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27/01/2005, 9:28 AM
There is some funny story in todays Sun newspaper linking Pat Dolan to Limerick..i had to check the top of the page to see was it April 1st..i was delighted to see that someone with a bit of ambition took over at Limerick and hope they do well but Dolan to Limerick sounds far fetched..or does it?.. :confused:

27/01/2005, 9:46 AM

27/01/2005, 9:53 AM
wish wish wish.......
now there are my three wished used up crap. :D :D

No your right it does sound a little far feched.

27/01/2005, 11:12 AM

on aertel now. If theres money in Limerick he'd be tempted - do they have new financial backers? The relationship between lennox and dolan is strained in the media outbursts - and dolans friends wallace has had no success in his bid to buy pats

maybe limerick is a goer?

27/01/2005, 11:19 AM
do they have new financial backers?

Yeah, new club owner Danny Drew is financing the clubs "revival."

27/01/2005, 11:22 AM
any relation to Ronnie

The Treaty Army Ball

has a nice ring to it eh?

27/01/2005, 11:35 AM
Has dolan signed a contract extention yet??????????? :cool:

27/01/2005, 12:06 PM
While i wouldn't dismiss anything in the future why would a Premier Division Manager who in Europe this season join one of worst 1st division teams? Limerick have potential but light years behind City.

27/01/2005, 12:14 PM
limerick have signed noel o connor as manager ,as noel was with cork as assistant to pat dolan, maybe thats where people are getting mixed up.

willie john
27/01/2005, 12:51 PM
is it pie in the sky ?ask your chairman! if you read the sun properly he dose not even know what dolan is doing because they dont speak.

27/01/2005, 12:55 PM
more of it (http://www.eleven-a-side.com/premier/irish_soccer_detail.asp?newsid=15733)

27/01/2005, 12:58 PM
that article is teh single ghreatest piece of rehashery of other info yet nothing related to the title ive ever read

priceless re-writing - i couldnt do any better myself!

jobs in the evening herald unsolved murder investigations desks await for the writer of that dooozy!

27/01/2005, 1:09 PM
If he's going will he ever go now and leave us to get on with our march to World domination.

Rico for City!

27/01/2005, 1:54 PM
Rico for City!

still clutching the dolan out banner, waiting for the first defeat of the season? :p

27/01/2005, 1:58 PM
still clutching the dolan out banner, waiting for the first defeat of the season? :p

:D :D Love it, and Gunther for spokesperson ....

27/01/2005, 2:16 PM
still clutching the dolan out banner

Never actually got it.
The St. Pat's fans wanted €3 for it plus P&P.
Didn't think it was worth spending money on Dolan.

Bobby Robson is still looking for work as far as I know. ;)

27/01/2005, 3:09 PM
Bobby Robson is still looking for work as far as I know. ;)
Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase City til i die.

27/01/2005, 5:04 PM
Has to be Horse ****, doesnt it? :confused:

27/01/2005, 6:41 PM
sounds like bull to me. but if Dolan is intent on running off to the media about every little thing, and taking all the limelight, lennox is dead right to stand his ground- if that means Dolan goin, so be it.

Kerry Blue
27/01/2005, 9:04 PM
sounds like bull to me. but if Dolan is intent on running off to the media about every little thing, and taking all the limelight, lennox is dead right to stand his ground- if that means Dolan goin, so be it.

From what the article said it seems the rumours are soming from Limerick, not Cork. Maybe someone is having regrets signing NOC. ;) Anyway if Dolan did leave, Cork could always get Mike Kerley. :) I believe he's still looking for a job.

27/01/2005, 9:12 PM
I was surprised too when I heard this first because I couldn't envisage what role Dolan would have to play in Limerick FC especially when Noel is the manager. But recently the way the new management have been operating up here in Limerick I can conclude only two points, one that this is a PR stunt to promote the club, they have been getting a lot of coverage in the tabloids and aertel which is great for promoting us and the second point is that quite simply there is no smoke without fire. I actually think that we have approached Dolan to become involved in some capacity. I heard some rumblings about it today and would be inclined to go with the latter point.

