View Full Version : Banned from the GUST Forum?

08/08/2015, 6:11 PM
Banned for 3 weeks!

Maybe we can get some discussions going on here.

Mr A
10/08/2015, 9:47 AM
What did you do?

15/08/2015, 7:56 AM
Three weeks is better than four but worse than two!:rolleyes:

15/08/2015, 3:31 PM
The site is offline now. Has he pulled it down?

the 12 th man
15/08/2015, 3:41 PM
It's like a Hitchcock movie....

15/08/2015, 4:06 PM
The site is offline now. Has he pulled it down?

I hope so.

15/08/2015, 4:57 PM
It's my football and you're not playing with it...

16/08/2015, 12:54 PM
What has happened to the gust forum it has more than 5k members we need it back asap it's important to the club and fans to have a good discussion forum it need to be sorted

16/08/2015, 2:07 PM
Not a lot that can be done about it if the administrator of the forum doesn't want to run it. We had a very lively forum here before and on The Into The West site before that. Forums come and go. The personal abuse thrown around last week on the United forum was way out of line and if that is the type of crap that is going on I'd prefer to move the discussion back here.

16/08/2015, 6:59 PM
Any chance a mod could change the name of this forum?

Mr A
17/08/2015, 11:16 AM
I asked for this in support forum. Have asked now in the mod forum. Has to be done by Admin.

20/08/2015, 10:21 AM
Its a sham that one man can control the official Website, Forum and Facebook Page and acts like a spoiled child who runs home with his ball because no one will pass it to him.

20/08/2015, 3:43 PM
Has anyone offered to help out or run any of those apart from whoever it is that does it?

20/08/2015, 4:45 PM
Shame, I quite enjoyed that forum.

21/08/2015, 8:56 AM
Has anyone offered to help out or run any of those apart from whoever it is that does it?

Not that I know of. Not sure if any assistance was sought. Having an independently run and moderated forum for GUFC fans here on foot.ie might prevent a repeat of what happened. It is a shame that the old forum and its contents are no longer available but at least there is less chance of people being abused and ridiculed for no reason on this forum.

27/08/2015, 2:26 PM
Not that I know of. Not sure if any assistance was sought. Having an independently run and moderated forum for GUFC fans here on foot.ie might prevent a repeat of what happened. It is a shame that the old forum and its contents are no longer available but at least there is less chance of people being abused and ridiculed for no reason on this forum.

An opportunity was provided for the provision of an apology, but it's like the Summer.......still waiting for it.

28/08/2015, 10:55 AM
So that's it - its offline and staying offline - such a shame
thought he just wanted to teach us all a lesson

29/08/2015, 10:05 AM
That is a shame. With the Cup Final coming up it would have been nice to see what sort of promotional stuff was going on to try to pack Terryland out. Very few seem to have come over here to keep discussion going.

03/09/2015, 7:51 PM
Ya, real shame the forums gone. Was a great way for fans to keep in touch with what's going on at the club. Hopefully we get a bit of chat going on here.

04/09/2015, 1:30 PM
And what can Foot.ie do to accommodate ye?

04/09/2015, 3:02 PM
Change the name of this sub forum to Galway United!

08/09/2015, 9:24 AM
Gah, thought I already had, sorry.

08/09/2015, 11:54 AM
"There's only two Galway Uniteds...."

08/09/2015, 3:43 PM
who hoo - United! United!

Claret Murph
17/09/2015, 11:42 AM
Any updates if any new forum is in the pipeline ?????

17/09/2015, 1:55 PM
You're on it!

29/09/2015, 9:38 PM
New forum up and running now

11/02/2021, 7:53 PM
Is the usual forum down for anyone else today as well?

Martinho II
12/02/2021, 10:15 PM
Is the usual forum down for anyone else today as well?

Great to see the forum back active here again even if it was only brief!!