View Full Version : FAI AGM 15th Jan

A face
03/01/2005, 12:19 PM
So who is going to it ??

What league issues are up for debate ??

03/01/2005, 10:06 PM
What are the main issues? (1) How are they going to retain control of the executive without winding up the public into publically lynching one of them. (2) Retaining control of the purse strings and maximising publically invested booty without actually implementing the reforms foisted on them by their own consultants. (3) Completely ignore the interests of the Eircom League clubs with the exception of Ollie Byrnes money laundering operation :eek: (4) If at all possible do all in their power to sabotage CCFC's season should we get a good run again in Europe plus the Setanta with a fixture list that would even defy a Cian O'Connor horse :mad: (5) Increase their quota of premier league tickets for executive members and ******s on and generally develop the possibilities for more **** ups and junkets. :p All in all I'd say business as usual oh yes and I forgot of course with a good world cup qualifying run. an increase in profits from ticket sales and merchandising sales which will of course be reinvested in the " grassroots" football infrastructure of Ireland :rolleyes: Da ya get da picture?

A face
03/01/2005, 10:16 PM
That said ... the league and the FAI are two different things .... it has been kinda vague about what is happening on the league side of things. At this stage i have given up caring what happens with the FAI, they have that effect on people.

03/01/2005, 10:30 PM
''The Fai are the most organised Football assosiation in the Whole of Merrion Square.'' :eek: :D

04/01/2005, 12:03 PM
''The Fai are the most organised Football assosiation in the Whole of Merrion Square.'' :eek: :D

That wouldn't be hard

04/01/2005, 12:54 PM
Still waiting for my invite in the post...must be christmas backlog...