View Full Version : Political correctness gone mad Part 2

29/01/2005, 2:05 AM
FA apologises over England DVD
The Football Association has apologised after a DVD celebrating the best post-war England internationals failed to feature any black players.

Thousands of copies of "Pride of the Nation" were included in a welcome pack for the official England fans club.

But the FA withdrew all copies after complaints and will make a new edition including several black players.

"We regret and apologise for any offence that may have been caused," the FA said in an official statement.

Included: Bobby Moore, Gary Lineker, Sir Bobby Charlton, Paul Gascoigne, Alan Shearer, Bryan Robson, David Beckham, Terry Butcher, Martin Peters, Chris Waddle, Stuart Pearce, Steven Gerrard

Missed out: Rio Ferdinand, Sol Campbell, Paul Ince, John Barnes, Ashley Cole, Viv Anderson

"The FA is in the process of producing a new DVD, which will include several outstanding black players, who have, of course, made a huge contribution to the national team and football in this country."

The initial list of players given to the video producers is understood to have included black players but none of them made the final cut as the running time was reduced.

"A letter will also be sent to the Professional Footballers' Association, apologising for any offence caused to any current or former players," added the FA on its website.

England defender Rio Ferdinand admitted he was surprised after hearing about the DVD.



Biggest pile of crap Ive heard in a long while.

Rio Ferdinand, Sol Cambell, Ashley Cole. Great players?

Come off it.

Off the list, John Barnes, and maybe Paul Ince can be descibed as 'great', but every list makes some huge, glaring omission. Does that necessarily mean that the race card has to be played?

Closed Account 2
29/01/2005, 3:16 AM
FA apologises over England DVD
Off the list, John Barnes, and maybe Paul Ince can be descibed as 'great', but every list makes some huge, glaring omission. Does that necessarily mean that the race card has to be played?

I'd say Barnes could have made the list, but I dunno about Ince, when the chips were down for the English he went missing - i.e. the Shoot-outs in Euro96 and France98.

29/01/2005, 9:56 AM
It was commonly acknowledged then that Barnes never done it for England,save his wonder goal against Brazil and I can't think of any other outstanding black player to play for England. Political correctness gone mad,can't say anything any more!

29/01/2005, 1:43 PM
It was commonly acknowledged then that Barnes never done it for England,save his wonder goal against Brazil and I can't think of any other outstanding black player to play for England. Political correctness gone mad,can't say anything any more!

Agree completely with you Docboy. Barnes never really produced for England. The likes of Ince, Campbell, and Ferdinand have hardly achieved enough in international football to be considered.
The FA should have stood their ground, but then they'd probably have to listen to equal rights activists like Garth Crooks and Martin-LUTHER-King-BLISSETT. :D

31/01/2005, 1:30 PM
The John Barnes issue is certainly a questionable one - I would have had him in it, but I can understand him not being there. Viv Anderson not being in it was a huge surprise to me - he was a fantastic player and sportsman, who also played international cricket for someone I think.

A lot of greats missed out, but I don't hear them complaining that Tom Finney and Nat Lofthouse missed out, both of whom had their best years post war as far as I can remember.

And where is Glen Hoddle - is there an anti-religionist fervour here?

31/01/2005, 1:40 PM
Defense: Bobby Moore, Terry Butcher, Stuart Pearce,
Midfield: Sir Bobby Charlton, Paul Gascoigne, Bryan Robson, David Beckham, Chris Waddle, Steven Gerrard.
Forwards: Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer, Martin Peters.


From above Barnes should be ahead of Waddle & Gerard (how the hell he get in?) dropped for Ince.

Its only a DVD so they added recent players to sell more.

31/01/2005, 1:45 PM
From above Barnes should be ahead of Waddle & Gerard (how the hell he get in?) dropped for Ince.

Its only a DVD so they added recent players to sell more.
No Wilkins? You're just an anti slapheadist....

This is just bullshít and imo it's far worse to throw in tocken players than have none in a team based purely on merit