View Full Version : Mayfield

24/01/2002, 12:00 AM
Something in tuesdays Evening Echo re Mayfield getting a grant for development from the FAI\government. These fellas must be rolling in it! Leicester and now this!

24/01/2002, 7:51 AM
Is'nt the development in Mayfield part of the FAI Programme of developing replacements for the Centre of Excellence that was based at Bishopstown. I think the plan includes Ballincollig also

24/01/2002, 9:57 AM
So do we get improved training facilities in Mayfield for free now? I think we do!!! :D

24/01/2002, 11:22 AM
I don't know how the Mayfield development fits in but i think the FAI have done a decent job in their plans for the upcoming govt monies.

I think there'll be regional training centres & Cork will have one but I think they're also helping develop individual clubs training facilities where they have scope to be ised by many teams/clubs. I think Mayfield may fall into the later category as i'd guess the regional centres would be on green field sites.

BTW I think the FAI will get 75million for next 3-5 years & have decided to spend wisely this time.
