View Full Version : Promotion of the Club

10/01/2002, 5:35 PM
Just a few points:

The Flags at the games look very good but it would look even better if more people brought flags with them and people actually wore Red to the city games. I saw the Cork-Kerry football game on video recently and the entire Blackrock end was red, why not something similar in the Cross.

Anychance of a collection/4-5-1 contribution to buy some of those rather large and totally cool flags of the type Rovers had in the City dathanna?

Looking through some old progs and saw an ad it one of them. CCFC Patrons club. Anyone know if it is still running, what was the uptake on it?

Also Pats have a junior Super Saints club which is a great idea to get the kids to go to the games and get them more involved. I suppose it would be out of the question to suggest that City should do something similar......I've even thought up of a really bad name for him, along the lines of Fred The Red..........Eddie The Sheddie.

Last point, since the Club dont seem bothered to do a bit of promo for the club, why dont we the supports do something about it. I would willfully printout and hand up posters around UCC and the general College Road area in conjunction with other people doing similar things?!?!

10/01/2002, 5:47 PM
Originally posted by SÓCcfc

The Flags at the games look very good but it would look even better if more people brought flags with them and people actually wore Red to the city games. I saw the Cork-Kerry football game on video recently and the entire Blackrock end was red, why not something similar in the Cross.

didnt the fanzine boys try that at the derry game with the seas of red idea and it was a failure..cause people in the shed are simply too thick to understand the concept

it has been suggested many many times here on the old official site and previously on red boys and hoof, and to be honest I have never seen anything done about it by anyone bar 1 or 2 at most

CCFC Patrons...lol :D
might I suggest an alternate...

"Sponsor a Directors round of golf week"...
Week 1 The Shed sponsors Micheal O Leary for a round of golf at Fota
Week 2 The St Annes end pay for a round in Douglas
Week 3 Pigs fly in formation over the shed

etc etc

Cause thats where the money would go anyway..right boys!

10/01/2002, 6:40 PM
Originally posted by SÓCcfc
Anychance of a collection/4-5-1 contribution to buy some of those rather large and totally cool flags of the type Rovers had in the City dathanna?

Why don't ya put together a plan and send them an email then. Or are you just all talk?

10/01/2002, 6:58 PM
typical lads. a man comes up with an idea with the clubs best interests at heart and ye just shoot him down and make a mockery of it. Who do ye support again?

10/01/2002, 7:03 PM
I think its a great idea but like James said it has been muted many times before, and its very easy to do so on a website or message board, we all have good ideas about what would improve Cork City, but actually implementing them is another thing.

I dont think James was knocking it so much as saying dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk..

10/01/2002, 7:05 PM
Originally posted by Pablo
a man comes up with an idea with the clubs best interests at heart and ye just shoot him down and make a mockery of it.
All I said was for him to email the fanzine instead of saying here 'would they make a contribution?'

10/01/2002, 7:14 PM
But I thought that it would be better to ut it up here, get some sort of agreement then send an email to 4-5-1, so it aint just a lone voice. My god people only making suggestions.

10/01/2002, 7:22 PM
Brilliant idea, sorry, don't get me wrong!

I'll throw money or lend a hand towards any kind of effort like that if there is some sort of a definite plan.

10/01/2002, 7:46 PM
Any chance of a collection/4-5-1 contribution to buy some of those rather large and totally cool flags of the type Rovers had in the City dathanna?
Great idea and FourFiveOne are always willing to throw any money made from the fanzine at ideas like this. However, it would need to be organised properly in terms of ensuring the flags would be used and also that someone would take care of them.

Money made from Issue 4 and 5 of FourFiveOne was spent on flares and smoke for the Rovers and Derry games and also a Free Issue for the Derry game. The Free Issue was made in an attempt to create a 'Sea of Red' for when the teams came out, but it was an absolute failure.

since the Club dont seem bothered to do a bit of promo for the club, why dont we the supporters do something about it. I would willfully printout and hand up posters around UCC and the general College Road area
FourFiveOne tried to get that going at one stage (dropping fliers into UCC and CIT promoting the next game) but it didn't really work. They don't seem to allow fliers anymore. Posters may be more effective?

SOCcfc, drop us an email with your ideas and we'll see what can be done. If everyone else who is interested in getting involved in this drops us an email also, we will try and co-ordinate things.



11/01/2002, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by SÓCcfc

The Flags at the games look very good but it would look even better if more people brought flags with them and people actually wore Red to the city games. I saw the Cork-Kerry football game on video recently and the entire Blackrock end was red, why not something similar in the Cross.