27/01/2005, 10:40 PM
With all due respect Nempton why someone like Pat Dolan would take a job with Limerick is beyond me...Limerick are YEARS behind the likes of Shels,City and Bohs and are currently in the 1st division..if Dolan did decide to jump ship and head to Limerick he must be a very money orientated man..because no matter how much money anyone puts into Limerick, Cork City still have a lot more potential..

On the Dolan situation..there seems to be a lot of talk around lately about his contract and also him not getting on to well with Lennox..so something has to be done..he should either sign his contract or else make some sort of comment regarding why he isnt signing it at present to stop these silly rumours of him leaving..i mean in all fairness Limerick..Dolan says he loves City and its brilliant fans..well time for him to stop beating around the bush and let us know whats going on..i have always said i am a big at Dolan fan but i am behind Brian Lennox's way of running Cork City FC..if Dolan was ever to leave Lennox would look after the club very well as he has done since he rescued our club...

28/01/2005, 11:42 AM
Nothing to do with this particular thread lads, but everytime I see the Lennox name I wonder about Dave Wiggington who played with Hibs in the Carl Davenport era. I believe he married a daughter of Jackie Lennox. He was a flamboyant striker and a great crowd favourite. Is he still around? :ball:

28/01/2005, 1:02 PM
Sadly, Wiggie died, at a very yong age, some years ago.

28/01/2005, 2:44 PM
Like I said earlier RedX I can't imagine what role Dolan would take with Limerick FC but one rumour up here is that Dolan is actually tied in with the new investors, that Limerick due to the condition that it was in proved to be a cheap investment with massive potential and Dolan took a piece of the action so to speak, of course this is all speculation. But while now we may be behind the likes of Shels and Bohs, we have immediately begun to make inroads into such clubs. In the space of a few months we have already bought our own ground and are busily bringing it up to scratch as well as put in place the proper structures to help the club grow and prosper. To be honest if our investors continue the way they have been then I feel I can be as big-headed as you and claim that Limerick FC actually have bigger potential than Cork City, but of course its just a matter of different opinions really, isn't it.

Kerry Blue
28/01/2005, 3:56 PM
Well said Nempton! :D

Is there any truth in the story that Cork City have cancelled a pre-season training camp in Limerick? Are they afraid that Dolan won't make it back down the N20? :D

28/01/2005, 4:13 PM
He might not make it back down the N20, but i doubt it will be for footballing reasons!Cant see how Limerick can have more potential either,The focus seems to be on junior soccer in the city,yeve no infrastructure,at the moment anyway,and the population is only about half that of Cork.

28/01/2005, 10:10 PM
i'm telling ya if you are who i think you are and you start your dolan out stuff again in the shed this year i wont be responsible for my actions!
are you illiterate, or did you just choose to misread my post?

if Dolan is intent on running off to the media I said IF he is intent on doing it. I didn't say he was doing it, I said IF he did- you got that? I agree, limerick probably did this for publicity, and it probably has nothing to do with dolan at all.

i'm telling ya if you are who i think you are

you start your dolan out stuff again in the shed this year i wont be responsible for my actions!
:confused: I have never started ANY "Dolan out stuff". Ever. Quite the opposite- I was actually threatened by another city fan last year............... for defending Dolan! Any of the limerick fans on here can tell you about it. I guess I'm gonna have to spell this out for you too- I don't want dolan to leave. I think he's done a great job, and is the right manager for Cork City FC right now. that clear enough for you.

28/01/2005, 10:10 PM
Yes at the moment the focus is on junior soccer and justly so in their case. We will have to compete with them to grab the attention of the public and to reaffirm our position as the top dog in Limerick because we are the one's who play at the highest level possible i.e. senior soccer. But because junior soccer is so strong is actually a good thing for us especially in the long term. The standard of play should be higher compared to other junior leagues and theoretically should lead to better players coming through and eventually graduating from their junior team to playing for Limerick FC.

In regards to infrastructure, while we are behind the likes of Cork we are going to catch up both on and off the field. In relation to other teams we will be nearly on par with them by the start of the new season which is quite an accomplishment in such a short time. But to say that because our population is smaller than Corks doesn't necessarily mean that in the future that we won't get the same crowds as you plus a lot of our fans like myself are actually from County Limerick which is another area for us to target new fans.

