View Full Version : Dead Wrestlers

10/11/2004, 12:09 PM
I never knew that childhood favourites such as JunkYard Dog, Ravishing Rick Rude and Dino Bravo were dead.....this has come as a great shock to me....seriously... :eek:


10/11/2004, 12:41 PM
And people say it's not a dangerous job??? :confused:

A lot of tragedy in there too though, notably the whole Von Erich clan...

10/11/2004, 12:53 PM
Interesting site. Its not altogether unbelievable that so many heart attacjs are there.

The Von Erichs certainly had a bad time. I was always interested to know the details.

10/11/2004, 12:54 PM
My sympathy's JoeSoap, I know it must've been a terrible shock for you :D

I noticed a lot had heart attacks at a young age, I suppose if you're consistently pumping your body full of steroids for years it's bound to come back and haunt you.

10/11/2004, 1:03 PM
drug use in wrestling has been cut down severly in the last few years, just look at people from Crash Holly (steroids), Jeff Hardy (heroin, cocaine, whatever he could get his hands on) or eddie guerrero (cocaine, alcoholism) to see how far the WWE have cleaned up their act. NWA/TNA have regular drug tests at all their events, Lex Luger being one who failed his test when he was on the verge of signing a contract for them, and the indies have always been pretty clean of roids in general. Plus the US is starting to enforce its state to state random drug testing more rigorously so prmoters (especially Vince McMahon) know they can't get away with it too much longer, so hopefully The Rick Rudes, Boss Mans and Yokozunas of the wrestling world will be among the last to suffer heart attacks as a result of roid use. The Bulldog's heart problems was due to a dependency on painkillers, which formed after he broke five bones in his back during a match in WCW, just to clear his name of any steroid use! And I was surprised to see, or not to see Brian Pillman on that website, the man was a legend

10/11/2004, 1:09 PM
Brian Pillman is on the website. On Page 2. And I can't believe that after months and months of scanning this site it takes wrestling for you to actually make your mark! ;)

10/11/2004, 1:18 PM
Ah but , he seems to be more of a wrestling fan than a football one....maybe a Cobh fan....theres not much difference between their football and wrestling... ;)

10/11/2004, 1:22 PM
Ah but , he seems to be more of a wrestling fan than a football one....maybe a Cobh fan....theres not much difference between their football and wrestling... ;)

No he's one of ours Joe... though to be fair he follows Sheffield Wednesday too...

3 Heroes
03/03/2006, 11:49 AM
drug use in wrestling has been cut down severly in the last few years, just look at people from Crash Holly (steroids), Jeff Hardy (heroin, cocaine, whatever he could get his hands on) or eddie guerrero (cocaine, alcoholism) to see how far the WWE have cleaned up their act.

Didn't work out too well for Crash or Eddie!

Poor Student
03/03/2006, 12:01 PM
To the best of knowledge Crash choked on his own puke in a drunken state. With Eddie the damage was already done. The good thing is he got to straighten things out with his family in his final years and enjoy some quality of life.

03/03/2006, 12:21 PM
Eddie Guerrero's being inducted into the Hall of Fame at Wrestlemania.

See here (http://www.eddicts.com/)

03/03/2006, 8:07 PM
Anybody remember the wrestling on World of Sport back in the 1970s?
Most of those guys like Big Daddy have all croaked!

03/03/2006, 8:23 PM
Anybody remember the wrestling on World of Sport back in the 1970s?
Most of those guys like Big Daddy have all croaked!

It's shown still on the Sky set up - channel 427 (TWC) at 2pm tomorrow/Saturday and goes on till 5pm.

Saw a few minutes of it last week - rememebr all the auld wans at ringside giving out hell to the "bad guy" wrestlers.:D

Wrestling on WWE I find rather crude and sexist with loads of bleeps etc. A decade or more ago it was, as now, rubbish but there was the odd laugh to be got from the likes of Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Rick the Model Martel etc.
Remember when Ravishing Ric Rude used to come in the ring and say something like..."For all you fat, overweight peons in Phildelphia this is what a real man looks like". He'd then waggle his ass and bring a girl up from the crowd whom he'd kiss and she'd "collapse" in ecatacy.:D LOL
Poor hokum and vaudeville but occasionally funny.....nowadays it's way too offensive for kids which, I presume, is the target market.

3 Heroes
03/03/2006, 10:38 PM
nowadays it's way too offensive for kids which, I presume, is the target market.
no way
tis aimed at adults hence all the t&a

Poor Student
03/03/2006, 10:47 PM
Wrestling on WWE I find rather crude and sexist with loads of bleeps etc. A decade or more ago it was, as now, rubbish but there was the odd laugh to be got from the likes of Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Rick the Model Martel etc.

Some of the non-wrestling stuff is aimed at the lowest common denominator. The lack of credible competition for the WWE has seen it's programming go well downhill over the last half decade.

Remember when Ravishing Ric Rude used to come in the ring and say something like..."For all you fat, overweight peons in Phildelphia this is what a real man looks like". He'd then waggle his ass and bring a girl up from the crowd whom he'd kiss and she'd "collapse" in ecatacy.:D LOL
Poor hokum and vaudeville but occasionally funny.....nowadays it's way too offensive for kids which, I presume, is the target market.

I think he died training hard to get back in the ring. Kids are definitely part of the target market and WWE programming is way too inappropriate for it.

04/03/2006, 12:30 PM
Maybe 2 Heroes might be right PS - the WWE crowds seem to have few kids - mostly bellowing yokels with bad hair, bad teeth and beer bellies. Jerry
Springer-type crowd.

http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://jon.everperfect.com/images/hacksaw1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jon.everperfect.com/wresting/legends/hacksaw_jim_duggan.htm&h=236&w=272&sz=9&tbnid=17ZK9bcKJfQMvM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=108&hl=en&start=10&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhacksaw%2Bjim%2Bduggan%2Bpictures%26s vnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
Remember his "Hoooooooooooooo" call out.:D

Remember his "Iraqi" wrestling partner during the first Gulf War?

The Bushwackers from New Zealand. They used to lick the faces of their defeated opponents. Yuk.LOL

Remember Mr.Perfect?
"Hulk Hogan, you can't do that!:D

Tugboat who became Typhoon.


Rowdy Roddy Piper - used to come in playing bagpipes and wearing a kilt.

The Macho Man Randy Savage - "ooooooooooo, yeah!"

Jake the Snake Roberts

The Millions Dollar Man - Ted Dibiase. Used to stuff a bunch of dollar bills into the mouth of the losing wrestler.

All above were great creac. Pure ham acting etc etc but there was a fun element - not like now.