View Full Version : Lockdown?

16/11/2004, 6:18 PM
What's this lockdown thing Dahmsta has put on the site.Are we not meant to be able to get in to the site? I'm in! :confused:

16/11/2004, 6:26 PM
Only members can view the site and no-one new can sign up, plus people cannot post as guests (which is a wee bit pointless posting as a guest anyway-would be better to get an account). It's because it seems theres been people coming on just to spam/insult recently and I think that it'll last till Dec 12th.....

16/11/2004, 10:15 PM
Only members can view the site and no-one new can sign up, plus people cannot post as guests (which is a wee bit pointless posting as a guest anyway-would be better to get an account). It's because it seems theres been people coming on just to spam/insult recently and I think that it'll last till Dec 12th.....

K, Thanks!

16/11/2004, 11:48 PM
It's like this: I'm busy at the moment. I have two sites to roll out in
a week, some sytems stuff that needs to be done for clients, and on top
of that I have to paint the mother's house. I don't have time to
monitor Foot.ie, and Foot.ie is unable to monitor itself. Therefore anyone
that comes even remotely close to breaking the rules will be banned, and
they won't be allowed back in, or even view the site. I don't see why I
should let a bunch of imbecilic children use my bandwidth for their
idiotic little games.

So be warned folks, I'm on a withchunt at the moment; I'm p1ssed and
I'm taking no prisoners. Cross me and you're gone: no warnings, no
heads-up, instant bans all round. And you won't be back. See how you like
them apples, muppets.


:eek: This is what he said, so everybody try not to **** him off! :o

17/11/2004, 12:11 AM
I thought I sounded a bit too like DeVore on Boards.ie, so I deleted it. :)