I think you will see a lot more red at the cross during the summer months. In the summer anyone can wear a red t-shirt if they don't have a jersey but during the winter its freezin' & most people don't have red coats/jackets.

I agree a couple of those big falgs on the bendy polls would be class up at the st annes end. Pity the rovers one wasn't shown on tv....

11/01/2002, 5:24 PM
the boys in the corner seem to be the only ones to bother with a flag. so cheap it was aswell.

A face
11/01/2002, 5:55 PM
The sea of red flopped and that was

(1) People didn't know about it !!

Suggestion: Have a red cover to the fanzine every week and have a sea of red every week, it will hopefully catch on, All it takes is a few and tell people around you (when i was giving them out, i told everyone what they were for, but it will take time.

(2) Men on the ground, not enough !!

Suggestion: There were about ten of us giving them out, for say 3,000 fans = NOWHERE near enough people helping out, 12.00 at the horseshoe the last few weeks and it gave a chance to get the s hit together, but again ...


We need you !! (http://home.nycap.rr.com/content/us_poster_s.jpg)

You're already going to the match, go for an early pint and half an hour before the game, get the stuff organised, and then see the game. 'Tis fairly simple really.

A face
11/01/2002, 5:57 PM
That link didn't work .... right Lads, how is it done, and no holding back on me !! :D :D

11/01/2002, 6:47 PM
sry there has been an automatic anti-face device built into this site as standard.

ie you cant post images into the threads but you post the hyperlink of that stupid american pointing his finger at you ;)

A face
11/01/2002, 9:02 PM
*Assume a 1920's mob type Bogart accent*

Anti-face devise you say ..... humm

Chanx kid ..... here a twenty, now scramm, beat it !! :D

James .... i thought you would love Uncle Sammy by now :D

(right, now who is playing tricks ... there is a link there now and it wasn't there earlier, honest, i swear)

11/01/2002, 11:10 PM
Yup Manser, you've finally lost it!

12/01/2002, 12:03 PM
I asked the guy with the basque flag where he got it, theres a fella down the coal quay sells any type of flag you want, looking at international flags Bulgaria is a cracker, I know we'er not Bulgars but the colour is what it's all about. 4-5-1 , I reckon a massive flag 10m by 6m to hang over the exit by the shed would be great and I'd gladly throw a twenty towards the cost , as for looking after it , dont let it to away games cos it would get destroyed in drink or lost through drink. Keep it for home games and get it cleaned in a laundrette, I'm sure City would allow it to be kept in the cross. :p

12/01/2002, 4:25 PM
or you could put up advertising for the matches in the doorways/porches of city pubs,bars and cafés

12/01/2002, 6:51 PM
to 4-5-1------------------ How many fanzines would yu have left over after a match ? Maybe you could throw them into a few pubs around the city, I know you'll get a few whingers on about having to pay for theirs, but how bad if it drags in a coupla extra supporters. Also, look at Citynet and foot.ie and try to print some of the better comments and suggestions, your doin' a good job so keep it going. I'd help out but don't ask me to sell anything, I couldn't sell me body to the University, but anything else I'll muck in. :cool:

13/01/2002, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Zedi
to 4-5-1------------------ How many fanzines would yu have left over after a match ? Maybe you could throw them into a few pubs around the city, ... I'd help out but don't ask me to sell anything, I couldn't sell me body to the University, but anything else I'll muck in. :cool:
We actually sold out of Issues 1-4, but we have over 100 copies of Issue 5 left over (mainly because we printed more copies due to the big Cup game).

Zedi, any kind of help would be really appreciated. If you (and anyone else) wanted to help with this idea, could you drop us an email?

As regrads the banner idea mentioned above: perhaps we should have a piece in the next issue (Bohs) asking people to email in their ideas.

14/01/2002, 3:16 PM
anything re flags banners etc., i'm willing to pitch in a few quid.

14/01/2002, 5:17 PM
I'd also throw a few €uro at such a project. The problem is like the 4-5-1 boys said is who would look after it etc. not every1 can make every home game never mind the away ones, Éanna perhaps something in conjunction with the CCFCSC?

15/01/2002, 3:13 PM
i'll see what i can do. i'll bring it up at the next meeting, and if there's support for it, it might happen.

A face
15/01/2002, 7:58 PM
I'll throw for it lads if your doing something , Gizzzzzz a shout :D

16/01/2002, 10:57 AM
anything ever happen to the banner you were tryin to sort out face?

A face
16/01/2002, 1:04 PM
Bernie is the man with the master plan :D

Not only does he sort out the lotto, he also is sorting out the banner. A big bootin' one too by the sounds of it.

Bernie ... will we have it for Bohs ??