View Full Version : derry at home.

26/08/2014, 12:23 AM
Worst then taylors worst game. Release most of them and lets not have to indure that rubbish again

26/08/2014, 1:54 AM
I'm assuming this is a joke, yes?

Terrible performance and terrible result, but on the strength of the last few weeks this is a team with serious potential.

Treaty Gooner
26/08/2014, 8:36 AM
Ryan was decent and Turner delivered some amazing balls for Gaffney to not bother with. The rest were awful. Our defenders just follow the ball like u12s, our midfielders give it away so f**king often and Lee J, for all his energy, contributed very little.

26/08/2014, 9:22 AM
Ya last night was most definitely an off night. When Oji went off our whole back 4's organisation went to crap. Midfield coughed up the ball way too much and we brought needless pressure on ourselves. Gaffney had an off night and was double teamed every time he got the ball. Turner was the only one doing anything going forward but was very poor defensively.

After the last few performances an off night was to be expected.

People jumped the gun thinking we were suddenly world beaters but at the same time people are jumping the gun that we are useless. Derry seemed to have a great nigt last night to coincide with our bad performance. Everything they touched went their way.

People shouting abuse at our own players at 0-2 before even half time was a joke. At 0-2 it only takes a goal to be back in it but people decided to kick the team when they were down instead of encouraging them to get back into the game. I know if I was playing and getting abuse for not playing well the last thing I'd want to do is up my performance.

26/08/2014, 10:24 AM
Ya last night was most definitely an off night. When Oji went off our whole back 4's organisation went to crap. Midfield coughed up the ball way too much and we brought needless pressure on ourselves. Gaffney had an off night and was double teamed every time he got the ball. Turner was the only one doing anything going forward but was very poor defensively.

After the last few performances an off night was to be expected.

People jumped the gun thinking we were suddenly world beaters but at the same time people are jumping the gun that we are useless. Derry seemed to have a great nigt last night to coincide with our bad performance. Everything they touched went their way.

People shouting abuse at our own players at 0-2 before even half time was a joke. At 0-2 it only takes a goal to be back in it but people decided to kick the team when they were down instead of encouraging them to get back into the game. I know if I was playing and getting abuse for not playing well the last thing I'd want to do is up my performance.

Players were getting given out to for not trying and doing their best to get out of any tackle they might have went into not for playing poorly that is why there was only really one or two of the entire team of crap that got anything said to them. Turner was absolutely terrible no effort at all first half pulled out of every single 50-50 second half he put in one or two great crosees but was overall still very poor. People have every right to get upset and have a go when a player looks like he is putting in no effort whatsoever. The two that had anything said to them was Turner for constantly pulling out of tackles and not looking bothered for 90% of the game and Folan who quite frankly needs to be playing a hell of a lot better if he is to be on twitter slagging off the city of Limerick and expect nothing said.

As for Ped Ped and the serious potential really though is really really? Are we gonna ignore the whole season cos of 3 games? If we wan't to push on to the next level we need to replace 4 or 5 of what started lastnight. And this isn't based on lastnight or just the last few weeks its based on the season as a whole.

26/08/2014, 10:47 AM
Turner was having a poor game and while I missed pats and Dundalk so can't comment on those games, I haven't seen it as a habit from turner to lack effort. I'd still want the players on the field encouraged as much as possible. If it is consistently happening then I can understand frustrations and a bit of stick being given, like what was given to Sean o Connor a few years back when he consistently didn't try. Folan had a poor night last night also but even on nights he has played well I have heard him getting dogs abuse. Djilali and a few more weren't up to much last night but they didn't get the same stick as turner and Folan.

26/08/2014, 11:00 AM
Turner was having a poor game and while I missed pats and Dundalk so can't comment on those games, I haven't seen it as a habit from turner to lack effort. I'd still want the players on the field encouraged as much as possible. If it is consistently happening then I can understand frustrations and a bit of stick being given, like what was given to Sean o Connor a few years back when he consistently didn't try. Folan had a poor night last night also but even on nights he has played well I have heard him getting dogs abuse. Djilali and a few more weren't up to much last night but they didn't get the same stick as turner and Folan.

