View Full Version : Thank God for RTE sport

28/01/2005, 4:20 PM
Good to see the RTE sports room are keeping up their usual high standards.

On the 6.40 sports bulletin on the SixOne news yesterday they thankfully gave us the result of the Knock Airport Connacht Hurling league final - NUIG beat Mayo IT(I always thought it was Galway/Mayo IT, obviously I was wrong)after extra time.

I had thought that the draw for the new AllIreland soccer competition was taking place yeaterday at 6.00pm but obvioulsy it wasn't since it wasn't mentioned on this bulletin :mad:

By the way if someone says why should RTE publicise a rival TV station I'd draw their attention to Premiership goals shown on RTE news bulletins. These always have Sky Sports in the corner of the screen.

28/01/2005, 4:24 PM
By the way if someone says why should RTE publicise a rival TV station I'd draw their attention to Premiership goals shown on RTE news bulletins. These always have Sky Sports in the corner of the screen.

...and what is there to rival them on anyway? Coverage of national football is minimal to say the least

28/01/2005, 4:26 PM
Saw that myself Paudie, unfecking believable. Click (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=215119&postcount=17)

A face
28/01/2005, 4:40 PM

And why are we paying the license fee when they cant even mention it on the news.

The Fran Rooney and the John Delaney thing was all over the news the minute it broke so i dont know how they didn't manage to see this.

I dont really care about the sponsor .... thats their own problem, there are national league clubs part-taking in this competition and that is enough reason to cover it.
This could be monumental move in Irish footie and they haven't covered it. They are inept .... simple as !!

28/01/2005, 4:42 PM
Obviously Setanta had their cameras there but in fairness to TV3 they had 2 cameras there aswell and did loads of interviews and stuff after.
The only RTE representative was John Kenny from 2fm sport. Not even one RTE camera there! They are a joke.

28/01/2005, 5:09 PM
Is,nt Tony o'Donoghue a Cork City supporter? :confused:

29/01/2005, 10:52 AM
Is,nt Tony o'Donoghue a Cork City supporter? :confused:
Nearly all sports pundits, bar the GAA proto-fascists, will adopt a pet LoI club to bolster their credibility portfolio and garner favour with their lesser-mortal mates in the pub.
Tom purple-passage Humphries is allegedly a Bohs fan, but his profile around Dalyer is, well, non-existent.

harry crumb
29/01/2005, 6:28 PM
Ive seen Tony at many City matches. Ive seen him at Tolka and Belfield in the past year.

A face
29/01/2005, 8:31 PM
To be honest .... i dont think it is down to Tony.

It is fúck crazy they didn't show this, it is a one minute clip, teams drawn and groups displayed for 10-20 seconds .... unbelieveable they didn't show it.

This is where the league itself falls down, or at least should get wise to what is happening. There should be a team employed by the league to go to various events and take footage professionally and send it to RTE, TV3, UTV etc. there would be no reason why this couldn't happen and clubs should move towards developing regional media groups for game footage i.e. Dublin clubs should get two camera teams (probability of two games in Dublin every week end) and Cork, Limerick, Cobh and Waterford should have two teams.
This would ensure there is footage for all games.

Maybe this isn't practical but the league has to make moves on this.

And RTE should be lobbied over this ...... fans should group together and coordinate what should be done. Every politicians clinic should have fans pouring through the door until something is done, a mandate should be made out by the fans at the very least to have something done on their behalf.
The BCI (http://www.bci.ie/) could help out (and would be willing to aswell i'd bet) and the European Ombudsman (http://www.euro-ombudsman.eu.int/home/en/default.htm) should be consulted. We should contact the European Consumers Affairs (http://europa.eu.int/comm/consumers/index_en.htm) group, there must be some sort of recommended charter for broadcasting when they are taking a license fee off us.

And dont talk to me about the public charter that they hid from everyone for the "three months" that the public subscribed to it, how fúckin' dare they. If that is how the conduct a public charter (they are a broadcasting company, not one advert to highlight to the public it was available) they should step down.

It would be hard to get this going .... but anyone that has free time should help out research one particular element of it and share the info. There are loads of ye surfin' the net and even one hour over the week would help.

