View Full Version : Anti Irish Racism watching Manyoo v Chelski

27/01/2005, 9:27 PM
I witnessed some unfortunate anti Irish racism last night. I was in a bar watching the Manchester United v Chelsea game on Sky. The bar had fans supporting both teams. A rather large local man in a black Manchester United top was rather involved in the game and clearly didn't like some of the Chelsea players however he did get particularly animated at one stage when Damien Duff was on the screen and stood up with 2 fingers towards the screen and screamed "f%^king Irish C$%T" Nobody challenged him and even though the event was witnessed by at least one member of the bar staff he appeared unwilling or too stunned to do anything about the matter. Obviously they had no way of knowing that I was Irish and may have been offended by the remark.

No doubt the gentleman will claim he is not really anti Irish and may well have Irish friends and he was just caught up in the heat of the moment in his devotion to Manchester United. I thought it best not to divulge that the person beside him actually was Irish and a long time admirer of Damien Duff.

The location of the bar you may well ask..............................

Middle Bar, Bohemian Football Club, Dalymount Park, Dublin 7.

The above is 100% true. You just couldn't make it up. At least 10 people heard the remark and a few smiles. Had I been in London or Manchester it would have been an intimidating incident. In Dublin it was really funny but also really really sad.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

27/01/2005, 9:47 PM
So the "Britification" of Dublin continues then :rolleyes:

27/01/2005, 10:38 PM
You'd be surprised at how much that happens in Dublin obviously when its the big matches in the premiership. And it has often happened with ManUre funny enough. Or not funny as many of us take it.

28/01/2005, 12:52 AM
Was this bloke Irish?

28/01/2005, 11:23 AM
Middle Bar, Bohemian Football Club, Dalymount Park, Dublin 7.

What did you expect in the last bastion of British rule left in Dublin? That's just the Bohs lads venting their traditional anti-Irish/anti-Catholic spleen. Nothing new there. :D


28/01/2005, 11:57 AM
Can't believe that a thing like this should happen in our own country.
Was there any tinge of irony in this guys voice?
Or was it pure Manc hatred ?

28/01/2005, 12:41 PM
Get real lads, if that guy did that in most pubs in Dublin he would either be (a) chucked out by the bar staff, if he was lucky (b) or set upon by the locals

28/01/2005, 1:17 PM
Guy was definitely Irish.

It was funny and sad but hardly a case for throwing the guy out. He was quiet for a while afterwards and probably feeling really embarrassed.

Lots of Supporters Clubs of English clubs use the bar in Dalyer so no indication he was a Bohs fan.

Far more watching ther game in the bar than our political masters on the pitch.

28/01/2005, 2:00 PM
Obviously,mentally ill then.The MU top probably confirms this.......
Yeah, it'd be a bit like someone ranting and raving about the tans the whole time and choosing to live in England....

28/01/2005, 2:52 PM
Yeah,but the immigrants here :rolleyes: are to re-educate the more ignorant natives! ;) Inc.the mentally ill ManUre constituency.......
Just wondering why calling someone an Irish b@stard is racist and calling someone a tan b@stard isn't. Whats the difference between the term "tan" for a Brit or the term "Mick" for someone Irish? Gotta be some consistency.....

28/01/2005, 3:06 PM
Yeah, it'd be a bit like someone ranting and raving about the tans the whole time and choosing to live in England....More like ranting and raving etc. and then calling yourself English. Er, wait a minute, there are people like this in Ireland. In fact they set up their own statelet.

Just wondering why calling someone an Irish b@stard is racist and calling someone a tan b@stard isn't. Whats the difference between the term "tan" for a Brit or the term "Mick" for someone Irish? Gotta be some consistency.....For your sensitivities, there's absolutely none. And as someone who's been on the receiving end of 'Irish b@stard' from a Jock (th@t's @lso r@cist) teacher when I was thirteen, I couldn't give a f@ck wh@t you f@cking think. In f@ct, especi@lly for you: I'm r@cist and proud. :p

28/01/2005, 5:37 PM
Am I racist?!In the words of Ranier Wolfcastle: 'Come vit me. Vee hav so much to discuuuuss.' :D

28/01/2005, 6:38 PM
What did you expect in the last bastion of British rule left in Dublin? That's just the Bohs lads venting their traditional anti-Irish/anti-Catholic spleen. Nothing new there. :D


I'd rather watch the game in the bar at Dalymount rather than in the front room of a nice house on the Milltown Road...

