View Full Version : Gerry Adams On The Late Late Show

11/12/2004, 11:51 AM
anybody see this last night...what was his comment about pat rabbite leading to :confused:

11/12/2004, 2:43 PM
As usual he gave a polished performance and spoke concisely and with a great degree of common sense.

:D :rolleyes:

He's still a lánger

11/12/2004, 3:02 PM
This coming from a so called Cork rebel...???

No, coming from a Cork person who views the situation rationally and understands that when there are two egos (Adams and Paisley) fighting over the future of a nation, there is no way that anything positive will happen.

11/12/2004, 4:41 PM
Next time make contributions like the latter post, not the former. Posts like the former contribute nothing to the debate or the community.


12/12/2004, 11:08 AM
Next time make contributions like the latter post, not the former. Posts like the former contribute nothing to the debate or the community.


Point taken Adam. Apologies

12/12/2004, 11:24 AM
This coming from a so called Cork rebel...???

They ceased to exist after 1921 ;)

Backlash :D ........

13/12/2004, 7:45 AM
i'd assume in you're position dortie you'd know Cork is the rebel county because of its landowner's support for the parliment in the English civil war, yes? ;)

13/12/2004, 10:24 AM
I find Mr Adams to be a very nauseating piece of work. Fact is, MR Adams is the PIRA. We shouldnt be asking some obscure hoods in the PIRA to disarm, we should ask Uncle Gerry that. he is on the Supreme Council of the PIRA. The collapse of the present peace initiatve was due to the egotistic posturings of of both extremeists, namely Adams and Paisley.

The Provos simply have no intention of disarming and they never did or will. You see the proceeds of terrorism, racketering, diesel scams and protection money from drug dealers is too profitable for our Provie friends to give up. Mr Adams and his gang of cohorts are being let off the hook by a complacant media. As Mr Eoghan Harris said in yesterdays Sindo, the whole emphasis was not to public humiliate the PIRA over the photos, on the contary they should get all the public humiliation that they deserve.

And dont start me on that O'Snodaigh muppet.

P.S. There is no such thing as the OIRA, its just a figment of the imagination of the Unionist types like Kevin Myers, Vincent Browne and Ruth Dudley Edwards.

13/12/2004, 10:41 AM
The Provos simply have no intention of disarming and they never did or will.
Agreed, and yet they howl like scalded cats about their 4 'victimised' garda killers who they wanted released as part of an agreement they were, it seems, never prepared to keep in the first place.What a joke.

13/12/2004, 10:55 AM
These murdering scum gunned down a member of the Garda in cold blood who was simply doing his duty to uphold the principles of law and order. In fact the 4 intimidated witnesses that they got off from murder to a manslaughter charge on a technicality.

PSF/PIRA are a threat to democracy and civil liberties of our state. Unless the PSF/PIRA disarm and and agree to give up their organized criminal activities we shoudlnt even give these low-lifes the time of day.

Whats the bet that FF will after the next election do a nice little spin job on how these fascist thugs are really nice people commited to the principles of democracy and freedom who will give up their guns when nicely asked and that we do not publicly humiliate them by demanding photographic evidence of them decommisioning and ask them to form a government.

Ah yes how everything will be rosy in the garden.

13/12/2004, 11:02 AM
PSF/PIRA are a threat to democracy and civil liberties of our state. Unless the PSF/PIRA disarm and and agree to give up their organized criminal activities we shoudlnt even give these low-lifes the time of day.
Unfortunately, we do give them the time of day, and a lot more besides.
They are treated on a political basis, not a criminal one, which is quite frightening.

13/12/2004, 12:09 PM
Oh My God, I agree with Partizan!!

Excellent posting above, echo those sentiments. That deal is looking further and further away... :(

13/12/2004, 1:00 PM
Unfortunately, we do give them the time of day, and a lot more besides.
They are treated on a political basis, not a criminal one, which is quite frightening.

55% of registered Catholics in the North who vote SF are criminals, or support criminals ??

Go look at your own parties to see what corruption really is !

And again, Im a republican who no longer votes SF, but your comments actually worry me.

