View Full Version : Man Threw Mother to the dogs

18/01/2005, 11:17 PM
A Brazilian man arguing with his 88-year-old mother threw her into a neighbors' yard where two pit bulls mauled her to death, police said on Friday.

Painter Luiz Polidoro, 48, picked up his mother Maria and pitched her over the yard wall during an argument on Thursday afternoon at her house. Two pit bulls tied up in the neighboring yard then savaged her and she died later in hospital, a police spokesman said.


19/01/2005, 8:25 AM
That's terrible, now if it was the mother in law instead of his own mother I could MAYBE understand... :D

19/01/2005, 8:42 AM
That's terrible, now if it was the mother in law instead of his own mother I could MAYBE understand... :DI thought at first it was his mother in law too. I heard this comotion coming from outside my house one night and when I looked out I saw my mother-in-law being beaten up by six blokes. The wife asks if I'm going to help. I replied: 'No. I think six is sufficient.' :D