When's that pint gonna be ready?

In about 3 - 4 weeks sir...

Closed Account 2
28/01/2005, 7:20 PM
Not a huge suprise that Man Utd fans were racially abusing opposition players. Their fans were dishing out abuse at Duff in particular during the 1st leg whenever he took a corner.

28/01/2005, 8:46 PM

Is there any way that plonker could be stripped of his citizenship and deported to England where he belongs? :confused:

28/01/2005, 10:06 PM
It'd be a lovely little country if we could only get rid of the Man Utd-shirt wearing brigade and the Celtic skangers . . oh . . . and while I'm at it . . . the D4 contingent. I don't mind anyone else. Am I racist?!

Not at all, I'm all for all of those things :D

Duncan Gardner
29/01/2005, 12:32 PM
Macy: fer Christ's sake don't encourage the pair of them :mad:

Has she resigned yet?

29/01/2005, 6:55 PM
Whats the difference between the term "tan" for a Brit or the term "Mick" for someone Irish?

Difference in the power relationship, Macy - we never invaded England (McAlpines Fusiliers don't count).

29/01/2005, 8:21 PM
Yeah, it'd be a bit like someone ranting and raving about the tans the whole time and choosing to live in England....

Don't know why your getting so upset about the T word, seeing that any of them tans from South of junction 20 on the M6 or either end of the M62 you can't seem to stand, so whats with your problem.

Seeing that they very much like to refer to people from other nations as Paddys, Micks, spicks, wops, Frogs, bubbles, taffs (also sheep sh**ers), Jocks, Sweatys, Krauts, chinks its only to right that they should have a term of endearment :rolleyes: about themselves.

29/01/2005, 8:27 PM
It'd be a lovely little country if we could only get rid of the Man Utd-shirt wearing brigade and the Celtic skangers . . oh . . . and while I'm at it . . . the D4 contingent. I don't mind anyone else. Am I racist?!

I agree with the first 2 parts of your wishlist. However, I dont see the relevance of the third part. You can hardly blame people from Dublin 4 for your inferiority complex. Its not my fault you were born too far south to be considered to be from South County Dublin.

29/01/2005, 10:07 PM
Jamaican P.M.
People from D4 or at least the wealthy parts of it are snobby. Snobbery as a concept was imported lock stock and barrel from our Anglo Saxon oppressors.
Therefore D4 snobs are West Brits

29/01/2005, 10:31 PM
Jamaican P.M.
People from D4 or at least the wealthy parts of it are snobby. Snobbery as a concept was imported lock stock and barrel from our Anglo Saxon oppressors.
Therefore D4 snobs are West Brits

I live in Blackrock and Im not a snob. Im not a West Brit either. Its wrong to stereo-type people. Some of the greatest Irish people came from Dublin 4. Its quite ironic that you came to D4 to get an education, you support a D4-based football team, yet you see fit to criticise the inhabitants.

30/01/2005, 1:10 PM
I live in Blackrock and Im not a snob. Im not a West Brit either. Its wrong to stereo-type people. Some of the greatest Irish people came from Dublin 4. Its quite ironic that you came to D4 to get an education, you support a D4-based football team, yet you see fit to criticise the inhabitants.

Blackrock is not in D4 , it is in County Dublin for the record. And I speak from experience. Yes I support a D4 based soccer club, but then there is no snobbery in soccer now is there?

