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25/01/2005, 11:03 AM
What player(s) in the eircom league do you hate the sight of, for whatever reason? Dont pick a player on your own team please, cos for Sligo Rovers fans Gareth Gorman would be coming up the whole time :D

I hate Kevin Mc Hugh(Finn Harps), Robert Forde(former Galway United) and Niall Bonner(Finn Harps) and their's proberly more but cant think of them ;)

btw, you can vote for mst hated player in England here: http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/forplay/hated.html

25/01/2005, 11:24 AM
That Baker f_-k with Bogford with a passion

25/01/2005, 11:34 AM
That Baker f_-k with Bogford with a passion


And add in Trevor Molloy and Jason Byrne

25/01/2005, 11:36 AM
Alan Reynolds - waterford utd. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

25/01/2005, 11:41 AM
That Baker scumbag.

Not happy with knocking drogs out of the Cup last season, he ran over to the home support after the game and started jeering them - scumbag.

At leasttyhe longford keeper was a gentleman and showed the Baker scumbag what real sportsmanship is all about.

Dessie baker Utd Park has not forgotton.

25/01/2005, 11:46 AM
Niall Bonner(Finn Harps)

He doesn't play with Harps anymore. Left mid-season and is playing with Omagh Town

Incidentally Sligoman, i choose Gareth Gorman too. Hate the c*** with a passion!

Tarzan O Brien comes a close second

25/01/2005, 12:06 PM
Alan Reynolds - waterford utd. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
While I would totally agree with that sentiment.
Dan Connor has to be top of the list.

25/01/2005, 2:23 PM
Amazingly unheralded, the one, the only Trevor Molloy.

Honourable mentions to James Keddy for being a collosal waste of space, and a man who single-handedly could turn games against Bohs all season.

25/01/2005, 2:30 PM
T. Molloy will surely top this poll....:D

joey B
25/01/2005, 2:35 PM
Mark Herrick for trying to single handidly disable the whole Harps team 2 years ago in the play offs :mad: W****R :mad:

25/01/2005, 2:44 PM
robbie doyle?

25/01/2005, 2:58 PM
He doesn't play with Harps anymore. Left mid-season and is playing with Omagh Town

Incidentally Sligoman, i choose Gareth Gorman too. Hate the c*** with a passion!

Tarzan O Brien comes a close second

Why Tarzan ? i thought he would be a pretty well liked figure in the eL

25/01/2005, 3:03 PM
eddie gormley

25/01/2005, 3:05 PM
Tony Grant because he broke the Golden Rule of Rovers: never join the filth. Mark O'Brien beware.

Ironically, had you asked any Rovers fan three or four years ago who their most hated player was, each and every Hoop would have answered Trevor Molloy. Funny how things change.

25/01/2005, 3:27 PM
Probably Dan Connor, not fond of John Frost either

25/01/2005, 3:41 PM
Both Baker brothers would have to be on my list, as would Glen Crowe for many reasons! Keith Fahy off Pats is another i wouldnt be fond of, but topping the poll would be Fenn or O' Callaghan from Citeeeeee, i detest both equally!

Honourable mentions to Gartland (Drogheda) & Ferguson (Longford) lest i forget my distaste for that pair also! :)


25/01/2005, 3:46 PM
I hated Jumbo Brennan

25/01/2005, 3:49 PM
Dan Connor gets my vote is this one,pure scum. :mad:

25/01/2005, 3:53 PM
Why Tarzan ? i thought he would be a pretty well liked figure in the eL

Cup final 1999 - need I say more :(

25/01/2005, 4:21 PM
Tony O'Dowd, no doubt about it.

25/01/2005, 4:26 PM
its alan gough for me, for attacking a six year old child for not giving the ball back fast enough, total scum.

25/01/2005, 5:02 PM
Owen Heary for being an overrated hatchet man.

A late entry for Dave Rodgers for his repeated attempt at being a hard man with his "I'm watching you" stare and point routine at the Derry fans who were engaged in some playful Harry Enfield-esque "calm down" shouts....

25/01/2005, 5:14 PM
Barry Ferguson! I hate him so much !

25/01/2005, 7:33 PM
for attacking a six year old child for not giving the ball back fast enough, total scum.

Thats why I picked Robert Forde too, *****

25/01/2005, 8:04 PM
Has to be without doubt "Boy George" O' Callaghan with CCFC.What an absolute tosser!!!

, not fond of John Frost either
Why's that????Has to be the 1st supporter of any team,that has taken a dislike to Frosty

1 9 2 8
25/01/2005, 9:06 PM
Robert Forde the scumbag

25/01/2005, 9:14 PM
Have to say Im not a fan of Heary, but would love if he played for City.

Reynolds and Connor are obvious choices here, as is Molloy.

Irrationally, I really took an instant dislike to Tony Bird.

25/01/2005, 9:27 PM
shane robinson,alan reynolds(the b*astard) and robbie doyle :mad:

25/01/2005, 9:45 PM
Dan Connor,scumbag,even do hes not an outfield player he always finds a way tao stamp on or hit a player.
Stephen Grant for being a model
Tony Bird for thinking it is necessary to strip and flex his muscles when he scores.Oh and his grey hair.
Damian Lynch,had alot of respect for him until he spat at one of our officials last season.
Alan Murphy,thought he was great with galway,then he got fat moved to derry and grew his hair like a girl.
Alan Reynolds,scum,too many examples to list.
Trevor Molloy,see above.
John Lester,for being soo fat

25/01/2005, 10:15 PM
Dan Connor, Trevor Molloy, Robbie Doyle, The Bakers, Eddie Gormless- I detest the lot of them.