28/01/2005, 11:44 PM
Like Nempton says it's all a matter of opinion isn’t it. For all the talk of Limerick being light years behind the likes of Cork, Limerick own their own ground at present. Pat Dolan has done a great job at Cork, turning them into real title contenders and he has unfairly shipped a load of abuse. There are rumors of George O'Callaghan being swapped for Dominic Foley at Bohs. While these may only be rumors it suggests that differences from last season still haven’t been fully resolved. As for Cork having far more potential that Limerick, well I presume that's down to the bigger crowds that are attracted to Turners Cross every Friday night. Cork should have the most successful record in the country given the catchment area of the club. Granted they have the highest average attendance but this is to be expected from the second largest city in the country, with only one club to attract fans. And for all the light years that they are ahead of Limerick they don’t have a lot of trophies to show for it. In fact compared to the likes of Longford it is pitiful. Even poor old stone-age Limerick FC has had a trophy in the cabinet more recently than modern space-age Cork.

29/01/2005, 12:40 AM
Like I said earlier RedX I can't imagine what role Dolan would take with Limerick FC but one rumour up here is that Dolan is actually tied in with the new investors, that Limerick due to the condition that it was in proved to be a cheap investment with massive potential and Dolan took a piece of the action so to speak, of course this is all speculation. But while now we may be behind the likes of Shels and Bohs, we have immediately begun to make inroads into such clubs. In the space of a few months we have already bought our own ground and are busily bringing it up to scratch as well as put in place the proper structures to help the club grow and prosper. To be honest if our investors continue the way they have been then I feel I can be as big-headed as you and claim that Limerick FC actually have bigger potential than Cork City, but of course its just a matter of different opinions really, isn't it.

Nempton..you have a lot to learn about the Premier League..i am not going to argue with a supporter of a club that finished last in the 1st division last season..if Pat Dolan for some funny reason was to take a job with Limerick all the best to him... ;)

29/01/2005, 10:17 AM
More in today's Star about it! :confused:

29/01/2005, 5:02 PM
Well said Nempton! :D

Is there any truth in the story that Cork City have cancelled a pre-season training camp in Limerick? Are they afraid that Dolan won't make it back down the N20? :D

i think the reason city have cancelled their training stint at UL is because they have many many unpaid bills there. Head of fitness at City and head of the UL sports department Dave Mahedy has cut all ties between himself and city and now Limerick have exclusive use of the UL facilities. Pat Dolan is the public face of city and city have used it to their advantage over the last few years id say he was quite ****sed when a person he appointed, Mahedy...had to go and ask for monies owed on behalf of UL. So O'Connor is with Limerick and Mahedy seems to be in some sort of fashion what chances Dolan.
Oh by the way, cork lads! Limerick are unbeaten by Cork city since 1994, i know you've only had a few chances to change that due to us being in seperate leagues but ye haven't taken it so occasionally we do like to break into "warp speed" to beat our munster cousins home or away :ball: nil :ball: :ball: nil

29/01/2005, 5:27 PM
With all due respect I hope he stays where he is.

I think it suits both our new operators and Dolan to leak this story to the press. I doubt that there's anything in it though. We've been promised Willie Boland :rolleyes: and Pat Purcell already after all...

29/01/2005, 5:41 PM
Dave Mahedy has cut all ties between himself and city

Do City have any coaching staff left now?

The season is 7 weeks away, and seemingly have no one left :(

29/01/2005, 6:19 PM
Isn't the internet great?
ANYBODY can come on, post what ever they like, make it sound like they know something, provide no evidence whatsoever, and then, all of a sudden, we have a "Story", without any basis whatsoever, other than an anonymous post.:rolleyes:
Then we get the usual "there is no smoke without fire" posts, a few "I'm worried" posts, a few "Get <insert name of person who you have an agenda against> out, he/she is ruining/detroying/holding back our club" posts and on and on it goes.
The best way to get this merry-go-round going is to post on a Cork City forum, because City fans have to have a CONSPIRACY THEORY behind every single thing that happens at the club.

