View Full Version : petition to EA sports

10/11/2004, 10:32 PM
isnt about time the eircom league got recognised in fifa games .
im sick of it .. if they can have the malaysion league they can have the eircom league......
sign up the petition here .
1. optimus

Poor Student
10/11/2004, 10:34 PM
It's a crap game plus the Malaysian market is important to them and plenty of people out there actually bother to watch the domestic league.

11/11/2004, 12:16 AM
ireland is second only to japan in computer games sales per capita so we are very importanat ok il change my example
it has english division 2 teams for give my ignorance of whatever cocal championship its called cos to be honest i couldnt give a **** it also has 3 divisions from italy and spain and france

as well as austrian and swiss leagues.
why not ireland ????????

Poor Student
11/11/2004, 12:26 AM
ireland is second only to japan in computer games sales per capita so we are very importanat ok il change my example
it has english division 2 teams for give my ignorance of whatever cocal championship its called cos to be honest i couldnt give a **** it also has 3 divisions from italy and spain and france

as well as austrian and swiss leagues.
why not ireland ????????

All of those leagues are better attended than the eL. I think very few countries show such a contempt for their own league as we do.

max power
11/11/2004, 2:16 AM
should this not be in the gaming section ???