View Full Version : eanna come out!!!!!

15/01/2002, 3:13 PM
Maybe it's me but I am getting tired of all this inneundo about who knows what or what happened with dm and what gunter did etc.

most of the source of this seems to be eanna.

theerfore I challenge eanna to come clean to everyone here instead of keeping all these juicy stories for himself.

say by the courage of your convictions (and I am not takinmg about the ones involving underage lonford girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

15/01/2002, 3:15 PM
eanna come out

ha ha there was i thinking you were going to reveal something else about eanna , dalo :D

15/01/2002, 3:38 PM
Reveal your source Eanna ! ha ha :D

15/01/2002, 3:45 PM
Originally posted by dalo
Maybe it's me but I am getting tired of all this inneundo about who knows what or what happened with dm and what gunter did etc.

most of the source of this seems to be eanna.

theerfore I challenge eanna to come clean to everyone here instead of keeping all these juicy stories for himself.

like i've said already, i have been told things that i have been asked not to repeat- and i will stay true to my word.
i wouldn't have described myself as the fountain of scandal that you seem to think i am dalo!

15/01/2002, 4:27 PM
But you have also said that you have no "inside" source within the club and you implyed that you hear these things 'on the street', you could say.

Do City have that many fans in Limrick?

How do we know that your source(s) are credable?

Also, if you are being true to your word when you said that you would not repeat these "things" what have you being saying to us for the last 6 months?


15/01/2002, 5:55 PM
Well at least some of what he is saying is enjoyable. If Eanna has spoken to these people (and I have no reason to doubt him) and they say that they don't want to be quoted then so be it. Dalo, you seem to be on a bit of a crusade to clean up this board as of late. You talk of 'self appointed Jehovahs', well who appointed you god?

Cork is a small place and City players aren't exactly superstars who you would rarely see around the place. I reckon we have all spoken to a player at one point or another and they have said something interesting, which may warrant writing about here, but at the same time respected the sources secrecy.

So lets not kill the messenger shall we?

A face
15/01/2002, 7:47 PM
in fairness, lets not make a mountain out of a molehill, we all hear stuff, we all tell each other what is going on .... why make an issue of it. C'mon lads ... this could start to become kinda crap.

Jim Smith
15/01/2002, 9:57 PM
anybody who beleives everything they read on a messageboard gets all they deserve. You can beleive that, honest...
In fairness, this board is by no means the worst. Perhaps the players are not to be beleived. Personally I beleive none of what I hear and half of what I see.

15/01/2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Jim Smith
Personally I beleive none of what I hear and half of what I see.

yea but that could be down to something quiet entirely else
i hear the 60's were a pity wild time Jim

man i'm so wasted ;)