View Full Version : Caulfield signs new 2 year contract

30/09/2015, 7:00 PM

30/09/2015, 7:06 PM
Great news for us :good::good:

30/09/2015, 7:21 PM
First season was a great success going so close in the league and getting europe. This season has been a bit disappointing even though we are second we are way off the pace and many felt we could push on from last year. I would've thought a one year contract but hopefully improvements can be made for next year.

30/09/2015, 7:27 PM


30/09/2015, 7:43 PM
Have to say, quite surprised by that. Thought they might look elsewhere in the off-season. No doubting he's done a great job there, but I think he's reached the limit of his abilities and they really need a more progressive manager to take them to the next level. Fully believe with the squad they have, they should be pushing Dundalk a hell of a lot tighter.

30/09/2015, 7:50 PM
Agree with Nigel-harps, Cork should be much closer given the signings they've made and I would argue that their squad is bigger than ours and is not short on quality. In that case to me the manager isn't getting the best out of them

White Horse
30/09/2015, 8:28 PM
Great news.

30/09/2015, 9:04 PM
It seems almost incredible that he is considered a failure by many even though his record at Cork is excellent- but a lack of ambition in critical away games and inept tactics in the big games have repeatedly hindered Cork

30/09/2015, 9:32 PM
I'd certainly be happy if I was a Dundalk fan, let the long ball continue

Real ale Madrid
30/09/2015, 9:37 PM
Dundalk fans are happy anyway.

First two seasons in League Management and we are on course for 2 successive runners up spots. Not bad! Only Florentino Perez would be unhappy with that.

30/09/2015, 10:05 PM
His record is not bad for someone new to the league of Ireland. Chance to win the cup and should make europe 2 years in a row. Think people may have expected too much from the likes of Miller, Bennett and O Flynn, players who may be slightly passed their peak. Or would a better manager get more from them?

30/09/2015, 10:31 PM

01/10/2015, 8:38 AM
He has a pretty good squad to work with, but 2nd place twice in a row, behind only an extraordinary Dundalk team, is a good achievement.

Cork's, and by extension, his performance in Europe was woeful though.

He never seems to inspire confidence in interviews though, even by the usual bland empty cliche standards.

White Horse
01/10/2015, 9:05 AM
I still can't get over the tactics against KR Reykjavik. I know Caulfield played football at a high level in Ireland and I saw him play many times. However, I keep getting the impression that he doesn't understand the game.

Perhaps, the Cork board looked at the alternatives and thought that continuity under Caulfield is the best option. It's not as if there is a huge pool of managerial talent out there.

01/10/2015, 9:24 AM
Most people don't rate the Cork squad that highly (I remember Rico calling Mark O'Sullivan a pub player) and many here don't rate Caulfield.

But there they are, the 2nd best team in the country 2 years in a row. So either the league is ****, the players are underrated or Caulfield is a decent manager. Probably all 3

The key for him now is to push on. He's showed he can organise a team and get them well drilled. Can he get them to push and look like winning a league? We'll find out soon enough

01/10/2015, 12:25 PM
There is not that much wrong at Cork that cannot be addressed with a change of attitude. Caulfield played the averages this season and it didnt work with Dundalk being so consistent. Next season could very well see a change and the type of ball played in Turners Cross tried away too. If that doesnt work well it at least he wont still be labled as one dimensional - other years his methods could very well have won the league.

01/10/2015, 2:11 PM
His record is not bad for someone new to the league of Ireland. Chance to win the cup and should make europe 2 years in a row. Think people may have expected too much from the likes of Miller, Bennett and O Flynn, players who may be slightly passed their peak. Or would a better manager get more from them?

That's it exactly & they're not the only one's. Those who see them play every week will understand this.
What has disappointed a lot of fans is that City seem to be like a retirement home for returning pro's who can't get a contract elsewhere. Some would prefer if younger players got a chance but if the League position deteriorated then they wouldn't be happy either.
I think Caulfield is seen as a safe pair of hands given the resources available to him. He's done a great job in giving the club back its pride & spirit.
Its not like there's a plentiful supply of quality managers out there, at least managers who don't want to spend every Euro the club has or in some cases don't have.