13/12/2004, 2:48 PM
yep il be the first to admit our own politicans are corrupt bunch of gangsters
but when is the last time they ordered murder torture or the killing of innocent civilians and our parties are democrats that respect the rule of vote.
unlike scum fein/ira who have thier own private army to rob and murder for them

13/12/2004, 2:53 PM
but when is the last time they ordered murder torture or the killing of innocent civilians and our parties are democrats that respect the rule of vote.
unlike scum fein/ira who have thier own private army to rob and murder for them

In my entire life in the North I never knew SF to order the killing of Innocent civilians. People of my City did however witness the British government order their troops into kill innocent civilians in 1972.

Your biased view is obvious. The fact you do not consider the mandate of the majority catholic vote proves your far from a democrat.

13/12/2004, 3:00 PM
dortie of course im a democrat and i accept the factthe majority of people voted for sinn fein up there but the issue ithe people down here have is scum fein/ira criminal acts down here i dont have a biased view but you seem to think its ok for scum fein to have a private army that robs the people of this island

13/12/2004, 3:04 PM
[QUOTE=dortie]In my entire life in the North I never knew SF to order the killing of Innocent civilians. People of my City did however witness the British government order their troops into kill innocent civilians in 1972.


oh and when scum fein ira bombed warringhton which were civilian targets who ordered that santa claus :rolleyes:

13/12/2004, 3:08 PM
PSF/PIRA are all the one organisation. Gerry Adams is a member of teh Supreme Council of the PIRA. That has been said in the media here for over 20 years and if its is untrue then why has Adams not challenged it.

The Provos, down to the last man have plenty of blood on their hands. Its time for the men of violence to turn their back on the gun and not mount continuing eulogies to the likes of Joe Cahill.

We are talking about partaking in democratic politics and obeying the laws of teh land. Private armies have no use in a modern civil state.

13/12/2004, 3:33 PM
PSF/PIRA are all the one organisation. Gerry Adams is a member of teh Supreme Council of the PIRA. That has been said in the media here for over 20 years and if its is untrue then why has Adams not challenged it.

The Provos, down to the last man have plenty of blood on their hands. Its time for the men of violence to turn their back on the gun and not mount continuing eulogies to the likes of Joe Cahill.

We are talking about partaking in democratic politics and obeying the laws of teh land. Private armies have no use in a modern civil state.

Whats the supreme council ? Never heard of it. Amazing how you know the infastructure so well, suppose the biased media taught you well through RTE and the BBC through the years.
Your party leaders should lead SF by example Partizan, after all the Stickies done so well in modern day politics.

13/12/2004, 4:58 PM
P.S. There is no such thing as the OIRA

Tell that to all the people who've been beaten up by the Stickies, tell that to all the small business people in the North Inner City who been the victims of extortion from the Stickies and tell that to people whose lives were ruined by OIRA goons selling drugs.

If you're a Sticky you've a hard neck having a go at the Provos. The Stickies gave democracy a go for a wee while, decided they didn't like it (except for the few who joined Labour) and went back to punishment beatings, extortion rackets, counterfeiting and drug dealing. At least the Shinners are serious about going down the road of democracy.

And before you ask, I'm not a member of or a supporter of SF. I just hate hypocrisy and double-standards.


13/12/2004, 5:44 PM
There is no such thing as the OIRA, its a figment of the imagination of some right-wing sectors in the media, namely Kevin Myers and Ruth Dudley Edwards, two bastions of Irish Unionism in the Sindo. The OIRA declared a unilateral and unconditional ceasefire in 1972 in response to the killing of Ranger Best and the Aldershot atrocity. The main body of the OIRA left with Seamus Costello in 1975 to form the INLA. After that the INLA along with their PIRA buddies turned their guns on us and massacred dozens of our members in Belfast and Derry. OIRA acted purely in self defense. If you check a British intelligence reports, the OIRA hasnt existed in any shape or form in nearly 20 years and largely remained inactive since. Does the term 'rusty guns' have any reasonance with you.

