View Full Version : Mikey Drennan

19/05/2016, 5:06 PM
In a somewhat related topic, Mikey Drennan is taking time out of football due to depression. He released a statement on his Facebook page to say he's taking time out due to depression, before any newspapers pick up anything and make something negative out of it. He's been getting a lot of stick from Rovers fans, and stated that the reason he came home from England was down to depression and homesickness.

Seen in a local paper down here he's back playing hurling in Kilkenny and spending time with his family after years away playing football.

It's another reminder that sending off kids at a young age to England or Scotland can have a hugely negative affect on their mental well-being.

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13267966_1340208269326444_7952071139171281508_n.jp g?oh=8475f9d9882c927028f821570e24dad1&oe=57D17686

19/05/2016, 5:19 PM
Hopefully he feels better soon fair play to him for being open about it. He's still very young hopefully he see him back in LOI after a while if that's what he wants.

19/05/2016, 5:36 PM
My respect and admiration for Mickey Drennan has jumped enormously.

It is not a failure to be unwell, but it would be to not try everything to deal with it!

Recognising the issue and declaring it publically is a very brave admirable step and hopefully is a very big one on the road to recovery.

White Horse
19/05/2016, 6:33 PM
Very honest from Drennan and I wish him a full recovery. It sounds like something he has been battling for years.

Many young boys are hoovered up and then spat out by English clubs. It is a traumatic experience and one that many struggle with.

19/05/2016, 6:55 PM
It is with great relief that more and more people feel that they can publicly state that they suffer from depression among other mental health issues and can hope, even expect not to be judged. It would also put in some context the odd indiscretion that occurred when in England. If any Rovers fans give him a tough time for this break it wil lack insight and empathy and belittle open expression of how someone is taking the correct course in battling this insidious illness. Id echo Ezekials comment that my opinion of Drennan has certainly jumped whereas before he was probably the Shamrock Rovers pet hate I had (among plenty others :p). It is a big leap from functioning on the surface, hiding in plain sight, and just treading water to expressing emotional distress and in such a public manner - Rovers could actually use this opportunity with other groups to raise awareness especially among those who are least sympathetic (and probably the type who would suffer hardest if they or family were struck by chronic depressive episodes). Good man Mickey you have certainly taken the biggest leap in the right direction!!

May I add that it must be a stressful experience for young lads to head off in to the unknown. But it would be foolhardy to use that coat-hook to hang such issues upon! Could be your best pal, with the lovely family, nice house, stable upbringing and nobody even close family would have a notion the turmoil someone could be in. Bit like lightening striking its random and unpredictable in the majority of cases where there are no stressors in past history. It is a bit of a soapbox issue for me but I aint apologising for going on a bit! :o

Calcio Jack
20/05/2016, 7:55 AM
It is with great relief that more and more people feel that they can publicly state that they suffer from depression among other mental health issues and can hope, even expect not to be judged. It would also put in some context the odd indiscretion that occurred when in England. The Rovers fans that are giving him a tough time lack insight and empathy and belittle open expression of how someone is taking the correct course in battling this insidious illness. Id echo Ezekials comment that my opinion of Drennan has certainly jumped whereas before he was probably the Shamrock Rovers pet hate (among plenty others :p). It is a big leap from functioning on the surface, hiding in plain sight, and just treading water to expressing emotional distress and in such a public manner - Rovers could actually use this opportunity with other groups to raise awareness especially among those who are least sympathetic (and probably the type who would suffer hardest if they or family were struck by chronic depressive episodes). Good man Mickey you have certainly taken the biggest leap in the right direction!!

May I add that it must be a stressful experience for young lads to head off in to the unknown. But it would be foolhardy to use that coat-hook to hang such issues upon! Could be your best pal, with the lovely family, nice house, stable upbringing and nobody even close family would have a notion the turmoil someone could be in. Bit like lightening striking its random and unpredictable in the majority of cases where there are no stressors in past history. It is a bit of a soapbox issue for me but I aint apologising for going on a bit! :o

Rovers fans weren't aware until now that Drennan suffered from depression so to state that we were giving Drennan a hard time ,lacked empathy towards him and he was our 'pet hate' is frankly a pathetic untruth on your part.

Sure we did give him a tough time as he went from being a lethal striker up to May 2015 to being 'lethargic' . So based on what appeared to be a lack of effort he was slagged and any other set of fans given the same circumstances would of acted in a similar manner.

So making cheap inaccurate accusations is wrong especially in the context of someone suffering from such a debilitating illness .

You and indeed all of us can but wish him a speedy recovery but it's a shame that you chose to use the occasion of an individual's serious illness to take a unwarranted pop at Rovers fans.

You should IMO edit your post to reflect the truth.

20/05/2016, 8:26 AM
A brave young man to disclose his illness in public. I am sure he will recover and be back playing again. Hopefully his actions will encourage others suffering from depression to seek help.

20/05/2016, 8:27 AM
Best of luck to Drennan in his recovery it's great to see players like himself & James chambers be so open about their illness things like this can only help break the stigma in Irish society.

20/05/2016, 10:25 AM
Good luck to him. A little bit of time at home with friends, family, playing his bit of hurling seems to be what he needs right now.
What a pity Kilkenny City doesn't still exist, might have been a good fit for Mikey.

20/05/2016, 10:35 AM
Best of luck to him. Hopefully he will take some time out with friends and family and come back al the stronger for it, both as a footballer and more importantly as a person.

20/05/2016, 3:10 PM
Rovers fans weren't aware until now that Drennan suffered from depression so to state that we were giving Drennan a hard time ,lacked empathy towards him and he was our 'pet hate' is frankly a pathetic untruth on your part.

