View Full Version : tv programme/ the swan

the 12 th man
17/11/2004, 2:38 PM
lads/lassies, avoid at all costs.
i unfortunately caught a few mins of it after the game last night.
it involves plain/ugly type women getting all kinds of surgery done to themselves to try and make themselves look younger.

all kinds of fake emotions on show......... :o

17/11/2004, 3:13 PM
I didn't it BUT while driving to work this morning, I was flicking around radio stations and everyone was giving out about it.

I'm curious now... :confused:

17/11/2004, 3:15 PM
lads/lassies, avoid at all costs.
i unfortunately caught a few mins of it after the game last night.
it involves plain/ugly type women getting all kinds of surgery done to themselves to try and make themselves look younger.
So basically just try and catch the last one of the series, with all surgery done....

17/11/2004, 4:27 PM
Amazing what surgery can do to an absolute MINGER !

18/11/2004, 7:13 AM
...was of course, a word made from the letters 'tawt' and rhymes with 'bat'...
that isn't a cockney word afaik. Always in use in Manch anyway as I was growing up...

the 12 th man
18/11/2004, 7:25 AM
So basically just try and catch the last one of the series, with all surgery done....

each week they transform :rolleyes: 2 women, and at the end of each programme the 2 new beauties come out on show to be met on stage by the plastic surgeons :eek: & dieticians who worked on the girls .

the surgeons whoop and holler "hey your beautiful" type stuff to the women.

the programme then selects one out of the two to procede to the "grand pagent" where an overall winner will be picked.

it has to be seen to be believed :D

18/11/2004, 7:39 AM
That show is morally wrong imo. TV shows cannot play god.

And what about the other insecure women, the ones who dont win the final prize? Will their insecurities just get worse?