View Full Version : Sad News

12/01/2005, 4:25 PM
Theyve found a body near Inch. :( . See here (http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/0112/cork1.html)

the 12 th man
12/01/2005, 5:53 PM
Theyve found a body near Inch. :( . See here (http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/0112/cork1.html)

certainly not the news we all hoped for :(
i tell you folks it puts most peoples problems into perspective.

12/01/2005, 5:58 PM
also found a second body...gardai say its not connected but very strange

12/01/2005, 7:16 PM
May he Rest in Peace.
How safe are our children, when it is not possible in practical terms to keep them from the monsters who snatch them?
Are cars and vans searched before they are left on board ferries bound for the UK or the continent?
Is every peson who leaves the country photographed properly, so that Gardai know who left in the hours after a child goes missing?
I have not slept easily since Robert Holohan was reported missing.
I could not put it better than the 12th man when he said that the discovery of this little body puts most people's problems into perspective.

12/01/2005, 7:20 PM
Very sad the whole episode. The country is now more dangerous to live in than cities as far as I can see. :(

12/01/2005, 8:55 PM
Very sad the whole episode. The country is now more dangerous to live in than cities as far as I can see. :(I think you have a point. Cities and even small towns are scanned by CCTV cameras all over the place, so the chances of being caught are higher, IMO.

13/01/2005, 4:14 PM
There is even talk that parents may have to put electronic tracking devices on their kids now. It is a sad sad day when a child cannot even go outside his front door without some scumbag dirtbag preying upon them.

I dont think any of us can comprehend the grief this has caused, but I hope his parents/siblings/family and friends can find the strength to cope with such an horrific situation. I feel so sorry for them, and may God be with them.

13/01/2005, 7:10 PM
Absolutely terrible news. I'm genuinely upset, almost disturbed, by this. Poor fella, he's had his life taken from him by some twisted fool.

RIP,God Bless You Robert

14/01/2005, 9:09 AM
RIP Robert-very sad day :(