So far for me Turner hasn't put in enough effort in anygames but Rovers he was terrible against Bray too and it was the same thing pulling out of everything left right and centre I'll be straight out about it I don't like him at all I think he could be a handy player but he isn't bothered about being at Limerick . I can't comment on Folan when he plays well because that comes from a different part of the ground for me the tolerance for Folan having a poor game has dropped massively since he decided it was a good idea to describe Limerick as a sh1thole. I can only speak for the group I stand with but I think we have been fair to the team this season when struggling I don't recall getting on peoples backs too much bar maybe one game with Rainsford. I agree about Djilali in fact the only ones I think that played anyway decent were Barry, Williams and I don't blame Lee J cos tbh his partners in midfield left him battling alone. Just my opinion but the reasons I have more of a problem with Turner and Folan is cos without effort Turner brings nothing at all to the team and he hasn't bothered since he came here in my view and Folan is over his twitter crap whether that is fair or not I dunno. Turner I will say probably got it a bit much because just as people were starting to get annoyed with the team he pulled out of 4 tackles in a row directly in front of everyone.

I have no problem with losing atm as its all just learning for Russell but the lack of effort lastnight from a lot of the team was disgusting and I was fuming with it.

Lim till i die
26/08/2014, 1:18 PM
I'm assuming this is a joke, yes?

Terrible performance and terrible result, but on the strength of the last few weeks this is a team with serious potential.

Why are we only judging them on the last few weeks though??

There's probably six or seven players in the squad who cut the mustard (depending on where you want to be of course)

Things will be better under Russell but a couple of swallows don't make a summer.

Folan probably needs dropping at this stage for his own good. Taylor did him no favours making him an ever present and he's given himself the coup de grace now with his Twitter (which was probably just a case of a child being childish and wouldn't bother me massively tbh but I can see how people might be bothered.)

26/08/2014, 5:56 PM
Thought Turner was the only one that showed some positivity last night, beat his man a number of times getting down the wing and put in about 6 good crosses. Once Oji got hurt we were in trouble at the back. Dijali did ok, at least the ball goes forward with him. Someone needs to show the back four and our other midfielders how to turn around.

27/08/2014, 12:52 PM
What did folan say on twitter ??? Very poor display we give away the ball so easy exact same problem against dundalk too many players just not at it, i though turner was ok dijali done ok created a few nice chances looked better than previous games more confidence. Only for oj-i in the first 20mins he made tackle after tackle blocks you knew when he went off we were in trouble, some of the goals conceded were a shambles especially the 2nd derry are a good team but my god we killed ourselves with our sloppy passing, The atmosphere in thomond park surely does not help the players so dead the other night where are the singing fans gone?? A pleasure to go and watch us play there but my god they need to get out of there fast will that even happen next season ???

27/08/2014, 4:42 PM
I can only assume its Thomond next season.

Lim till i die
27/08/2014, 5:59 PM
There's new dressing room gone in in Hogan Park

03/09/2014, 12:27 PM
How has Kieran Djilali been doing for ye in general?

Lim till i die
03/09/2014, 4:48 PM
I like him, hundreds would disagree.

He's not exactly gonna break a sweat for you but he's one of about three players we've had in last two years who can pick a pass/beat a man.

Prime example was Pats away. Lots of cribbing about him in the first half then later he turns it on for three seconds and single handedly sets up the only goal of the game.

He works well with Lee J too which is to be expected I suppose, I'd be well pleased if we kept the pair next season.

03/09/2014, 8:56 PM
There's new dressing room gone in in Hogan Park

I hope we are not heading there.

Lim till i die
04/09/2014, 1:37 AM
I was only being sarcastic with that one.... I HOPE!