View Full Version : F***ing Couriers

20/12/2004, 1:52 PM
Robbing *******s. Sent Christmas presents home last Monday by our company courier. All secured nicely in a strong box.
I've had money taken out of birthday cards before by the post office so I thought "can't go wrong with the courier, plus I won't have to pay for it!"

Was meant to be a 2 day delivery so when it hadn't turned up by Friday I phoned them with the details and asked what was happening. Was told they'd look into it. Following about 4 phonecalls and another few today because no one was getting back to me, they phoned me while ago to say they can't find the box and they will continue to look for it in other depots.

Basically I now have given up hope and would bet my last penny that someone there has opened it, seen what was in it (perfume box set, aftershave box set and more) and thought "I'll have some of that". About £80 worth of gifts down the drain.

To top it off, I forgot to take extra insurance on the form so if I claim I'll be lucky if I get £20 back. Totally gutted :mad: :mad:

20/12/2004, 2:09 PM
out of interest...
big name courier or private?

20/12/2004, 2:15 PM
Not massive but reasonably big I think. Ends with Express, first half of first name is the same as the blue half of Milan and second part rhymes with rink ;)

20/12/2004, 2:22 PM
They're owned by La Poste (http://www.laposte.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=12) so they aint small.

20/12/2004, 2:30 PM
Not massive but reasonably big I think. Ends with Express, first half of first name is the same as the blue half of Milan and second part rhymes with rink ;)

hmm, we often use a company who incidentally correspond to that description. Customer's often complain that items get f***ed around a lot (seemingly) and the turn up in rough condition if not broken. I suppose its to do with the fact that a package going a relativel long distance may go through 3 or 4 unloads/reloads at different depots before it hits final destination. Our own courier is more expensive but often worth the extra

22/12/2004, 2:09 PM
Just to update ye. My mother phoned me yesterday to say the parcel has turned up and the presents were fine. I had my doubts at first because they were aware that I thought it was lost and I thought they were maybe just saying that to make me feel better...anyway she assures me it's there and I can always check on Christmas Day to ask what they got!

I got a phonecall yesterday evening again from the company to say they were still looking for it but still couldn't find it! (supposed to phone me again this morning but still waiting :rolleyes: ) I decided not to inform them that it has turned up seeing as all the trouble they caused me. To make matters worse, when I track my parcel on the internet and put in the consignment number, it still shows up as being in a certain depot and the last scan on the label was the 15th of December!!

Amateur outfit or what!? I've learnt my lesson anyway for next year.