View Full Version : Rté 2

07/01/2005, 2:37 PM
what the story with those really weird things RTE2 have just before a program starts.like the 1 with the ladies coming off a metro/Luas/train thingy with an instructor getting them to leave on a ski lift yoke? :confused:
i'm sorry i'm not the best at explaining it but you know what i mean.theres a lot of other different things aswell.it doesn't make the least bit of sense.
can any1 shed some light on this for me because its been annoying me with a while now?

07/01/2005, 2:40 PM
Ya thats ridiculous.
Boy selling papers,
boy lighting lantern,
and then four bikers tearing down a motorway?
Thats just stupid like.
Think its meant to show the modern Ireland or something.

RTE is funny.

07/01/2005, 2:44 PM
One of the departments trying to justify their existance. Sure they'd only spend the money spent on this type of crap on crap like the dinner party.

07/01/2005, 5:04 PM
They aping tv.....3