P.S. Shelbourne and Shamrock ROvers both originated in Ringsend whose postal district is......D4

30/01/2005, 1:54 PM
Jamaican P.M.
People from D4 or at least the wealthy parts of it are snobby. Snobbery as a concept was imported lock stock and barrel from our Anglo Saxon oppressors.
Therefore D4 snobs are West BritsI don't think snobbery is the preserve of the British. There are numerous snobbish societies around the world that have had no British interference. Prob with D4 (which is not strictly limited to D4) is this obsession with Britain. Can't wait for Brenda (aka the German Lady) to visit Dublin. :rolleyes:

01/02/2005, 10:57 AM
That sir, ;) is the right answer!

Be careful Dav, we don't want to upset anybody. ;)

01/02/2005, 10:59 AM
So to fight racism you become a racist yourself. Nah, I dont think so.

01/02/2005, 11:12 AM
So to fight racism you become a racist yourself. Nah, I dont think so.

Who said anything about fighting racism and becoming one. If people over here are going to have smartass names for other nationalitys, then they can expect the same in return. :rolleyes:

A lot of people don't think Irish jokes are racist, so in that case neither is the word tan.

01/02/2005, 11:27 AM
Who said anything about fighting racism and becoming one. If people over here are going to have smartass names for other nationalitys, then they can expect the same in return. :rolleyes:

A lot of people don't think Irish jokes are racist, so in that case neither is the word tan.

What you are doing is calling tham all by a blanket term.

That is what racism is about - reducing a nation to a catch-all term. Ireland is made up of people of different views and outlooks just as England is or any other nation under the sun.

Btw A lot of people do think the word paddy is racist which does make the word Tan racist. Do unto others what...... blah, blah

Pat O' Banton
01/02/2005, 11:34 AM
I live in Blackrock and Im not a snob. Im not a West Brit either. Its wrong to stereo-type people.

Didn't you once call Celtic fans peasents, which surely puts you in both the above mentioned categories.

01/02/2005, 11:35 AM
A Man U fan that doesn't know anything about football NEVER !!!!!! ;)

01/02/2005, 4:11 PM
Yeah, it'd be a bit like someone ranting and raving about the tans the whole time and choosing to live in England....

:D Ode to a Louse ;) .

01/02/2005, 11:53 PM
What you are doing is calling tham all by a blanket term.

That is what racism is about - reducing a nation to a catch-all term. Ireland is made up of people of different views and outlooks just as England is or any other nation under the sun.

Btw A lot of people do think the word paddy is racist which does make the word Tan racist. Do unto others what...... blah, blah

Are we talking about blanket term's about ingurrlish people in the same way that Irish people had to put up with blanket terms of abuse through the media that often lead to abuse in the work place during the 70's and 80s ecspecially, of course we're not.

For a country that was happy to have smart @ss nickname's for people from other nations, they can't complain to have one about themselves now can they.

I take it you must have been typing letters to papers and getting upset when thick Paddy jokes and cartoons as well as other abuse through the voice of the media were being dished out to the Irish community here which in many ways done its best to demonise our community, or is it a case of not offending them back in return now that Ireland has fallen for cheap English papers pretending to be Irish and Sky TV.

As for the inguuurlish national team, most of us 2g's around here call them the tans, as well as that media you back home have fallen for. I guess in your book thats racism, well if calling the self appionted football master race the tans means your racist, then on that note i'm racist and am not one bit sorry about it. :p

02/02/2005, 9:10 AM
What you are doing is calling tham all by a blanket term.

That is what racism is about - reducing a nation to a catch-all term. Ireland is made up of people of different views and outlooks just as England is or any other nation under the sun.

Btw A lot of people do think the word paddy is racist which does make the word Tan racist. Do unto others what...... blah, blahFor someone who likes to insist that a country is made up of 'different views and outlooks' you sure seem to think that the words 'tans' - or my favourite, 'scum' - used in a footballing sense are blanketing all English, or to be precise, British people. Funny how both you, and most definitely Macy as he posted such a view last year, think that the Scum with the three hyenas on their chest is the only true definition of what being English (British) is all about. The holy cow that if you insult them, you insult a nation.

