View Full Version : whats wrong with africa??

10/01/2005, 10:56 PM
has it struck anybody that last weeks disaster in s.e asia was a media fest
of theres no news like bad news .?
i was reading the weekend about how other charties in africa will be ignored for a while until this s.e asia disaster blows over .
some of the facts that were given 150,000 people die in africa of aids every month and another 15,000 die of war hunger related illnesses every month.
i think most people would agree that africa has been a walking disaster since the french, belgians, english and the rest of europe gave sovreignty to these poeple.
why is nothing done ?? and more importantly why cant these people rule themselves is because of triblism ? which i suspect is the biggest cause or is it a post colonial hang over ??
will there be 3minutes for the hundreds of thousand dead in africa this month i think not. and even as you read this a child as died by circumstances which are totaly unavoidable.
the question is why and what can be done ??