View Full Version : Rovers article in the Echo on Monday

21/12/2004, 2:51 PM
Large article on Rovers in yeterdays Echo. It is claimed over €2 of public money has been given to Rovers with the explicit purpose of building their stadium. This has been over 5 years. and still they havent moved in there.

where has this money gone? and why are more questions not being asked?

21/12/2004, 2:59 PM
It is claimed over €2 of public money has been given to Rovers with the explicit purpose of building their stadium.

Typical mean Cork l*ngers :rolleyes:

21/12/2004, 3:21 PM
Large article on Rovers in yeterdays Echo. It is claimed over €2 of public money has been given to Rovers with the explicit purpose of building their stadium. This has been over 5 years. and still they havent moved in there.

where has this money gone? and why are more questions not being asked?

Well 2 Euros wouldn't really have went that far Pablo but you are entitled to ask I suppose :D ;)

21/12/2004, 3:23 PM
Large article on Rovers in yeterdays Echo. It is claimed over €2 of public money has been given to Rovers with the explicit purpose of building their stadium. This has been over 5 years. and still they havent moved in there.

where has this money gone? and why are more questions not being asked?

There was a draw down of €1.235m for the Tallaght development in 2002, yet there has been no visible progress on the site since then. "

"The accounting officer for the Department of Arts Sport and Tourism has admitted disappointment that money advanced by way of sports capital funding has not seen any real brick and mortar development since on the site, which remains today in an unfinished condition".

"He also confirmed that despite requests, the Department has failed to secure satisfactory answers to the causes of the delay in finalising the project from either the FAI or Shamrock Rovers", said Deputy Curran before adding, "Philip Furlong, Secretary General of the Department of Arts Sport and Tourism confirmed to me that in the worst case scenario, the States investment in Tallaght is secure and recoverable, being protected by assets."


Dated 4th April 2004

22/12/2004, 1:38 AM
ok change that to 2 million euros!

why shoul they get that money-and squander it i might add- ahwad of the rest of us!

22/12/2004, 4:18 AM
It is claimed over €2 of public money has been given to Rovers with the explicit purpose of building their stadium.

where has this money gone? and why are more questions not being asked?

Most of the money went to the stadium funds, the rest presumably went to keeping the team afloat, and having to pay the rest of the league what we owe. Like what Cork got in rent, for our "home" visit there last year, together with what Shels got, and Pats, and UCD, and Bray, and so on and on and on and....

23/12/2004, 1:52 PM
i cant belive more hasnt been made of this? why should Rovers get 2million of our tax payers money and squander it? its a joke