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13/01/2005, 10:06 AM
Just reading that Thread on Club and Country and it is funny that nearly to a man all of teh Cork City suporters chose club over country. Now that they have the Capital of Culture thing we have that fool from Radio 1, Terence or is it Creedon telling us all of the great bands that came from cork. They were struggling there with Frank and the Walters and Sultans of Ping. Do Cork people really want to be from Ireland. How come every other county is happy with been irish. Reading some of the posts it srikes me that some of the people are the most self righteous supporters of football I have ever heard. There was one post were someone said that they can call Cork we however and Ireland supporter cannot call ireland we and we dont go week in week out. Absolute Rubbish. I have nothing agains Cork, I think its a nice city with some great people and they play a great brand of Hurling. Roy Keane is a great player and Rory Gallagher was a great musician. But less of this self righteous nonsense we get from some of the Cork City Supporters here. Everybody has a right to support a club or a country and you support is not greater or better than somebody that posts here, Well i maybe but you cant say it without backing it up with facts, which is impossible without meeting the person.

13/01/2005, 10:34 AM
I'd lock or bin this blatant rant if it wasn't for the tiresome guaranteed cries of BIAS! or CENSORSHIP! Instead I'll just move it to Off Topic, since it has very little to do with Ireland and a lot to do with NeilMcD venting bizarre frustrations. If Cork supporters have any sense at all, they'll just ignore it completely, and let it sink into the void where it belongs. If they don't, they'd better keep it polite.


13/01/2005, 10:40 AM
I can't understand half of it :confused:

13/01/2005, 11:26 AM
Jealous Neil?.....:p

13/01/2005, 11:38 AM
Proof positive that Cork fans do not, in fact, have any sense at all. Well done lads.

adam /applauds

13/01/2005, 11:41 AM
...it srikes me that some of the people are the most self righteous supporters of football I have ever heard...
IMO thats a common characteristic of the best football fans. Of course Cork City is better than any other club in the world - if you're a CCFC fan. Kinda like Longford Town is better than everyone else.... period.

13/01/2005, 11:42 AM
Proof positive that Cork fans do not, in fact, have any sense at all. Well done lads.

adam /applauds
It has nothing to do with sense. It's called having a slag......:)

13/01/2005, 11:54 AM
Sorry if that came across as a Rant and I was not stirring either. Just I feld a lot of the posts in relation to the Club V Country were very self righteous thats all. WIthout soundling liked the cliched racist, I do have lots of Cork friends. But there was one post were someone claimed that A Repbublic Of Ireland Supporter could not say "we" in relation to the team, whereas a Cork City Supporter could say we about Cork CIty Football Club. Sorry if any offence was taken. But all counties are equal and none are better than others and the same goes for countries

joey B
13/01/2005, 12:03 PM
Rory Gallagher was a great musician.
Rory Gallagher was from Ballyshannon :rolleyes:

13/01/2005, 12:05 PM
Yes but he is claimed by Cork people to be one of them, and that is musical influence was from growing up in Cork.

13/01/2005, 12:29 PM
Proof positive that Cork fans do not, in fact, have any sense at all. Well done lads.

adam /applauds

Have you ever known a Corkman that doesn't like to have the last word Adam ;) :D

13/01/2005, 12:32 PM
a cork man with an inferiority complex only feels he's as good as everyone else.

13/01/2005, 12:41 PM
Yes but he is claimed by Cork people to be one of them, and that is musical influence was from growing up in Cork.
And ifyou ever see that documentary RTE did on Rory, he says himself that his formative years were growing up in Cork when he got his musical influences.

Did you get your musical influences from Galway, while growing up in Dublin?

He was only a small boy when he left Donegal, so he is really a Corkman and said so himself!..;)

13/01/2005, 2:15 PM
I was watching John Creedon's 7 Wonders of Cork last night and Sonia O'Sullivan was on saying that Cork is so special and that it's like a little country on it's own down the south of Ireland and how Cork people always say their from Cork before they say they're from Ireland.

13/01/2005, 2:31 PM
Sonia O'Sullivan was on saying that Cork is so special .

yeah but shes from cobh

dont they regard themselves as not part of cork

13/01/2005, 2:45 PM
news to me :confused:

A face
13/01/2005, 10:15 PM
news to me :confused:

Come on now ... out with it .... what have ye been saying down there !!! :D :p