View Full Version : Thomas Butler and Stephen Bradley let go

06/01/2005, 1:14 PM
Two Irish players have been let go by Dunfirmline.


They both would be great signings for an ambitious Eircom League club.

De Town
06/01/2005, 1:18 PM
Is that the Thomas Butler who was at Sunderland a few years ago??

If so, he would be a great signing for any eL club.

06/01/2005, 1:20 PM
Same guy, he played twice for Ireland under McCarthy. Had a bust up with Sunderland over injury, there is a court cast pending. However he is still only about 23.

06/01/2005, 1:25 PM
just saw that in the paper today, I reckon CCFC would be well advised to have a look at Butler.

06/01/2005, 1:51 PM
Butlers career seems to be in free-fall.

Not trying to stir here lads but many's the time we've argued about the standard of the SPL outwith the Old Firm being/ not being of the same standard of the better teams in the EL.

Why then would a top EL club be looking for a player that's been released by a mediocre Scottish team? ;)

Plastic Paddy
06/01/2005, 2:46 PM
You're only saying what many of us were no doubt thinking, DFA. :D

So, come on then lads, let's hear it... :p


06/01/2005, 3:18 PM
Well there are quite a few ex-El players making a living in the SPL.
Dempsey, Foran, Byrne, Hunt and others I can't remember

All would have been regarded as top EL players, however only Dempsey and Foran are commanding regular places in their respective sides. What does that say. As regards Butler he was a regular up to a month ago when he lost his place.

06/01/2005, 3:28 PM
Was it Nantes or Nice or Nancy in France who he had trials with over the summer.

Im amazed that he is without a club. He was always a huge prospect.

06/01/2005, 3:45 PM
I'm so tempted to reply to Drummerboy's post but as I've said, we'd only be arguing over old ground and I'm definately not ready yet for my first long winded debate of the new year with Conor74 over how to compare leagues ;) :D

Technically I made a good point though if you think about it!! ;)

Rovers Fellow!
06/01/2005, 5:10 PM
I cant agree that the other SPL teams are not of same standard as better EL teams. Id love to think so, but it would be very optimistic to think that. Although the difference is not much, the SPL is certainly still a better league even without old firm. Putting football aside, they are still streets ahead of us in every other way i.e attendances, proffesionalism in the league, media involvement in league.

06/01/2005, 5:52 PM
I remember when Bradley signed with Arsenal, he was supposed to be the next big thing as far as Irish players go,...just goes to show you.Hope it works out for both of them

07/01/2005, 7:40 PM
Read somewhere today that Arsenal are also gonna release former wonder kid Jermaine Pennant, so Stephen Bradley ain't in bad company..might be a good replacement (pennant) for Reid if he leaves Forest....will probably stay in Premiership though.

10/01/2005, 5:51 PM
Disappointed that Stephen Bradley hasnt made the grade to date. When he signed for Arsenal, there were rumours that Alex Ferguson had visited Bradley's house in Tallaght to try and convince him to play for ManUre. Saw him playing underage football for Ireland a few years ago. Thought he was a gifted footballer with a good footballing brain. He also seemed to have great pace. However, he did appear to be a bit small. Paul Keegan of Leeds United and Neil McCafferty of Charlton were in the same team that night. There were also big things expected of them but they are yet to make the breakthrough though. There was talk of Bradley moving to Fulham last summer. However, the fact that things havent worked out well for him at Dumfermline doesnt auger well. Hopefully, he will get a decent club where he can fulfill his undoubted potential.