"Flynnie throws his boots on the ground when he leaves the field of play"
City fans translation? =
"Flynnie is unhappy with Dolan, he is not getting on with anybody, he wants to leave"

"Assistant manager goes back to his hometown club, to be a manager again with a club that now has a seemingly secure financial future and good backing"
City fans translation? =
"Brian Lennox is ruining the club, he is hounding all the coaching staff out"

You have to give the new Limerick backers credit for one thng. They must have the best PR person in the country, because they can get so much national publicity out of a story they planted in the press themselves....:rolleyes:

29/01/2005, 6:54 PM
Isn't the internet great?
ANYBODY can come on, post what ever they like, make it sound like they know something, provide no evidence whatsoever, and then, all of a sudden, we have a "Story", without any basis whatsoever, other than an anonymous post.:rolleyes:
Then we get the usual "there is no smoke without fire" posts, a few "I'm worried" posts, a few "Get <insert name of person who you have an agenda against> out, he/she is ruining/detroying/holding back our club" posts and on and on it goes.
The best way to get this merry-go-round going is to post on a Cork City forum, because City fans have to have a CONSPIRACY THEORY behind every single thing that happens at the club.

"Flynnie throws his boots on the ground when he leaves the field of play"
City fans translation? =
"Flynnie is unhappy with Dolan, he is not getting on with anybody, he wants to leave"

"Assistant manager goes back to his hometown club, to be a manager again with a club that now has a seemingly secure financial future and good backing"
City fans translation? =
"Brian Lennox is ruining the club, he is hounding all the coaching staff out"

You have to give the new Limerick backers credit for one thng. They must have the best PR person in the country, because they can get so much national publicity out of a story they planted in the press themselves....:rolleyes:

Sense at last....well said...i heard that the new board hired Max Clifford when they took over .. :D

29/01/2005, 10:02 PM
Colin T O'Brien is an FAI Regional Development Officer so he can probably help out with organising pre-season on a temporary basis but ye do need some permanent coaching arrangements at this stage for the season.

29/01/2005, 11:06 PM
Just a few observations........

If Corks 'infrastructure' is so great, why have they been travelling to Limerick to train all this while? Why don't they own their own ground? Why can they only attract an average of 5000 fans, considering they are Irelands second largest city, with only one team? Where are all the trophies? Surely if Cork are 'light years ahead', all of the above shouldn't be issues?

What I would say is, Cork are well ahead of Limerick as of now. A division ahead, challenging for the title and playing European football. The club is run very well, and has a good core support. In 5 years time I expect Limerick to be in this very position. However, Limerick will own their own ground. And as far as infrastructure goes, in case you Cork boys haven't noticed, Limerick is home to the biggest, in fact, only training centre in Ireland, in UL. Limerick now have sole use of these facilities. What have Cork got in comparison?

All I'm saying is, don't be saying you are 'light years ahead' when you are not. You're ahead as of now, but we'll catch up lads, don't worry about that.

Regarding rumours of Dolan\Pat Purcell\Willie Boland - it's called PR. Maybe the new board have ambitions of bringing high profile players\staff into the club, nothing wrong with that. You have to crawl before you can walk though, and very few high profile people are going to come on board straight away, especially to a club that has just finished bottom of Division 1 and has a very disorganised past. But like the Grolsch ad, if we take our time....... ;)

30/01/2005, 10:58 AM
And as far as infrastructure goes, in case you Cork boys haven't noticed, Limerick is home to the biggest, in fact, only training centre in Ireland, in UL. Limerick now have sole use of these facilities. What have Cork got in comparison?

Be careful what you gloat about....:rolleyes:

The facilities you speak of are paid for by EVERYBODY in Ireland. It's not like anyone in Limerick got off their ass and set up and paid for the whole thing. It was a government decision to site the facilities there originally, when it was the college of Higher Education or some name like that.
I'm glad that things are changing for Limerick football club, but a little less crowing about it would serve you all better.
All you have a the moment are plans. You might take notice of the fact that thats exactly what Shamrock Rovers have too, plans.

30/01/2005, 1:35 PM
I'm glad that things are changing for Limerick football club, but a little less crowing about it would serve you all better.

I was just replying to those who were crowing about how Cork are light years ahead, and have better infrastructures. I dispute this. Not crowing about anything, just pointing out how some Cork fans are getting ahead of themselves.

A face
30/01/2005, 2:02 PM
some Cork fans are getting ahead of themselves.

Well we wouldn't be Cork fans if we didn't .... thats one of the great things about being from Cork !!! :D :p

30/01/2005, 4:48 PM
Ironic to hear Cork fans complaining that other people are 'allegedly' crowing about how great they are.