Sitting back and hoping is doing nothing for us ...... i swear to god, my blood boiled today when they covered basketball national cup today ....... nearly four hours for it with max 2000 people at it (i am going way over here, there was probably 500 there) and that was serveal clubs, the sponsors didn't seem to be any great shakes and could we even guess the viewing figures !!!

It might go some way to getting us a medal in the olympics (not a fúcking prayer more like, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine mop it up) but it is no where near enough. F1 and British football are unfairly being showed over Irish National license-fee payer participated sports !!!

We are being robbed ...... and running after them to give them what they missed out on. Unreal ..... and we all tolerate it. :eek: :mad:

29/01/2005, 10:14 PM
Your points about RTE sport and the fact that certain RTE reporters adopt EL teams are all valid.

Dave Fanning is a season ticket holder at Belfield. Jimmy Magee is also a frequent attender at U.C.D. games.
Una O'Hagan and her husband Colm Keane are Bray Wanderers fans.
As are Michael Ó hÚanacháin and Des Cahill.
In fact so is Brian De Salvo. Nice to see el fans taking over the station!

The problem lies at the top with the Sports Editor in charge of TV.
I am not sure who the successor to Cogley is but their attitude towards domestic soccer needs to change or else we are sean bhean bhocht( rhyming slang lads work with me here) as regards getting improved coverage.
RTE Radio usually does cover EL matters well but the TV coverage has spawned the nickname for the National Broadcaster of RTEngland, often quoted on this site.

29/01/2005, 10:23 PM
had a look through the bci website and correct me if im wrong here but i didnt study it depth enough but i think unleess one of the media outlets e.g rte1, tv3 , todayfm, actualy broadcast offensive material that brings complaints from the public to the bci they really cant interefere with a stations broadcasting.

i.m.o a working pressure group to lobby t.d.'s is the way forward.
but lots of effort and hard work involved who here would have the organisation know how and the time to organise something like this ;)

A face
29/01/2005, 10:30 PM
The problem lies at the top with the Sports Editor in charge of TV.

Is the Sports Editor abusing his/her position ??

Is the Sports Editor squandering the license fee money ??

Is the Sports Editor deceiving license fee payers by claiming to be a National Broadcaster but clearly giving preference to other foreign sports with in certain codes ??

Yes, yes ... and yes !!

How in gods name are they getting away with it for so long, the fans/clubs/league/footballing community have to get their mandate in order for it to change .... it is not happening no matter what was done up until now, people involved in the sport in the country now need to try something else, and that is open their mouths !!

A face
29/01/2005, 10:36 PM
had a look through the bci website and correct me if im wrong here but i didnt study it depth enough but i think unless one of the media outlets e.g rte1, tv3 , todayfm, actualy broadcast offensive material that brings complaints from the public to the bci they really cant interefere with a stations broadcasting.

Yeah ... that is one of their functions, actually ...... RTE ....... wait for it ......are Self Regulating !!! ..... so the BCI cannot effect change directly, they cant even comment on it


They ARE aware of what can be done and what is not being done, i have spoken to one or two of them before at length on the phone. While it was only a cross section of the staff there, the people i spoke to share the same opinion that we do.

30/01/2005, 11:11 AM
This is a good thread. Eircom league fans need to keep the pressure up I am a regular supporter of Hammarby in Stockholm but since the win over Malmö I have work mates and Hammarby fans asking me all the time about the prospects for Rovers :p and about what kind of side City are. Hammarbys ultras have a link up with the rover ultras :rolleyes: , but the main point is there is growing interest in the league abroad. Shelbourne and City's results were noticed around Europe and scandinavian canal+ has been displaying the match results and table positions for the Eircom League during the autumn season. Don't give up lads. If RTE don'ät do their job *uck them! They are a shower of GAA geansai addicts and west brit *ankers. This site is a great service and Mr. Beecher deserves great credit for it. See ye at the Cross in the summer! City Forever!

31/01/2005, 9:29 AM
Obviously Setanta had their cameras there but in fairness to TV3 they had 2 cameras there aswell and did loads of interviews and stuff after.
The only RTE representative was John Kenny from 2fm sport. Not even one RTE camera there! They are a joke.

I was wondering what coverage TV3 had given it. The bould Trevor wangled a trip to Newgrange out of his bosses. Good for him!!