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19/11/2004, 2:04 PM
What software do I need to download to open a compressed RAR file?

Somebody just asked me this and I haven't a clue what to tell them.

She's a girl too so I'd appreciate any help with solving her problem.

Though I'm curious, will I gain points for solving her quandry or lose them because she'll think I'm an IT geek. I mean, I look the part even if I don't know much... :o

19/11/2004, 2:08 PM
What software do I need to download to open a compressed RAR file?

Somebody just asked me this and I haven't a clue what to tell them.

She's a girl too so I'd appreciate any help with solving her problem.

Though I'm curious, will I gain points for solving her quandry or lose them because she'll think I'm an IT geek. I mean, I look the part even if I don't know much... :o

Tell her the info whilst doing your best impression of Fonzie, then you will look cool!! Sorry I dont have a clue about the technical stuff, but Im sure you wont sound like a geek :)

19/11/2004, 2:15 PM
What software do I need to download to open a compressed RAR file? :o

Be a geek and be proud!

Try this. (http://www.tucows.com/preview/209050.html)

Sorry, checked the link and it was broken.
It should work now.

max power
19/11/2004, 2:15 PM
if when she tries to open the file, she will be given an option to use the net to find a program to open this file.

it will give u a few options, she can pick what ever one she wants.

or just go into download.com and put in rar extracter

19/11/2004, 2:31 PM
winrar or winace should do the job

19/11/2004, 2:31 PM
What software do I need to download to open a compressed RAR file?WinRAR (http://www.rarlab.com/)

Your chicky is a warez monkey.


20/11/2004, 11:50 AM
Thank you gentlemen. :)