View Full Version : Cork AUL Premier & Premier A 2015/16

10/09/2015, 1:41 PM
lots of messi,s and ronaldo,s on here !! fair play to the lad , he got called up and gave it a go , cant knock a lad for that !!

true post !!! why dont people back each other up on here instead of cuting peoples heads off when they say something.. its a football forum not a war zone.

12/09/2015, 3:15 PM
That's right plenty of room and I don't have to listen to all these armchair managers talking tripe 😂😂😂😂

Do ye ever give it a brake and talk about soccer ? There is aload of Tom peppers on here.!

12/09/2015, 4:28 PM
Awww fwiends. ......... football fwiends

14/09/2015, 6:25 PM
just a thought here but it wouldn't surprise me if players don't want to play cause
of the crap that is said on here bout them if they do tog out for the side !!
noting ever encouraging for players to look at on this only a sledging from keyboard warriors !!

Everyone on here is a keyboard warrior like yourself

14/09/2015, 8:59 PM
Absolute rubbish on here again. Some guys just on here to stir crap. No Kilreen players have ever refused to play with the Cork Aul team . I would not think that any Blarney Street players would refuse either unless they had good reasons

Says you DNG your full of it yourself ..

15/09/2015, 10:00 AM
Can everyone on here talk about football not fight over stuff let's put this s**t to bed and talk football.

15/09/2015, 12:19 PM
Dexter, I would define Keyboard Warriors in 2 ways - 1) Those who hide behind the keyboard - i.e. wouldnt have the b*l*x to say what they have to say if guys knew who they were. Secondly, I would see a Keyboard Warrior as a guy where the keyboard is their sole contribution to football.

Neither particularly worth listening to.

15/09/2015, 1:08 PM
Dexter, I would define Keyboard Warriors in 2 ways - 1) Those who hide behind the keyboard - i.e. wouldnt have the b*l*x to say what they have to say if guys knew who they were. Secondly, I would see a Keyboard Warrior as a guy where the keyboard is their sole contribution to football.

Neither particularly worth listening to.

Your a Tom pepper boi.. Your a keyboard warrior yourself