As for racism, who brought in racism into names like Paddy? Do you seriously think we'd be p*ssed at being called Paddy if it was not associated with the prefix 'Thick'? Where are the 'thick Tan' English jokes? And this sort of thing didn't start with a few boozy, northern 'comedians' (sic.) in the early seventies. It started as early as the 13C coming of age in the nineteenth century with the advent of social-Darwinism, a very interesting branch of 'science' unconnected to Charles himself, that argued that the Irish and Africans were simian, subhuman and the missing link in the evolutionary chain between human and ape.


Always on the look out for the education of our free-state friends who missed out on the 'emigration' bit of Irish history, take a look at this.


The leading authority on the history of the racialisation of the Irish by the British media is 'Nothing But The Same Old Story: The Roots of Anti-Irish Racism' by Liz Curtis who :eek: is English with no Irish roots. Hope you don't recognise yourself in any of the faces on the cover.


02/02/2005, 9:31 AM
We never invaded England (McAlpines Fusiliers don't count).

Many many years ago the Gael invaded Scotland, took over their country and imposed our language on them.

Sure they were only coming home during Ulster Plantation. Nothing like ethic Irish people leaving Britian and 400 years later claiming to be British eh:rolleyes:

02/02/2005, 9:46 AM
Many many years ago the Gael invaded Scotland, took over their country and imposed our language on them.

Sure they were only coming home during Ulster Plantation. Nothing like ethic Irish people leaving Britian and 400 years later claiming to be British eh:rolleyes:The notion of the validity of the 'Cruithin' has been largely quesitoned and is only brought up by certain loyalists to legitimise the partition of Ireland. In general unionists give as much a f*ck about that as they do of Cuchallain - something to wheel out and wave at nationalists when it suits them to which they immediately start to get confused when the same hero is honoured with GAA clubs calling themselves after him (add to the 'racist' red hand symbol). Scotland faced a more long lasting invasion by both Vikings and Anglo-Saxons so I can't see where the idea of ethnic Irish comes into it. The only thing that remains is the place's name - the Scots originally lived in Ireland while the Picts lived in what is now called Scotland - and a language in worse shape than Irish.

02/02/2005, 10:14 AM
Hope you don't recognise yourself in any of the faces on the cover.
http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/1901005003.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpgLooking at those photos only confirms Wayne Rooney must be Irish.

02/02/2005, 10:19 AM
Looking at those photos only confirms Wayne Rooney must be Irish.Dunno about whether he got his good looks from the Irish side of the family but he certainly looks the spitting image of Mr Irish Stereotype 1881. :D

02/02/2005, 12:35 PM
think that 1881 image/cartoon is the work of German American Thomas Nast, which wouldn't make it British,...could be wrong.

02/02/2005, 4:40 PM
think that 1881 image/cartoon is the work of German American Thomas Nast, which wouldn't make it British,...could be wrong.You know your racist Irish cartoons. ;) I'm not sure on whether this is Nast's work but he did do a few unflattering cartoons of the Irish. The one I've seen is 'The Ignorant Vote' from the cover of a Harpers Weekly of 1876. It pictures a big lipped 'Sam' ' from the South with a Wayne Rooney on from the north on a huge scale. There are others from the US that I've seen with the same depictions of 'Paddy'.

03/02/2005, 12:04 AM
Many many years ago the Gael invaded Scotland, took over their country and imposed our language on them.

Sure they were only coming home during Ulster Plantation. Nothing like ethic Irish people leaving Britian and 400 years later claiming to be British eh:rolleyes:
is that the FFthe republican-ish party party line on the matter? ;) :D

03/02/2005, 11:02 AM
Sounds like :rolleyes: Revisionist 'Planter' BS! :eek:

Era it isnt really, well not the first part. Scots Gaelic is meerly a diaclect of Irish. Now how did those lovely chaps end up speaking that language?

The second part, that was only in jest but hey seems only Éanna picked up on that