View Full Version : I can see Roddys point

08/11/2004, 1:13 PM
Before I go into this, I would like to say that I totaly, uncategorically, absolutely hate the b0llocks that is Roddy Collins, but he did make one very good point in all of this shambles when he said he'd find it hypocritical to try and get his new club relegated before he took over.
If I was offered a job as a sales rep with ABC Ltd with good terms, would I make a big sale for XYZ Ltd for whom I currently worked, that could seriously damage ABC Ltd....I don't think so...
It just puts a different perspective on things for me, thats all.

08/11/2004, 2:10 PM
Before I go into this, I would like to say that I totaly, uncategorically, absolutely hate the b0llocks that is Roddy Collins, but he did make one very good point in all of this shambles when he said he'd find it hypocritical to try and get his new club relegated before he took over.
If I was offered a job as a sales rep with ABC Ltd with good terms, would I make a big sale for XYZ Ltd for whom I currently worked, that could seriously damage ABC Ltd....I don't think so...
It just puts a different perspective on things for me, thats all.


But what if you had been working on a massive deal for several months and it was going to bring you in a great bonus and the plaudetes of everyone involved in your company and work sector, winning you great respect for doing what everyone, one including your boss, thought was impossible ! then the morning of the deal you just leave the company, after all the support your boss and work colluages had given you throughout the bad times.

08/11/2004, 2:15 PM
it also begs the question, when did the talks start. :rolleyes:

08/11/2004, 3:53 PM
Joe I see where you are coming from regarding the point being made by Collins. The flaw of course is that it is Collins who is making the point. It is inconceivable that any action of Roddy's could stem from any sense of honour or decency. The man is totally lacking in these attributes.

LFC in Exile
08/11/2004, 4:01 PM
If I was offered a job as a sales rep with ABC Ltd with good terms, would I make a big sale for XYZ Ltd for whom I currently worked, that could seriously damage ABC Ltd....I don't think so...
It just puts a different perspective on things for me, thats all.

Well, if XYZ are still paying your wages then yes you should do it. This is why a lot of firms ask you to leave without working out your notice because you could have a conflict of interest.

There is an issue here though that Rovers cannot again complain when another club puts their own interests before the league's or fairness. When it comes down to setting fixtures dates or negotiating with players etc they cannot look for any other club to deal honourably. And with thenumber of holes in the league's rules that type of attitude will come back to bite them on the ass.

A face
08/11/2004, 5:30 PM
XYZ Ltd ....... ABC Ltd....

Sounds like you had alphabeth soup for lunch !!

Poor Student
08/11/2004, 6:34 PM
Rod could have heard none of it if Rovers were making overtures towards him if he was a really principled chap. If he was so concerned about feeding a family why didn't he give up the car and sign a proper contract with security at Dub City? When Bohs sacked Kenny in his column in the Star on Sunday he said he wouldn't even consider the job as he gave his word to Seery and he was fully committed to seeing the season out. I guess it was simply the fact he knew Bohs would never come calling. :rolleyes:

08/11/2004, 11:07 PM
Poor Student

Your point about Principles is well made.
Roddy doesn't have any... his Ma could not afford to go into that shop :D
when he was young !