View Full Version : Euro 2012

01/02/2005, 1:14 PM
Here's the official list of applicants:


It's gotta be ITALY

01/02/2005, 1:19 PM
Maybe Italy on today's circumstances but the others deserve a chance to show what they plan to do development wise. Greece are certainly eager for these competitions. Fair play to them for their determination. However, there was an element of international rescuing done on the Olympics wasn't there?

01/02/2005, 1:26 PM
Croatia/Hungary would be nice IMO.

But in terms of infrastructure and stadia, Italy would be favourites i guess

anto eile
01/02/2005, 1:28 PM
italy wont get it, like when spain didnt get euro2004.
can see azerbaijan or rumania getting it either.
greece (though maybe the recent olympics will count against them) turkey russia.think poland shouold have gone with hungary.partnering ukraine will probably count against polands chances.though croatia and hungary might be a good outside bet.

01/02/2005, 3:03 PM
There is always an element of politics in this, so I'd reckon that it will go to a bid from the former Eastern Bloc, especially seeing as the last major football competition there was Euro 72 in Yugoslavia (unless I'm mistaken).

This suggests one from the following:
Azerbaijan (No hope)
Romania (Highly unlikely)

Of the three, I reckon Russia will get knocked out due to size and the political turmoil in Chechnya, plus the fact that Germany would be more favorable to the other two bids, having vested interests in both Croatia and Poland.

Both of these bids have a difficulty in that they are partly constituted by a non-EU member - if either Poland or Hungary had gone with the Czech Republic, I reckon they would be a cert. I have a feeling that up to Semi-finals, if not the Final itself, you will be stuck in the one country.

Pol/Uk is a collosal territory, roughly as far from Donetsk to Poznan (likely Quarter-final venues IMO) as it is from Dublin to Poznan. The previous greatest distance travelable in a Euro comp (by official types) for two games would be Marseilles to Paris in France in 1984 (if it ever fell that way?) - I suspect that this will be a factor. And it must also be noted that the spectre of the recent election, and the fallout thereof will negate their challenge, despite the fact that it is possibly better geared to deal with a major finals than Croatia. Furthermore (if not most important of all), despite the Black Sea, who really goes to the Ukraine (home of Chernobyl) on holiday except former Soviet politburo members ;)

Meanwhile Croatia, despite the many problems that continue their owing to the excesses of recent Nationalist governments, and the small matter of relations with the neighbours to the South and East, are a particularly popular holiday destination, and have not been recently in the news, their election riggers are people who will happily deal with the West. They have a couple of decent stadia, but not as many or as big as the Ukraine. Their border with Hungary is not exactly extensive, and I know of only one major cross border rail route, though they are both on the Eurail and interrail lists which may be considered. The important factors here, I suspect, will be that it is easier to get a scheduled flight to Split or Zagreb than Sebastapol or Kiev, and that Croatia is considered a nicer place for a holiday.

Regarding Poland and Hungary, Hungary would have the name for culture, warmth, variety in food, and is small enough to be virtually completely accessible from the comfort of Vienna. I think that it also held a major UEFA competition in the not so distant past with some success. I also suspect that the French would be more likely to back the Hungarians if it came down to these two bids.

So Croatia and Hungary in 2012 then. Will Roddy Collins be the man to lead Ireland to it then :eek:

01/02/2005, 6:12 PM
Italy would be nice. I don't regard Azerbaijan as European, or Israel & Turkey for that matter. They shouldn't be anywhere near the European Championships

Closed Account 2
01/02/2005, 6:21 PM
I think it will go to Turkey - put would prefer almost all the other places except Azerbaijan (mini Turkey).

Kerry Blue
01/02/2005, 6:21 PM
So Croatia and Hungary in 2012 then. Will Roddy Collins be the man to lead Ireland to it then :eek:

Roddy Who? :D

Agree with you on your choice, but I do think that Turkey could be a surprise selection. It will be all politics, so you can forget Italy. I will be absolutely amazed if they get it!