View Full Version : In Cork you'd be known as a.....

07/01/2005, 7:33 AM
LAN6ER (http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?it=271&pg=-1) :D

About bloody time! Get it off the banned list immediately :D

07/01/2005, 7:36 AM
LAN6ER (http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?it=271&pg=-1) :D

About bloody time! Get it off the banned list immediately :D

Well you could always use the German spelling Langher. ;)

07/01/2005, 10:58 AM
And now valid for use in scrabble.
My life is now complete.

07/01/2005, 11:22 AM
tis all the fashion now. Can't be long before the dublin dort speakers use it. :eek:

07/01/2005, 2:21 PM
fecks sake. a good cork word stolen by the rest of the country because of that stupid song. :mad:

07/01/2005, 2:23 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble but the word was being used everywhere else as well, just more so in Cork. Especially the 'l@ngers drunk' expression.

07/01/2005, 2:37 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble but the word was being used everywhere else as well, just more so in Cork. Especially the 'l@ngers drunk' expression.
Probably more Traveller than Cork, like most of the other phases they claim as their own...

07/01/2005, 2:41 PM
what about ****ie?, if ye cant use the 'L' word, try Waterford's finest to describe out egotistic, egocentric stickfighting loving neighbours

07/01/2005, 3:27 PM
And now valid for use in scrabble.Depends on your Scrabble rules. I can't see myself getting up to check an online dictionary every five minutes...


07/01/2005, 3:32 PM
tis all the fashion now. Can't be long before the dublin dort speakers use it. :eek:

Doubt that will happen as the letter 'A' is non-existent in their alphabet. Might develop and dortisisation into 'longer' though. As in "You're a focking longer, my friend"

07/01/2005, 4:58 PM
#thats a

07/01/2005, 9:41 PM
what about ****ie?, if ye cant use the 'L' word, try Waterford's finest to describe out egotistic, egocentric stickfighting loving neighbours

Are you Max Power in disguise...what a sad sad boy you are... :confused:

One thing for sure is that you are no doubt what we in the great City of Cork would call a major L ANGER.... :D

07/01/2005, 10:29 PM
Don't mind Partizan, he's a troll whose card's been marked. He won't last much longer around here if he keeps it up.

(Taking the mick out of Corkmen around here's a bad idea Partizan. Three Corkmen own the Foot.ie pinkslip.)


08/01/2005, 1:58 PM
Don't mind Partizan, he's a troll whose card's been marked. He won't last much longer around here if he keeps it up.
Ah can't we leave him. He's a healthy reminder of why we pity Waaaaaaaaaterford so much :)

08/01/2005, 3:25 PM
aye, we want someone to laugh at!
Sources close to me have indecated that there will be a feature length article on Waterford United in Spreadin' the Dirt in the next issue.
stay tuned for updates.

A face
08/01/2005, 10:03 PM
Don't mind Partizan, he's a troll whose card's been marked. He won't last much longer around here if he keeps it up.

Altohugh in his defence .... some of the City fans here should be able to take what they deal out, it should work both ways !!

08/01/2005, 11:29 PM
Altohugh in his defence .... some of the City fans here should be able to take what they deal out, it should work both ways !!

Aface...in fairness how can you defend this guy in any shape or form?..of course there are City fans and also fans from other clubs around that act the fool on the forums but thats up to the the people who run the site to sort out..but in this case with Partizan seems a lot different..between this guy and Max Power the Longford supporter they are BOTH continually taking the p**s out of most threads started by any Cork City fans on any subject..City fans take the mickey out of plenty fans here and vice-versa but thats just having a craic but ffs Partizan is like a demented anti-everything Cork City and its embarrassing for himself..did you not see his thread a while back about all City fans being students??..if you did you would know what you are dealing with..Max Power is along the same lines..he is embarrassing himself with his anti-Cork snide remarks over and over...and you defend this?? :confused: :confused:

I think you should move to Ramblers with your buddy Alan Carey Aface... :D

09/01/2005, 10:46 AM
aye, we want someone to laugh at!
Sources close to me have indecated that there will be a feature length article on Waterford United in Spreadin' the Dirt in the next issue.
stay tuned for updates.

send us on a copy. ;)

09/01/2005, 10:53 AM
Aface...in fairness how can you defend this guy in any shape or form?..of course there are City fans and also fans from other clubs around that act the fool on the forums but thats up to the the people who run the site to sort out..but in this case with Partizan seems a lot different..between this guy and Max Power the Longford supporter they are BOTH continually taking the p**s out of most threads started by any Cork City fans on any subject..City fans take the mickey out of plenty fans here and vice-versa but thats just having a craic but ffs Partizan is like a demented anti-everything Cork City and its embarrassing for himself..did you not see his thread a while back about all City fans being students??..if you did you would know what you are dealing with..Max Power is along the same lines..he is embarrassing himself with his anti-Cork snide remarks over and over...and you defend this?? :confused: :confused:

I think you should move to Ramblers with your buddy Alan Carey Aface... :D

Maybe lads ye should take a look at our site and all the unwarranted abuse that we got. I think that you will find mine is comparitivley mild(if you can call it that at all). I'm not a troll and I dont go on other clubs sites and post inane and pointless posts, if you look closely I post on gerneral sections in which I get to express my views with likeminded fans from other clubs which can be a good thing right. If you lot cant take it, then dont give it. I use the 'C' word you go Waaaaaaaaherfur crap. I dont give a damn but you dont see me or fellow Blues fans kicking up a fuss over it. Its part and parcel of the rivalry, get with it ladies and less of the petty crocodile tears stuff.

dahamsta: why are my cards marked, less of the condescending attitude and personal name calling please. If you ban me fine.

09/01/2005, 3:46 PM
Partizan banned for a week for trolling. And whining. "Backsies" is not a valid argument around here. If you're fine with it Partizan, don't come back.

Thread locked.
