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11/11/2004, 8:58 AM
I'm fcukin sick to death of hearing about it,reading about it,seeing clips of it on TV,she's all over the place,I'll be glad when it's all over,I don't think I'll be taking the missus to that one :) :rolleyes:

11/11/2004, 9:55 AM
I'm fcukin sick to death of hearing about it,reading about it,seeing clips of it on TV,she's all over the place,I'll be glad when it's all over,I don't think I'll be taking the missus to that one :) :rolleyes:

Now now if women want to pretend they are like Fridget Bones, I say leave them off. One the one hand you have women saying they are mans equal and then there are a lot women saying this film is a reflection of them. Poor poor people if this is a reflection of them.

Do what I did gouge out your eyes and pour molten steel in your ears, it is painful for the first year but not having to hear or see a thing about Fridget Bones is worth it. It will also take you about a year to get used to these braille keyboards......

We have Star Wars leave the poor women alone.

max power
11/11/2004, 10:01 AM
noticed recently there are a lot of male bridget jones out there, think i'm turning into one myslef :eek:

Pauro 76
11/11/2004, 5:13 PM
The Aussie lass im seeing over here wants me to take her to see it Saturday night. In the line of duty, i shall report back on whether i leg it out of the cinema before its over or not. :eek:

11/11/2004, 5:20 PM
The Aussie lass im seeing over here wants me to take her to see it Saturday night. In the line of duty, i shall report back on whether i leg it out of the cinema before its over or not. :eek:

Over here(UK) they're showing the original on terrestrial too!
:confused: Is there no escape?

Pauro 76
15/11/2004, 5:13 PM
ok report on Frigid Bones Diary as promised. from a lads point of view, what a load of b o l l i x! Hugh Grant is annoying as ever, Colin Firth also a posh tw@t, and Renee Zellweger looks plain scary. And also as annoying as f u c k too, with her oh my, golly gosh, oh goody posh English accent. Why she has two men (and a gorgeous lass later on) in the film fighting over her is beyond me. And how the f*ck did such a shallow numbskull land a tv news reporter job? Anyway yeah unless your dragged along, dont go. if you do go, just grin and bear it, its easier that way, trust me!

15/11/2004, 5:14 PM
We have Star Wars leave the poor women alone.

is the star wars teaser attached to bridget jones? someone told me it was and i only wanted to go to see that. seriously. *cough*

15/11/2004, 5:35 PM
The Aussie lass im seeing over here wants me to take her to see it Saturday night.

Have you ever gone down under with her ........ just wondering.

Ok, I'll get my coat :o

15/11/2004, 5:51 PM
Typical of you shower^

15/11/2004, 5:55 PM
Thats rich from someone whos in a dyke with a beaver :p

15/11/2004, 6:47 PM
Just as well my lack is on the other side of Europe, I'd be dragged kicking and screaming to the flicks.

15/11/2004, 7:48 PM
watched the origional again on sat night long time since i'd seen it. side splittingly funny. can't wait to be "dragged" to the new one

15/11/2004, 8:25 PM
Have never seen the first one. Dont want to see it. Im afraid it will put me in touch with my feminine side.

15/11/2004, 8:58 PM
Thats rich from someone whos in a dyke with a beaver :p

If only you knew the half of it biy........

16/11/2004, 12:21 AM
bridget jones diary? liberation? ...ooh u wanna watch this development, they'll be voting and driving cars next :D ;)

16/11/2004, 7:21 AM
Beware of BJD many boyfriends/husbands have been exposed this past week :eek:

the 12 th man
16/11/2004, 7:38 AM
get her and her mates/sister/s to go to see it together.

there is no fcuking way i'm going to see this sh1te.
i can't think of a worse type of over hyped crappy film i'd want to see less than this

16/11/2004, 7:57 AM
I watched the original on C4 the other night :eek:

I guess the quickest way to a women's heart is do research, watching a thrashy film bout women!

16/11/2004, 9:19 AM
I got dragged to the first one, and was pleasantly surprised, thought it had a few funny moments.
Didn't put up too much of a fight when I was dragged to the second one(was never going to get herself to watch 'Hero' anyway) and thought it was brutal. Used the same jokes throughout,a dn the whole Thai prison sequence was cringeworthy.

Thought Hugh Grant was OK in it though.
When I questioned why anyone would find Colin Firth attractive I was almost forced to sit through five hours of 'Pride and Predjudice' on DVD :eek:

the 12 th man
16/11/2004, 10:11 AM
Thought Hugh Grant was OK in it though.
When I questioned why anyone would find Colin Firth attractive

would glady assassinate both of the above.particularly grant who plays the same part in every film.

16/11/2004, 12:31 PM
When I questioned why anyone would find Colin Firth attractive I was almost forced to sit through five hours of 'Pride and Predjudice' on DVD :eek:

he is a fabulous looking man imo

max power
16/11/2004, 12:43 PM
going on ur other taste, i think i shall ignore the above comment ;)

do you "hear" what i'm saying :D

16/11/2004, 12:47 PM
each to their own maxi each to their own!

the 12 th man
22/11/2004, 8:28 AM
It was vomit.

saw a clip from the film.
grant and firth supposed to be fighting each other,pathetic :o