View Full Version : The FAI to disband

A face
07/11/2004, 12:10 PM
There is a poll over on www.soccercentral.ie (http://www.soccercentral.ie/VoteResult.asp?PollResult=Y&PollID=190&Action=Vote) about the FAI disbanding and a new, more professional association forming.

Have a look !!

07/11/2004, 12:29 PM
There is a poll over on www.soccercentral.ie (http://www.soccercentral.ie/VoteResult.asp?PollResult=Y&PollID=190&Action=Vote) about the FAI disbanding and a new, more professional association forming.

Have a look !!
I really think that as supporters we should launch an email blitz to our respective T.D's and senators and the leaders of all partys in the government houses to ensure their threat is carried out and in this manner sort out the organisation for good. We need a professional board supported by non-executives, something in a manner which distributes the power in a more balanced way. Fair enough, the government have done SFA for football but could you blame them.

Who knows what went on in Merrion Square in the last year and a half, but we are bouncing round for years destroying the game here... Too much empathsis on International ball, on blazers and arsing about ant not enough on any other element of football... Using the carrot of money should ease those auld dinosaurs out of the association.

No to Delaney and his 18 month bull**** interm ******.

07/11/2004, 5:31 PM
We need a professional board.....

From Friday's Indo: Further evidence of the chaos that has reigned within Merrion Square over the past 17 months emerged last night when it was announced that for the second successive year there won't be an FAI Eircom International Awards night.

Evidence that the current crowd could not organise the proverbial p**s up?

A face
07/11/2004, 10:36 PM
Just putting up some contact details for people to send messages to.

The FAI should disband or John Delaney and Milo Corcoran should step down

One or the other !!

Please add to the list and send in a few comments !!


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07/11/2004, 11:27 PM
TD's and the like will take feck all interest in the FAI's current and ongoing internal woes. There's no votes in it, it's an issue they don't fully understand or directly influence, and it's one they can have little or no impact on.

Irish football's current crisis would therefore be best tackled from within. That is good for disenchanted supporters like ourselves. If we work through our own club structures and encourage our team's boards to publicly and privately raise issues regarding the FAI then that will have much more of an impact. The downside is that it needs one or 2 clubs to show leadership on this before anyone else will follow. Unfortunately leadership is something we sorely lack in Irish football ! Cork City already spoke out openly in favour of Rooney - perhaps they might be a good place to start on the issue ?

Any revolution in Irish football would only have a chance of success if it comes from within......

08/11/2004, 9:49 AM
The only way the FAI will get anywhere and change, is for a total clearout.

Get rid of them all before they destroy our game completely :mad:

A face
08/11/2004, 12:31 PM
Let people know that we want something done at least .... if we sit on our hands, ..... well you know what will get done :(

A text lads ... wouldn't take any effort !!