Martinho II
01/10/2015, 5:02 PM
It would be interesting to see the outcome this season if the Billy Dennehy row hadnt taken place. Wonder they be much closer to Dundalk? Maybe Cork will do better next season so long as Billy Dennehy row doenst happen again!

01/10/2015, 5:23 PM
Most people don't rate the Cork squad that highly (I remember Rico calling Mark O'Sullivan a pub player) and many here don't rate Caulfield.

But there they are, the 2nd best team in the country 2 years in a row. So either the league is ****, the players are underrated or Caulfield is a decent manager. Probably all 3

The key for him now is to push on. He's showed he can organise a team and get them well drilled. Can he get them to push and look like winning a league? We'll find out soon enough

Apart from Dundalk the standard in the league has gone to the dogs in recent seasons , cork = hoofers , Saints = can't defend & are overall average , rovers = dull , the rest is a medley of bog standard teams at best.

02/10/2015, 1:34 AM
Apart from Dundalk the standard in the league has gone to the dogs in recent seasons , cork = hoofers , Saints = can't defend & are overall average , rovers = dull , the rest is a medley of bog standard teams at best.

Thankfully someone is honest enough on here to say it

Mr A
02/10/2015, 9:48 AM
People have been saying the league is declining in standard since ever I remember.

02/10/2015, 10:21 AM
An interesting 10 year old thread is included under "similar threads" at the bottom of this page...


02/10/2015, 11:45 AM
The league must be the equivalent of the Sunday afternoon 5 a side at this stage the way it's been declining in standard for so long.

I don't recall a year on here since I joined this forum that's not had a fan of a former champion of the previous few years stating that the league is in decline.

Real ale Madrid
02/10/2015, 11:49 AM
The league must be the equivalent of the Sunday afternoon 5 a side at this stage the way it's been declining in standard for so long.

I don't recall a year on here since I joined this forum that's had a fan of a former champion of the previous few years stating that the league is in decline.

The league was it its peak in 1993, went to sh1t€ for about 12 years before going through a real purple patch around 2005. Sadly it has been in a steady decline since.

02/10/2015, 12:28 PM
The league was it its peak in 1993, went to sh1t€ for about 12 years before going through a real purple patch around 2005. Sadly it has been in a steady decline since.

In fairness it hinted at recovery last season and right up to the last day we all thought it was going to be a really good quality year but we realised that wasn't the case at all and we'd been misreading the overall quality that season.

02/10/2015, 12:28 PM
There's simple criteria to determine whether the league is in decline or not:

Criteria 1: My team has been rubbish for a long time now
Conclusion: League is in decline

Criteria 2: My team won trophies in the recent past but have dropped off now
Conclusion: League is in decline

Criteria 3: My team is improving and challenging for trophies but haven't won anything yet
Conclusion: League is in decline

Criteria 4: No team has qualified for the group stages of a European competition
Conclusion: League is in decline

Criteria 5: My team is winning trophies
Conclusion: League is the strongest it has ever been and is on the cusp of European greatness (with a favourable draw!!)

Probably missing a few scenarios but that basically covers most of the scenarios and fans opinions on here.

Real ale Madrid
02/10/2015, 12:35 PM
In fairness it hinted at recovery last season and right up to the last day we all thought it was going to be a really good quality year but we realised that wasn't the case at all and we'd been misreading the overall quality that season.

A well thought out and logical summation of last years league.
I mean look at 2005 for an example - 2006 results in Europe were the best ever.
2015? Dross.

02/10/2015, 3:22 PM
The league obviously was at its peak when our champions of the time reached the last 16 of the European Cup and that was even before the European Cup was diluted with non champions and became the Champions league...waltzed through preliminary rounds, none of this play-off malarkey - among the top 16 champions in Europe!!

The sudden decline must have happened when one of our UEFA Cup qualifiers were beaten 14-0 the season after another LoI side were unluckily beaten 2-1 by the same English team. At least that what it looks like in the record books :p

Charlie Darwin
08/10/2015, 3:36 AM
The league must be the equivalent of the Sunday afternoon 5 a side at this stage the way it's been declining in standard for so long.

I don't recall a year on here since I joined this forum that's not had a fan of a former champion of the previous few years stating that the league is in decline.
I can't remember the last team to win the league that wasn't the worst team in recent memory to win it.