View Full Version : FAI to reveal details of new 'multi-million' deal

18/01/2005, 5:08 PM
From: www.rte.ie (http://www.rte.ie/sport/2005/0118/fai.html)

Tuesday, January 18 2005 4:23

The FAI will tomorrow reveal news of a major new sponsorship injection for Irish soccer.

Details of the deal remain under wraps. However, a statement from Irish soccer's governing body today described it as "a multi-million euro sponsorship agreement."

18/01/2005, 5:25 PM
Which will go to fund badly needed holidays and new cars for the FAI officals, no doubt.

19/01/2005, 12:23 AM
This could be John Delaneys trump card. Should be interesting to see who this sponser is and what links have been forged....

The Sheliban
19/01/2005, 5:53 AM
Maybe, just maybe, they might €200 of this promoting the League this year.

Sorry, getting carried away.

19/01/2005, 8:15 AM
New deal with Umbro I heard on the news.

19/01/2005, 8:31 AM
Umbro in a €10,000,000 deal.

Will the league get more than a few thousand out of it?...:(

19/01/2005, 8:34 AM
From eleven a side

The Football Association of Ireland’s coffers received a welcome boost on Tuesday night when a major new sponsorship deal, reputed to be with kit makers Umbro, was announced.

The Association has not yet confirmed any details of the deal, claiming in a one-line statement via its official website that it will launch a “multi-million euro sponsorship agreement”.

The official announcement of all the details will be forthcoming at a special function at a Dublin hotel later today (Wednesday).

But the Irish Daily Star newspaper has revealed that the deal is with existing kit manufacturers Umbro, will run until the end of the 2010 World Cup finals and will be worth in the region of €1.3m a year over the six years of the deal, a fee which could rise to €12m if Ireland are successful in the coming years.

Formal details of the deal are expected later in the day.

19/01/2005, 10:35 AM
Seems to be an international deal.

I doubt much, if any, of this will make its way down to the League.

Most of it is probably already earmarked for pay-offs and redundancies for current and/or future FAI staff anyway. Given their record, they'd be daft not to budget for something like this.....

19/01/2005, 12:28 PM
taken from fai.ie

The key aspects of the deal include:

· Total minimum sponsorship value €10,000,000
· Guaranteed cash income - minimum €7,000,000
· €3,000,000 in supplied kit to all international teams
· Guaranteed annual income more than doubles from an average €430,000
(existing) to more than €1,000,000 p.a.
· Increased bonuses on offer for European and World Cup qualification
· Potential for up to €3,100,000 extra cash depending on European and World
Cup senior side success
· Investment of €450,000 into Kennedy Cup
· Technical Development Plan gets immediate €500,000 allocation
· Under-age internationals programme funding increased by €200,000

19/01/2005, 1:22 PM
€10m over 8 years is poor economics !

They should have looked for a shorter term deal based more on preformance.

We need to think bigger we have no stadium and towns like Bolton can boast a 30,000 seater football stadium thanks to sports sponsorship and local investment surely Dublin should be able to compete with that.

How many other International sides have had to play overseas in order to fulfil an International game ?? I know one thing we will be able to add our names to that list soon.