Sure we did give him a tough time as he went from being a lethal striker up to May 2015 to being 'lethargic' . So based on what appeared to be a lack of effort he was slagged and any other set of fans given the same circumstances would of acted in a similar manner.

So making cheap inaccurate accusations is wrong especially in the context of someone suffering from such a debilitating illness .

You and indeed all of us can but wish him a speedy recovery but it's a shame that you chose to use the occasion of an individual's serious illness to take a unwarranted pop at Rovers fans.

You should IMO edit your post to reflect the truth.

I can understand how you have interpreted my post reading it back but I assure you my intention was not to use the circumstance as something to whip Rovers with. There are limits to what any football fan should stoop to have a pop. In my defence I took Nigel's post as referring to Rovers fans giving abuse to Drennan for taking this hiatus rather than it being to do with his dip in form. As for pet hate - I meant my own pet hate at Rovers currently of which I have revised considering the circumstances, his public acknowledgement. It is why I referred to why there now maybe a context to his lack of judgement when in England and got him in to a scrape. I have no issue whatsoever clarifying my post, and as I have said it is a subject area that I ave involvement in personally. Apologies for my lack of clarity, misreading Nigel's post, or for it seeming that I was saying that Rovers fans targeted Drennan as a pet hate - that was my bag!

White Horse
20/05/2016, 5:53 PM
I can understand how you have interpreted my post reading it back but I assure you my intention was not to use the circumstance as something to whip Rovers with. There are limits to what any football fan should stoop to have a pop. In my defence I took Nigel's post as referring to Rovers fans giving abuse to Drennan for taking this hiatus rather than it being to do with his dip in form. As for pet hate - I meant my own pet hate at Rovers currently of which I have revised considering the circumstances, his public acknowledgement. It is why I referred to why there now maybe a context to his lack of judgement when in England and got him in to a scrape. I have no issue whatsoever clarifying my post, and as I have said it is a subject area that I ave involvement in personally. Apologies for my lack of clarity, misreading Nigel's post, or for it seeming that I was saying that Rovers fans targeted Drennan as a pet hate - that was my bag!

Your post was perfectly clear and it was obvious you were not using Drennan's illness to have a pop at anyone. It's a disgraceful accusation, to be honest.

placid casual
20/05/2016, 6:44 PM
You should get that chip on your shoulder removed Whitehorse.

Calcio Jack
20/05/2016, 9:56 PM
I can understand how you have interpreted my post reading it back but I assure you my intention was not to use the circumstance as something to whip Rovers with. There are limits to what any football fan should stoop to have a pop. In my defence I took Nigel's post as referring to Rovers fans giving abuse to Drennan for taking this hiatus rather than it being to do with his dip in form. As for pet hate - I meant my own pet hate at Rovers currently of which I have revised considering the circumstances, his public acknowledgement. It is why I referred to why there now maybe a context to his lack of judgement when in England and got him in to a scrape. I have no issue whatsoever clarifying my post, and as I have said it is a subject area that I ave involvement in personally. Apologies for my lack of clarity, misreading Nigel's post, or for it seeming that I was saying that Rovers fans targeted Drennan as a pet hate - that was my bag!

Cheers for taking the time and clarifying what you meant.

21/05/2016, 9:29 PM
Your post was perfectly clear and it was obvious you were not using Drennan's illness to have a pop at anyone. It's a disgraceful accusation, to be honest.

Well if I had been clear there wouldn't have been any issue. The tone of my post was imo respectful also. I think that it is inappropriate for any aspect of this thread to be sidelined in to silly sniping regarding accusations of anyone having 'chips' on the shoulder. Can we reset!!

Charlie Darwin
27/05/2016, 1:35 AM
To be fair, the reaction from Rovers fans has been universally supportive. As it was when James Chambers opened up on his experience after leaving the club, and said Trevor Croly was an excellent help to him as he dealt with it. Rovers fans were hugely critical of Drennan when he was the first-choice striker and hadn't scored in the guts of 12 months, but any club would be the same. You can't be expected to know what players are going through when they're not doing the business on the pitch, but certainly afterwards people have been very understanding. Something that probably isn't expected from football fans, but across all LOI clubs I think we're generally a good bunch.

I wish him all the best and would love to see him back in a Rovers shirt when he's in a better place in his life.

27/05/2016, 3:56 AM
100% right CD.This time last year this country sent a huge message to the World about our belief in equality of marriage.We need to pick the reigns again and send forward a new message that we're also fully supportive of people who are depressed or who have problems in their lives.WE SUPPORT EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!
A cause very close to my heart.Any pm from anyone on this matter very welcome.

White Horse
27/05/2016, 8:14 AM
100% right CD.This time last year this country sent a huge message to the World about our belief in equality of marriage.We need to pick the reigns again and send forward a new message that we're also fully supportive of people who are depressed or who have problems in their lives.WE SUPPORT EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!
A cause very close to my heart.Any pm from anyone on this matter very welcome.

Fans judge players based on what they see on the pitch. It is only when players open up about the personal issues that affect their performances, that fans consider wider issues.

Rovers fans are no different in this regard than the fans of any other team.

Drennan's problems existed long before he arrived in the LOI.

27/05/2016, 10:35 AM
Fans judge players based on what they see on the pitch. It is only when players open up about the personal issues that affect their performances, that fans consider wider issues.

Rovers fans are no different in this regard than the fans of any other team.

Drennan's problems existed long before he arrived in the LOI.

You're quite right in what you're saying.
Are you quoting my post for effect or do you think that there is an opposite view to your own in it?

White Horse
27/05/2016, 11:59 AM
You're quite right in what you're saying.
Are you quoting my post for effect or do you think that there is an opposite view to your own in it?

I meant to quote CD. Oops.