View Full Version : anyone out there working today (xmas eve)?

the 12 th man
24/12/2004, 7:09 AM
well i'm in till about 12 (1 hope)and then i'm history. :D

Pauro 76
24/12/2004, 7:17 AM
Same here! Working in a printing place called Kallkwik, in Kingston and getting the hell outta there before midday .... getting 7pm flight to Heathrow not too far from here thank God! And a few Christmas drinks down the pub where i work part-time in kingston is in order too before I fly home too!

the 12 th man
24/12/2004, 7:22 AM
... getting 7pm flight to Heathrow not too far from here thank God! And a few Christmas drinks down the pub where i work part-time in kingston is in order too before I fly home too!

keep an eye on the ould clock there pauro..... :eek:

24/12/2004, 7:33 AM
'working' is a very stong word to use!

I'm in my place of employment alright, but working nah! :D

Out of here at 11 please god.

Pauro 76
24/12/2004, 7:38 AM
Have a couple of short jobs to do.. but will be dossing most of the time. Jeez 12th Man your right, Id best keep an eye on the old clock, ya know what happened to me last time I flew from London... (missed the flight for the Cup Final!!!!!)

24/12/2004, 8:15 AM
Same here. Show the face upto lunchtime and then out the door untill the new year :)

24/12/2004, 8:26 AM
Supposed to be here til 12 or 1. I came in at 8 though so hopefully I can slip away about 11.

Then its in to town, get the last few bits, then pub. Huzzah!

24/12/2004, 8:44 AM
Am here until 7 this evening :(

Then again tomorrow :mad:

And the next day and the next and the next and the next :eek:

the 12 th man
24/12/2004, 9:04 AM
Am here until 7 this evening :(

Then again tomorrow :mad:

And the next day and the next and the next and the next :eek:

do you play for chelsea ? :D ;)

p.s(the chelsea team are training x mas day & stephens day )

24/12/2004, 9:22 AM
well i'm in till about 12 (1 hope)and then i'm history. :D
Wouldn't say here to work, more to surf (so no different to any other day then)... :D

A show your face day basically...

24/12/2004, 9:30 AM
show me face.. surf the net
eat some choclates

outa here in 30mins

24/12/2004, 9:34 AM
here all day today but out of hell at 1800hrs and can forget about it for a few days.happy christmas to everyone and lets hope a great football year in 2005.

Pauro 76
24/12/2004, 9:41 AM
Am here until 7 this evening :(

Then again tomorrow :mad:

And the next day and the next and the next and the next :eek:

Poor beggar....
what are ya working at that needs ya Xmas day?

Pat O' Banton
24/12/2004, 10:34 AM
Oh yes, dragged in kicking and screaming, won't probably be finished until about 7pm :eek: however there's plenty of football to watch once the big day is over! Could be worse, at least we have access to the internet at our place of work (or should that be access to work at our place of internet ;) ) neither underground drivers or postal workers have this luxury, therefore at least two esteemed members of this site will have to wait until they get home before typing their replies on the subject!

Pauro 76
24/12/2004, 10:55 AM
5 minutes and counting... :cool: ill leg it while its good! happy Xmas!

24/12/2004, 11:04 AM
I'm off at 1pm......

Can't wait, only off for tomorrow though!!!


Rovers Fellow!
24/12/2004, 11:06 AM
It could be worse, you could have got the bullet a week before Christmas like me! Great little xmas bonus that was!

max power
24/12/2004, 11:07 AM
workin til 12 tonight, two days off and then 8 in a row......the real world sucks

green goblin
24/12/2004, 11:20 AM
That's it, I'm off too. Happy Christmas everyone.

24/12/2004, 11:24 AM
Starting in an hour until about 10pm. :( Promised that I'll attend MM later.

24/12/2004, 2:28 PM
I wouldn't call it working so much as "mostly sleeping". But I still have to deal with the occasional semi-muppet query, such as, via the contact form...

what type of floodlights do you use and what type of astro turf do you use?

24/12/2004, 5:30 PM
Poor beggar....
what are ya working at that needs ya Xmas day?

Well just so all the people who got new phones over the christmas can use them!!.....

I couldnt care less but apparently it matters to people :rolleyes:

24/12/2004, 5:52 PM
Im at work now and yes im in tomorrow Xmas day and again on Stephens day! No rest for the wicked and all that!

De Town
24/12/2004, 7:46 PM
Student life is great lads ;) Off from Wednesday the 22nd December till January 10th 2005!!!

24/12/2004, 10:42 PM
(or should that be access to work at our place of internet ;) ) neither underground drivers or postal workers have this luxury, therefore at least two esteemed members of this site will have to wait until they get home before typing their replies on the subject!

The party's been going sinch 8am this morning bhoy.

24/12/2004, 11:09 PM
Could be worse, at least we have access to the internet at our place of work (or should that be access to work at our place of internet ;) ) neither underground drivers or postal workers have this luxury, therefore at least two esteemed members of this site will have to wait until they get home before typing their replies on the subject!

The party's been going sinch 8am this morning bhoy.
Well we might both not have access to the internet but by the looks of things at least one of us had access to the brandy cabinet. :eek: I had to make do with a couple of half stale mince pies this afternoon. :mad:

24/12/2004, 11:10 PM
thank god finished work. and a few scoops