View Full Version : Govt allocates €131m to sport in estimates

18/11/2004, 3:14 PM
The Government has allocated €131m for spending on sport next year, an increase of 17%.

The Book of Estimates for 2005 has included a budget of €34.4m for the Irish Sports Council as well as a range of new initiatives.

These include €1.5m to commence a development strategy for hurling and camogie nationwide; €1m to commence a development strategy for Gaelic Games in Dublin and €750,000 to commence a programmes to attract women into sport.

The book of estimates also provides for €70m in capital grants for sports facilities and a budget for swimming pools of €25m.

An allocation of €68.8m will be provided towards horse and greyhound racing funding.

The book has also revealed that a proposal is to be brought to Government shortly to finance the construction, on a phased basis, of a sports campus at Abbotstown.

www.breakingnews.ie (http://www.breakingnews.ie/)

18/11/2004, 3:20 PM
[size=2]An allocation of €68.8m will be provided towards horse and greyhound racing funding.

That should be included in Enterprise & Employment department as they funding business people, not sports people aside from fact they shouldn't be spending half that money on horse racing.

GAA, Football & Rugby would all be ahead of racing in participation...

18/11/2004, 7:05 PM
That should be included in Enterprise & Employment department as they funding business people, not sports people aside from fact they shouldn't be spending half that money on horse racing.

GAA, Football & Rugby would all be ahead of racing in participation...This is a bloody disgrace, the gobsh1tes getting all that money to race donkeys & dogs. Surely with all the money that is generated from betting, that a large amount of it could / should be ploughed back into those "sports".

A face
18/11/2004, 7:21 PM
Right ... can we cut through all this and find out how much we are getting ??

Does anyone know ??

18/11/2004, 7:23 PM
Right ... can we cut through all this and find out how much we are getting ??

Does anyone know ??
Bugger all!:D

18/11/2004, 8:18 PM
68.8 million?? Unbelievable, cut it by 22 million, give each club a million to improve facilities. Would do wonders. But, no, instead give it to ****ing greyhound racing.

Poor Student
18/11/2004, 8:26 PM
The whole greyhound & horses thing is a very contentious issue with the taxation. It's annoying to see the fat cats get rich off it but it is good for the economy. The Enterprise and Employment comment is actually pretty fair a point in my opinion. Sports investement should not be primarily decided on the basis of economics. If anything it should be in reverse, that the poorer sports reveive investement! Why can't the FAI/EL be circumvented and the Departement of Sport deal straight with eL clubs?

anto eile
18/11/2004, 8:39 PM

18/11/2004, 8:53 PM
This governmet has gone to the dogs. :rolleyes:

Under Charlie McCreevy and Brian Cowen they have given €500 million to the horses and dogs. Unbelievable. Imagine what the LOI could do with only a small fraction of that.

max power
18/11/2004, 9:00 PM
well a lot of us here are over 18 and u know what to say next time they come a knockin on the door lookin for votes

A face
18/11/2004, 9:12 PM

Well dont vote for them so next time round and pass it on to your mates !!

19/11/2004, 7:42 AM
well a lot of us here are over 18 and u know what to say next time they come a knockin on the door lookin for votes
They get that rant whenever I see them, it doesn't have to be a vote time (and all parties should be targetted, while saving the most vitriol for the current crowd).

Wonder whether PK will show his face at the match on Saturday?

19/11/2004, 9:04 AM
Its a cynical exercise by FF in order to solidify the votes for the next general election. Simple lads, face up to it......there is no votes in footy. :ball: and until there is we will still get fvcked over by the government.

Oh no, here's Conor. :rolleyes:

22/11/2004, 1:45 PM
The government will justify funding for the horses (only small amount goes to dog racing from that 68m) on basis that it employs 15-25k (direct & indirect) people so its funded as an industry not sport.

Anyone want to have a guess how many people irish football employs directly? Got to be several hundred surely?

I think last year horses & dogs got 60m compared to combined GAA, FAI & IRFU getting less than 10m... :(