View Full Version : Favourite Irish TV Channel?

10/11/2004, 4:16 PM
RTE 1 or
RTE 2 or
TV 3 or
TG 4 or
Dont watch much TV?

Which one of the above? I would like to know just for the craic :D , my fav is RTE 2.

10/11/2004, 4:22 PM
Neelo, Oz and the Panel are amongst the few things I'll make an effort to watch, and as two of them are on TG4 probably that one...

The panel is great isnt it? Ed Byrne and Colm Murphy are class.I was at it in Vicar Street a few weeks back.

10/11/2004, 5:21 PM
RTE 1 or
RTE 2 or
TV 3 or
TG 4 or

Such a wonderful choice there. It has to be RTE 2 for me, although I havent seen much of it since it dropped the Network 2 title.

10/11/2004, 6:54 PM
have to go with rte2 as its called these days good mix of comedy documentaries and sport.
heard der doin themed nights soon da first one is apparantly RTE GAY no word of a lie

10/11/2004, 7:01 PM
heard der doin themed nights soon da first one is apparantly RTE GAY no word of a lie[/QUOTE]

Ya I heard about that Gay thing all right,a whole night dedicated to the gay community or something like that,crazy sh!t. :eek:

RTE 2 is probably the best but I fcukin hate when they put the news on in the middle of a film,ahhhhhhhhh it must be the most annoying thing in the world. :mad: :D

10/11/2004, 9:54 PM
Bog 1 & Bog 2, what a ****ing choice...

and how much are we paying every year for the TV license? :mad:

10/11/2004, 11:17 PM
and how much are we paying every year for the TV license? :mad:

Did you see the ad's reminding you to pay for your tv license :D .I hate those fecking things,they're so stupid. :D

11/11/2004, 7:50 AM
Poll added.

Gotta say that since I got a FTA Sat receiver, I don't watch a hell of a lot of Irish TV. Combination of the programmes being crap, and the reception being crap. More likely to watch something on of the BBC channels now.

Out of them, RTE1 probably the best. Most home produced and current affair type shows. Compared to any of the other news options, 6.1 is the best as well.

RTE2 - too much imported rubbish. Best shows Law and Order Criminal Intent, CSI Miami and The Panel. Blizzard of Od starting again next week too.

TV3 - Pretty much itv Ireland, but then we don't subsidise it, so it doesn't annoy me too much (bar eL Weekly quality and scheduling)

TG4 - Great station - good documentaries, survivor and Oz. Even better now that they seem to be supplying the papers with programme descriptions in english. Means I can find out whats one, instead of having to stumble across good stuff.

Basically I hate RTE with a passion. The lack of public service broadcasting in general, as well as with regard to the eL. The total lack of initiative shown for digital broadcasting. No Digital Terrestrial, no free options for digital satellite (even a Free To View card as the UK has would be a start). The pathetic analogue coverage. etc etc. Which we have to pay for the priviledge and still have adverts... :rolleyes:

11/11/2004, 8:20 AM
While Hector raised the profile of the station,( before going on to world dominance/annoyance) there has been several better programs since, like Neelo. Very good documentaries, and discussion programs. And a good sport coverage.

11/11/2004, 8:45 AM
While Hector raised the profile of the station,( before going on to world dominance/annoyance) there has been several better programs since, like Neelo. Very good documentaries, and discussion programs. And a good sport coverage.
that neelo programme is good bit like hector but without the madness.
saw it once where he went to KKK meetin in the middle of the american deep south. scarey some of the peoples views.

11/11/2004, 8:49 AM
rte2 as its called these days

It was RTÉ2 before it was Network 2 and N2.
TV is crap in general and the license is an illegal double taxation.

11/11/2004, 8:59 AM
that neelo programme is good bit like hector but without the madness.

That's what I like about it. After a while Hector was a bit 'Look at me, I'm mad I am'
The KKK, Amish people, Alaskan community, men's christian movement; far more interesting subjects than going to Amsterdam and talking about dope and the red light district.

11/11/2004, 9:08 AM
I dont watch a whole lot of tv, RTÉ2 put on a good movie @ 930pm on Thurs. night, which clashes with Teachers on TV3 and Survivior: Vanuatu on TG4, but I voted for TG4 as it has the best 3 shows on Irish TV, Neelo, Re-runs of Amú and Survivor, that saids CSI:Miami on RTÉ2 is rather good.

14/11/2004, 1:48 PM
Does nobody watch RTE1? :D

14/11/2004, 2:03 PM
TG4 all theway, Oz, Carnivalé etc. great sport as well, it's a pity they don;t have eL rights, they'd do a fantastic job.

as for paying the tv licence, i watched "Stew" a few weeks ago and almost threw up. Fcuking hell like, my hard earned money going on that sh!te? b0llocks to the tv licence i say

15/11/2004, 5:06 PM
Does nobody watch RTE1? :D
Old people, who think Pat Kenny is interesting.

I don't watch much TV these days, but probably RTE 2 shades it domestically. TV3 has too much imported rubbish, but TG4 has a bit of watchable stuff. RTE1 is one of the worst channels around IMHO.

Someone mentioned the licence fee ads. Aside from the sheer stupidity in the writing, which trivialises the whole issue, and would make me less inclined to pay if anything, the cost of the ads is surely greater than the (real or imagined) recouped monies from extra people coughing up. The licence fee is a crutch to an uncompetitive, monopolative organisation which rivals the FAI for the lower rungs of my opinion.

15/11/2004, 5:31 PM
Ta an clar sa TG4 go h-iontach. :)

suil eile :D

15/11/2004, 5:48 PM
are you back from bulgaria yet comrade Zizkov?

15/11/2004, 6:19 PM
az sam zhibhee y Limerick et student i universitet. az sam uchenitz istoria e politika.

Dobre, nali?

ti razbiram bulgarski ezek?

15/11/2004, 6:23 PM
Ild say there is more interest in LOI football in Bulgaria then there is in Limerick. :eek:

Hope you enjoyed it anyway.

15/11/2004, 6:39 PM
I most certainly did, fantastic country, culture and people. Even picked up a bit of the local lingo.

As for the footy, I lived in Blagoevgrad a town in the South western Bulgaria for the best part of 10 months. The local team FK Pirin played at the time in the Bulgarian Second Division (standard is worse then dire) in a decrepid stadium full of old clapped out Russian vehicles (one that passed for an ambulance), dubious looking mafia type locals and gypsies. Limerick FC would not look out of place there :D

FK Pirin now ply their trade in the First Division, up there with the likes of Litex (conquerors of the mighty Longford) Levski Sofia, CSKA, Slavia, Loko Sofia and Loko Plovdiv who are the current title holders. With the exception of CSKA and Levski the rest of the teams are just total crap. Litex were one of the worst sides I had the misfortune to set eyes on. if you want to sample the showpiece of Bulgarian football, a CSKA v Levski grudge match in the Bulgarian Army Stadium in Sektor G with the CSKA ultras and the smell of police teargas, flares, cigs and hatred for the beefs (Levski fans) wafting in the air. :ball: And you call the **** - Waterford Munster rivalry intense. :rolleyes: This stuff is for real man.

camo CSKA.