I am a WP member and we have been fully committed to the democratic processes since we contested our first national elections in 1974. You will note that the original split in 1970 with the Provos centred around the absention issue. The Provos opposed Goulding's move of entering mainstream politics and the moving of the republican movement into more proactive politics, i.e recognizing both the Dail and Westminster and contesting elections to partake in both Houses. The Provies have since gone down the very same route as ourselves albeit 25 years too late and 2,000 fatalities in the meantime. In short the Provos have backtracked on everything they have upheld to fight for, for over 30 years. With the current situation they now find themselves snookered in which they will have to renounce all actions of violence and in due course give up their arms. No hardline nationalist/republican worth his salt even going back to the IRB would ever contemplate this. It is truly astounding to see the Provos doing an amazing u-turn on the very principles they fought for.

Referring to rackets and drug pushing. That is rubbish. You will know of an article and the BBC Panorama TV programme that alleged that senior members of the Party were involved in money laundering activities with the involvement of N Korea. Well let me tell you that our lawyers are currently in the process of taking legal action against the BBC and Sunday independent to contest these obscene allegations made against us. The issue will be coming to court next year.

as for concerning why some of our members left in 1992, i.e De Rossa and his ilk. Get your facts straight. The so called existence of the OIRA (which was also mentioned in a Spotlight programme prior to the June '91 local elections) was used by these elements as a political red herring to destroy the Party in their self centred, vain and selfish quest for the Ministerial Merc and levers of power. Neutral observers have admitted this, read INLA Deadly Divisions book by Jack Holland & Henry McDonald. Unlike the Provies/DL crowd and now Labour we have our principles and not once since day one have we flinched from our obligation in the quest for a 32 county secular socialist republic based on the ideals of James Connolly, Frank Ryan and Liam Mellows.

I am a member of an Irish republican party and I do admit that we were born out of a barrel of a gun but then again in Irish politics who hasnt (the Greens). Its part and parcel of our revolutionary history and our national struggle of liberation against a foreign imperialist power and we should never forget our revolutionary heritage. But time is now, for all guns to be removed from politics on all sides. If I had ever doubted my Party's commitment to the ideals of democracy and freedom of speech I would not be speaking from this platform sir.

Sincerely yours.

13/12/2004, 5:59 PM
Whats the supreme council ? Never heard of it. Amazing how you know the infastructure so well, suppose the biased media taught you well through RTE and the BBC through the years.
Your party leaders should lead SF by example Partizan, after all the Stickies done so well in modern day politics.

Ignorance is bliss dortie, no other political party in this state has gone through the trauma as we have had. Imagine a party that lost 7 TD's, 1 MEP, 30 odd councillors and town comissioners coupled with two bloody feuds with the Provies and the INLA in the 1970's and you wonder why we are still around.


Ah go on, be nice :D

13/12/2004, 6:00 PM
And that completes a Party Political Broadcast on the part of the militant left... ;)

You didn't read it all...did you? :)


13/12/2004, 6:08 PM
Didn't realise Liam Mellows was very left wing.

Always liked Liam. Not as much as Cathal Brugha mind...there was something very poignant about his last moments as he was rushed from the scene of his shooting at Hammond's Hotel while a nurse vainly tried to hold his shattered thigh together...oh and Rory O'Connor too...

...and Ernie O'Malley...my personal favourite rebel.


13/12/2004, 7:36 PM
I dunno, all that violence on Ailesbury Road? It could have affected property prices for years...and given the neighbourhood a bad name...

You'd need to be a tax dodger to afford to live in Ailesbury Road all the same :D

14/12/2004, 8:34 AM
Ignorance is bliss dortie, no other political party in this state has gone through the trauma as we have had. Imagine a party that lost 7 TD's, 1 MEP, 30 odd councillors and town comissioners coupled with two bloody feuds with the Provies and the INLA in the 1970's and you wonder why we are still around.


Ah go on, be nice :D

Not ignorance, knowledge.

How can I be nice to a Communist :D

And you are simply a hypocrite, SF are Just doing what the OIRA did in 1969.....

You guys Just surrendered 30 years earlier :p