Then there's the guys that you love screaming abuse at, but you respect for their quality- Ratnolds, Osam, Heary etc

25/01/2005, 11:20 PM
Why's that????Has to be the 1st supporter of any team,that has taken a dislike to Frosty

Ah it's no pathological hatred it's just that one time ye won in Flancare, think it was last season he was making V signs as in I presume 'victory' or 'two nil' to our side of the ground and was cupping his hands to his ears, generally being annoying, just struck me as one of those players that if he's with you he's a great lad but playing for the opposition he puts in for abuse..I'd imagine we have them too..Connor was a narky, dirty fecker for ye though

25/01/2005, 11:28 PM
Barry Ferguson, Alan Reynolds, Robbie Doyle and did I mention Barry Ferguson?

26/01/2005, 3:15 AM
1. dan connor---antics in the cross and r.s.c.
2. ratnolds------no explanation needed
3. jason byrne---little incident outside the horseshoe

26/01/2005, 11:07 AM
robbie doyle?

A gentlman :D

Lim till i die
26/01/2005, 11:26 AM
its alan gough for me, for attacking a six year old child for not giving the ball back fast enough, total scum.

Definitely agree wholeheartedly Alan "scumbag" Gough an absolute tosser and remember Galway were winning 3-0 at the time :eek: .... Lucky i was on hand to defend the child or it could have got nasty :D

26/01/2005, 12:06 PM
Connor was a narky, dirty fecker for ye though

Granted he was but sure thats why we loved him!!He showed them down in Turners Cross what he thought of them,showed Gary O'Neill what he thought of him.His penalty up in Derry put us into the Cup Final not many keepers can say they did that!!!Whatever Dan does in the future,he will also be welcome back in the RSC!!!!!

Have to say I'd add Dessie Baker,Tony Bird and Jason Bryne to the list;just because the 3 of them are cocky,arrogant posers!!!!!!!!!

26/01/2005, 12:19 PM
Jesus lads, just reading through the posts and there seems to be some real hatered and resentment towards a lot of players. Can't understand this personally ? like, i bet a lot people have never even meet there most hated player or had a proper conversation etc..... it is probably based on an action the player did on the pitch or something.

Don't let it get to ya that much ! Don't hate the player, hate the game ;) you lot need to chill out.

joey B
26/01/2005, 12:42 PM
it is probably based on an action the player did on the pitch or something.
Was that not kind of obvious :rolleyes:

26/01/2005, 12:57 PM
Was that not kind of obvious :rolleyes:

Yeah but to have SO much hatered for something so stupid is just silly. More important things to be worrying about that.

26/01/2005, 1:01 PM
Why's that????Has to be the 1st supporter of any team,that has taken a dislike to Frosty
Not so, I also dislike Frost, nowt but a glorified hatchet man, not far above Dan or the Rat on the hatredometer, thug with a nice left peg.

Granted he was but sure thats why we loved him!!He showed them down in Turners Cross what he thought of them,
And then he wondered how on earth he had incited a lynch mob and why he couldn't get on the bus afterwards, had to be smuggled out into an awaiting car and was only then able to change into a clean pair of underpants.
He's a hero alright.

26/01/2005, 3:30 PM
Has to be Tom McNulty of Dundalk!

HAs he retired yet?

Jim Smith
26/01/2005, 4:28 PM
I often wondered what non-CCFC fans made of John Caufield. I thought he great up until near the end of his carrer but I suspect that if he was playing against your team you might beg to differ...

26/01/2005, 5:11 PM
Dan Connor Trevor Molloy and the two bakers for being absolute *******

26/01/2005, 5:50 PM
Shane Robinson
Trevor Molloy

Cant stand either!

26/01/2005, 5:59 PM
Can't we all just get along?....Andy Myler. :o

De Town
26/01/2005, 6:38 PM
Hate the sight of Robinson (rovers, now drogs) Molloy (rovers).

On a seperate note, dont really like o'flynn (cork) because he always seems to score against us!!!

26/01/2005, 8:35 PM
Has to be Tom McNulty of Dundalk!

HAs he retired yet?

Fortunately yes.

Grrrrrrrrr the memory of him still makes my blood boil!!!

A hatchetman of the old skool, he'd be off the field more than on it if he was playing now with all the diving and simulation and other namby-pamby business that goes on. When he hit you you stayed hit!

Add in Gino Lawless as well when I think about it.

26/01/2005, 8:43 PM
Andy Myler? He is one of nature's gentlemen

26/01/2005, 8:48 PM


Georgie I can understand, I remeber he even "waved" at ye we ye lost 2-0 at "home" in Cork a few years ago, but Fenn what has he ever done to annoy you?

For me

Dan Connor
Foxy McGuinness

Martinho II
26/01/2005, 8:49 PM
Andy Myler? He is one of nature's gentlemen

indeed he is! :) when we were slagging off myler at the last game of last season when we chanted "ATHLONE REJECT"at him he just smiled. mind you beacuse he was going to be joining us anyway.

:mad: my dislikes are shane robinson after his gestures to us last season
dave rogers ditto
stephen grant becauseof his modelling career and his posing
alanreynoldsfor nearly sending us down three years ago in ballybofey after being sent off!