitment to football just to appease the super-supporters round here. You are a real fan, pure and simple; please don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. You care enough to spend time on here debating the game and the team you love, after all. Enough said.:) PP

This was in response to a post 1MickCollins, itself a valid attack on the "I'm a real fan , you're not" attitude wrongly taken by some on this forum.

02/02/2005, 11:03 PM
Harsh? Harsh?!? I'll give you harsh, Liam. What about the millions of African Catholics now dying of AIDS because of his refusal to budge on the contraception issue? And what about his refusal to issue an apology to Jews over Catholic collusion with Nazis in wartime Croatia and other parts of eastern Europe? Never mind the continual wealth- and empire-building the Church engages in at the expense of feeding the poor and fighting for social justice. I could go on.

On a human level, I too wish him all the best for a speedy recovery. But don't go talking of "brilliant service". He's managed to keep the Catholic Church in the Dark Ages and in doing so deny God's compassion to millions. "The greatest priest of all". Indeed. :rolleyes:

:ball: PP
PP made his point very well, without being offensive. Great post

green goblin
03/02/2005, 8:40 AM
I would

The start of the infamous Anne Doyle thread. A masterpiece of understatement from Dublin12.

03/02/2005, 11:25 AM
Taken from the "Shaving Products" thread.

On my 21st birthday I read an article detailling how man hours of my life I would waste in shaving, and so I took the bold step of growing a beard.
It grew up fast enough over the next two months, except that my beard was dark brown, whilst to the delight and amsuement of all, my moustache was a dark strawberry blonde. The effect made me look not unlike Manfred Mann, or Abe Lincoln.
In desperation I used my sisters mascara in order to get the moustache the same colour as the beard, and set off down the pub. I was halfway through the first pint when the words "Waterproof" entered my head, just as I realised that everyone was laughing at my moustache, which was now melting. I went home an shaved the b*stard thing off there and then, returning later in the evening with plasters all over my face.

My vote for honesty and humour! :)

03/02/2005, 2:25 PM
Taken from the thread where Liam88 informed us of his perilous, and highly unfair, lovelife.

And you're from Cobh too ..... bad time all round.

Classic response :D

04/02/2005, 1:35 PM
I'll go for this gem from anto1928 in the long ball thread in eL General....

rooney did not score from long balls one was a flick on from a keeper kicking it out the other was from a through ball .

08/02/2005, 12:32 PM
My vote goes to this epic from TroyMcClure also in Liams love life thread.

I used to have a mad thing for one of my friends in college for fecking ages, but nothing ever came of it. After our finals (while drunk of course) I told her about this and I got the 'Ok' and odd look sort of thing, now she's in the same class as me in my masters. (Before this I had scored a friend of ours, who had a thing for me although I wasnt really up for anything serious she was still interested in me after that, but this is just a side issue). 2 weekends ago was it was her (the girl I had a thing for) birthday and she introduced me to one of her friends who was pretty damn cute and also mentioned that this friend thought that I was very nice :) Anyway we got on really well and swapped numbers and what have you. 3 days after I was talking to my friend and she tells me that now she likes me and wishes that she had told me this when I origionally said it to her! We had already arranged that the same group would go out the next Saturday, so in the same place would be the girl I now like, the girl that now likes me and the girl that might liked me all along, and they're all fecking friends of eachother. Bloody brilliant!

I did the only thing that I could do and got very very drunk and told the girl that I was with before that I wasnt interested in her, so thats one down and one to choose from ;)

As far as I can see, the morel of the story is that Im a stud :D :cool:

08/02/2005, 7:10 PM
tuff paddy's suggested chant for the faroes away game.

"Where are we? Where are we?"

08/02/2005, 8:12 PM
I gave up religion one Lent and have never looked back. :D

Schumi's response about what he's giving up for Lent. Made me laugh anyway.

09/02/2005, 4:38 PM
Van Horseface must be crying into his oates every morning!

well it made me laugh anyway

10/02/2005, 12:16 PM
In response to a less than flattering picture of Kelly Osbourne :D :D

Chr!st! What happened yer man from the Cure?

11/02/2005, 8:23 PM
I wonder will Ruud Van Nistelrooy be at the wedding? He'll surely be there to nay at his equine relation Camilla......

This from 4tothefloor as he carries on his anti-horse/Van Nistelrooy crusade!!

13/02/2005, 3:36 PM
Ruairi, It has confused many, since the parents are known sex addicts

Greg was gay.Peter's love of Marcia was unrequited, she being far out of his league, all the time leaving Peter unaware of jan's true feelings for him (resulting in an ugly jealously of her older and much prettier sister.
Bobby and Cindy got as close as any possible couple, playiong 'doctor' a few times, the guilt of those episodes resulted in the pairs' later drug related problems.

Anyway, the sight of Alice would put anybody off!

....by the way, I might be just the slightest bit tipsy after a day of sport in the pub

Tiktok's contribution to the Brady Bunch thread - " Just a thought..."

14/02/2005, 11:11 AM
El Papas 'Who's the biggest?...It'll be wiped by the time you read this but it was/is the most cultured piece of writing I've personally seen on foot.ie. :D

14/02/2005, 3:14 PM
Obviously the type that encourages welfare fraud, and neglect of children. I nominate this. This remarkable fellow, joesoap, has my type sussed after just a few posts.

De Town
14/02/2005, 4:02 PM
I'll prolly have a good w*nk for myself. Special treat.

Im going for this classic from the big man himself, dahamsta :D

17/02/2005, 1:46 PM
Are you under six years old? if so, don't worry, it'll grow back. Just pop it under your pillow and 'ching-ching'

On some poor fella asking for advice on what to do with his poor front tooth that got knocked out... :D

18/02/2005, 1:56 PM
Taken from the Eastenders thread.

That's just it, I'd sooner not have my escape tunnel come up in the middle of the Queen Vic ;)

Classic! :D