View Full Version : U2

15/11/2004, 9:41 AM
Anyone else hear the track Tom Dunne played on today fm this morning from the new album ? QUALITY !

Can't wait for it to be released

max power
15/11/2004, 10:14 AM
got the aubum last week and quality is the lowest compliment i can give it...

conor i think the drums in U2 are one of their strongest points

Lionel Ritchie
15/11/2004, 10:53 AM
I think one of their strongest points is Larry Mullens drumming - straightforward tub-thumper who holds the line. I say that as a drummer myself -not claiming to be an authority mind you -just that you can pick out LMs drumming a mile away which I say as a compliment to the guy and I'm not even a U2 fan.
Never got them at all to be honest with ye. Think they're very over-rated and are given credit for innovating an awful lot of stuff they copied from other less popular acts who don't have the worlds ear.

15/11/2004, 11:22 AM
Vertigo is a grower alright ;)

15/11/2004, 11:45 AM
Vertigo is a grower alright ;)

It was a different song to Vertigo but that is class as well.

15/11/2004, 11:59 AM
I have massive respect for U2.It's very hard for a band to remain on top for that length of time and still come out with the music they are writing now.Bono is a fantastic song writer and a really intelligent guy,anywhere you go in the world they are well known and respected,and they never forget they are Irish either!!,fair play to them.

15/11/2004, 12:02 PM
I'd like to see a return to the edgier [pardon ze pun] of the 80s stuph, it was raw, their newer material doesnt do it for me, that said Vertigo is good, nice video too.

green goblin
15/11/2004, 12:44 PM
Boy George said something like "Bono sings he still doesn't know what he's looking for. Well try looking behind the drumkit, darling". :eek:
Showing my advanced years, but utterly I loved them in 1981 and haven't bothered with them since. 'Numb' was alright, mind.

the 12 th man
15/11/2004, 2:04 PM
Vertigo is a grower alright ;)

anyone think it sounds kind of familiar,i think it was a something happens number,"hello second coming" i think was the chorus ??

max power
15/11/2004, 2:20 PM
Personally, I prefer good music over 'really intelligent' singers who 'never forget' their nationality.

Bono is a good singer, granted. And maybe Adam is a good bass player (I wouldn't know any bad bass players, tbh). But not a fan of the other two.

One thing that noone can argue is that they sure had a great manager...

not as good as simple minds eh conor

Lionel Ritchie
15/11/2004, 3:50 PM
anyone think it sounds kind of familiar,i think it was a something happens number,"hello second coming" i think was the chorus ??

They have a habit of doing that though don't they?
Likewise with 'Beautiful Day' having that 'Touch Me....' hook lifted straight out of A-has 'The Sun Always Shines On TV' ...words, melody, chord sequence -the lot.
Then there's 'Stuck in a moment ....' (the title of which is incidently -the ONLY song title on the LP that wasn't already the title of a song by somebody else) which has a hook at the end that goes something like "all that you ask for and all that you feel" (lyrics could be wrong there) the lyrics and pentameter of which sails very, very close to the wind with Pink Floyds "Eclipse" which closes "dark side of the moon".

Bono at least brazenly admits that 'Running to a standstill' was ripped off -hook, line and sinker from Joy Divisions 'Ceremony'

15/11/2004, 4:04 PM
the riff from vertigo was ripped off from get free by the vines as far as i can see.

15/11/2004, 5:10 PM
U2: overhyped, overrated and egotistic clown Bono on a one man crusade to save the dolphins/world/whales/knackers/cuddly bears or whatever species comes into mind.

U2 were a fantastic band up to the late 1980's before they descened down the Pop crap and Bono got all philosophical. I found his approchment with the proponents of the NWO, Bush/Clinton/Blair etc and condemnation of Irish Republicanism to be sickening.

For me the greatest Irish band was Thin Lizzy, less of the political clap-trap and just straight into the jamming makes the likes of Phil Lynott, Gary Moore and Rory Gallagher to be far superior than U2 ever offered. The Blades even got better reviews than U2 in the early 80's ffs, its just that Bono & co. had the right people behind them.

For all the money U2 have, why dont they do something like donating money to hospitals, schools etc. in the Third World than engaging in this drop the debt campaign(I agree with) which basically fuels Bono's ego (Look I'm a nice guy, I want peace man) Put your money where your mouth is dude.

Surprisingly our self appointed messiah was very quiet over the recent American imperialist urgings, i.e. invasion of Iraq.....moight effect moi sales man.

Leprechaun. :rolleyes:

The Blades rule.

Don Vito
15/11/2004, 7:59 PM
Heard they were supposed to be doin a gig i Croke Park next summer, anyone know if this is gonna happen?

15/11/2004, 8:06 PM
as far as i no croker is goin ahead. dey have to move one of the leinster football semis to accomadate paul and his crew

da u2 80's stuff is far better
fav song sunday bloody sunday
i feel it really sums up the boredom of a sunday

Don Vito
15/11/2004, 8:08 PM
Please learn to spell and punctuate Leon, its highly irritating trying to make sense of your contributions.

15/11/2004, 8:19 PM
Heard they were supposed to be doin a gig i Croke Park next summer, anyone know if this is gonna happen?

I doubt that will go ahead. U2 are Irish and the GAA probably perceive them as a threat to their games. Rumour has it, that the powers to be within GAA circles would much prefer to see Garth Brooks make a return visit to Croker. Or maybe it was Garth Crooks, football pundit and all-round creature from the BBC.:p

ken foree
16/11/2004, 5:45 PM
just streaming the new atomic bomb from nme.com here and, if i'm allowed to rhyme, i'll say it's steaming... as in the dog's... doo-doo..

bono really does his damndest to ruin any palette he's presented with and i'm an erstwhile u2 fan :rolleyes: