View Full Version : Limerick Premier 2015/2016

20/08/2016, 10:14 AM
who else would i be referring to other than the so called 'journalist', you wouldnt see pat being turned away at the gate because he is respected all over limerick and doesnt hold personal grudges against any club player or manager.

22/08/2016, 7:59 AM
If you minded your own business you might have been grand.You still working for the Leader.

28/08/2016, 4:00 PM
Yes, I had a couple of people reporting back to me on it - one from each side - and it looks like Ahern(e) stuck with Albert's 4-3-1-2 formation, that he was "encouraged" to switch to at half-time in the disastrous Fairview game.

Pike always find that tough to break down, even with Cowpar and Nealon adding to the absentee list that we're all already familiar with - the one that wasn't addressed in pre-season.

Still, it's amazing the manner in which Pike contrived not to win the game, with McGarry getting himself sent off for a headbutt early in the second-half, just minutes after his side lost TWO defenders to hamstring issues.

Big opportunity spurned for the Hoops really.

28/08/2016, 4:50 PM
Do u no the team line ups Alan ??

deadly man
28/08/2016, 5:50 PM
Who did McGarry headbutt?put up the starting line ups thomas please will u along with a match report,it's the least u can do since ye wont allow Alan into yer ground

28/08/2016, 6:19 PM
Well said deadly man. Although, to be fair, there are a few up in Carew who haven't turned on me. Thomas might be one of them, so we won't castigate him for one man's hyper-sensitivity.

Treaty Gooner
28/08/2016, 8:22 PM
Whatever about that, what were the lineups?

28/08/2016, 8:33 PM
I don't have them in full. If I did, I would have responded to passandmove's query above.

Treaty Gooner
28/08/2016, 8:42 PM
Untwist your panties, I was asking in general.

Sea Bird
29/08/2016, 9:46 AM
Who did McGarry headbutt?put up the starting line ups thomas please will u along with a match report,it's the least u can do since ye wont allow Alan into yer ground

It wasn't a headbutt as such, mcgrath tripped him on the end line and while mcgrath was walking past Mcgarry from the ground threw his head at Mcgrath around his knee area.

29/08/2016, 12:11 PM
It must be hard not able to report on the big games in Carew park....cant see thomas lasting long up there if hes going behind committee and giving you info.....

29/08/2016, 4:47 PM
Yes, I had a couple of people reporting back to me on it

By God, reporting back to you indeed. To your HQ is it ? Where your big screen and twirling chair are I suppose.

But not the line ups. Interestingly, for a guy trading on match reports. Funny omission.

29/08/2016, 4:52 PM
so we won't castigate him for one man's hyper-sensitivity.

Repeatedly people have been warned about getting personal against you on this thread and you have thanked a warning not to do so, yet, you come with this. Which although the person you are aiming it at isn't on here, at least openly, it is nonetheless a personal sleight. Which is what triggered this carry on in the first place is it not ?

29/08/2016, 5:25 PM
Ah, the True Blues are on the case again, standing by their man.

Two posts in five minutes picking apart my posts, mind you. Apparently one wasn't enough. Such dedication.

Treaty Gooner, I'll answer both questions in due course (when I get those panties untwisted, obviously ;)).

29/08/2016, 5:43 PM
Ah, the True Blues are on the case again, standing by their man

Was that at me ? :)

I haven't lived in Ireland since 1998, even when I did, I am not from the city, I have never even been to a Limerick Prem game or ground. I know none of the protagonists in this including you. I am reacting purely to stuff you have put in the public domain under the guise of journalism these last weeks.

Your match reports are at times worthy, get back to them & stick to them & what goes on inside the white lines once the ref blows to start.

Or, keep doing podcasts where you set some kind of record for asking the same question in slightly different ways to reinforce your own self image and match reports let down by inability to relinquish personal matters of no interest to a neutral reader, which surely you need reading your stuff in order to progress ?

Your call but let me tell you I have no side here, just watching it play out.

29/08/2016, 5:53 PM
No side? Please. Go back and check out the - quite frankly ridiculous - tenor of your first (of two) posts, which I may or may not have read on my "big screen" from my "twirling chair".

Come on...

29/08/2016, 6:14 PM
It doesn't mean I am Carew Park in disguise though, as I am not. It does highlight your over sensitivity and besieged take on it at this juncture.

You need neutrals reading to grow as a writer, and you need to be at the games. You are working against yourself.

30/08/2016, 4:08 AM
Maybe Len Earls will help him out on he's reports in carew park..he seems to be he's go to boy!
"Would you agree with that Len?"
"Of course I would Alan"

30/08/2016, 2:07 PM
How the so called mighty have fallen and it was coming a long long time.No sign of Leader spot on Wednesday.Maybe the man behind the Curtin put a stop to it.

30/08/2016, 2:39 PM
Alan has also made references previously to me siding with Mike Aherne cause I am a Limerick fan. I don't see why that would be the case just because he commentates on games for 95fm.

A few people have criticised the manner of your personal attacks on people instead of sticking to the football and most of the time you have just come back with accusations that they are siding with the other person.

I looked at it from an outsiders/neutral view as far as that I don't know Mike Aherne on a personal level and when it comes to junior soccer I am a Coonagh man and not a Carew park or Fairview supporter so have no allegiances to either of them.

30/08/2016, 8:25 PM
So is he working for leader or what????

30/08/2016, 10:52 PM
Some of the comment on here of late has been tasteless to say the least.much of it from the boil in the bag range,easy to cook,low in nourishment,high in tasteless additives,suggesting a short memory is no particular obstacle to basing a judgement.....the fact that some are wallowing in some sort of victorious climate over a persons employment no matter what side of the fence your on is indeed a sad indictment of them and what they represent.

01/09/2016, 3:50 PM
LDL Premier Division Statistics 2016/17 (https://limerickdl.wordpress.com/statistics-201617/)

Said I'd make a start on this now, while things are relatively quiet. Any mistakes, let me know...

be interesting to see where you get most of your information considering youll only be able to cover one match...come to think of it your "stats" were always updated last year around the same time the leader was out on monday what a coincidence.....

01/09/2016, 4:34 PM
First of all, you might investigate where the usage of inverted commas is appropriate, when you get a chance.

Secondly, I get my information on games I'm unable to attend from the same place Pat Sheehan does. Often, I am forced to resort to Monday's Leader yes, but as it so often strewn with little errors/misprints, I quickly learned to go to first-hand sources where possible.

Finally, I find it interesting that five of your six posts, since you created this account, have been directed at trolling me. Could it be that a certain quasi-literate Limerick City superstar has made his way onto foot.ie under a pseudonym?

Surely not! :eek: