View Full Version : Your Favourite Word???

06/11/2004, 9:09 PM
Words are great things and different words can be used in different contexts and throw deeper meaning to what appears on the surface. Thats the formalities done so....what are people's favourite words??

I'll set the ball rolling with....... Fresh(ness)!! :eek:

De Town
06/11/2004, 9:52 PM
Fav word: "L@nger" Was down in Cork :eek: for a weekend when they played Nantes and thought it was funny the way everyone goes round calling eacother L@ngers!

Fav footie chant: "Alan Reynolds, Youre a W@NKER, Youre a W@NKER ;)

A face
06/11/2004, 11:54 PM
Words are great things and different words can be used in different contexts and throw deeper meaning to what appears on the surface.

If you are saying that when you use a word and it takes on a different meaning then i know what you mean but it depends on the context .... i could throw a few up here but you wouldn't get it (do you know what i mean??)

max power
07/11/2004, 1:47 AM
well it is a close call between nipple and poo.....

but nipple gets it

07/11/2004, 9:07 AM
my fav word is schlong. sounds brilliant!

Comes from the german word "(Die) Schlange", which means "snake".

oh arr missus!

sorry, im sounding like a Carry On Film. :eek:

07/11/2004, 10:36 AM

no question really

*edit* you can't type b0llocks? that's a load of b0llocks

07/11/2004, 1:34 PM
I love gymkhana or pleb. So simple a word, but so wonderful to hear.
Honorable mention to 'l@nger' as well.

07/11/2004, 3:00 PM
Gobs***e.......any history on this one?

07/11/2004, 6:37 PM
If you are saying that when you use a word and it takes on a different meaning then i know what you mean but it depends on the context .... i could throw a few up here but you wouldn't get it (do you know what i mean??)

Know what you mean me old mucker :) ....throw whatever the word is up and we'll see can we attach a meaning to it!

The Fresh(ness) I referred to is, on a general level, quite obvious.....as in the case of- bread, talent, air, poo(as Max Power referred to!), and numerous others. We won't divulge any other cruel examples as of now!!

07/11/2004, 7:26 PM
Good thread JoeSemi. I like words like crack, ring, etc. My favourite saying is "pain in the prostate it is".

07/11/2004, 7:28 PM
my fav word is schlong. sounds brilliant!

Comes from the german word "(Die) Schlange", which means "snake"


"(Die) Schlange", which means "snake" bares more than a passing resemblance to it and they mean the same thing. :confused:

the 12 th man
08/11/2004, 7:21 AM

08/11/2004, 7:25 AM
cúnt. To the point, and nasty, so excellent in my book.

08/11/2004, 8:50 AM
Good thread JoeSemi. I like words like crack, ring, etc. My favourite saying is "pain in the prostate it is".

Sayings are to be kept to a minimum PM. :) Especially when describing pain! That was an old favourite of mine too but its appeal diminished as I began to run into more problems in this area......mainly due to excess Guinness and whiskey on nights out in Tramco and Paddy Blues.

08/11/2004, 9:43 AM
either "b0llocks" or "score!"

I really do like "rodger" as well, but it doesn't have much use in conversation ;)

green goblin
08/11/2004, 9:59 AM
Pants. Fabulous word, so many uses.

08/11/2004, 10:07 AM
There's loads of words that I love.
One which has just popped into my head is engulf.
Honourable mentions to;

08/11/2004, 10:12 AM

08/11/2004, 10:52 AM
budgie. a dunnes thing.

08/11/2004, 11:30 AM
Mine would have to be c u n t

So many wonderful ways of using it ! :D

08/11/2004, 11:48 AM
espionage or sabotage
so sinister sounding you know exactly what someone is talking about when they say it!!
as for swear words cant be a load of b0llox

08/11/2004, 11:59 AM
espionage or sabotage

Two great words.

08/11/2004, 12:06 PM
as in you are one :)

08/11/2004, 12:46 PM
as in you are one :)

Seeing as you are implying I'm a muppet and you don't know me in the least my friend......may I suggest that only muppets(like yourself :cool: !) name call or maybe you've got a mentality of a 10 yr old.

Dundalk?! That could be the answer either :D

08/11/2004, 12:51 PM
eh ? lost me there JoeSemi
when and where did i call you am muppet?

fav word: muppet
context: you are a muppet

chill the beans man..

08/11/2004, 1:07 PM
:o Apologies James! Bit on the aggressive side today(minimal sleep last nite due to over indulgence in footie on tele y'day!) and lookin for a bit of a schemozzle :) Won't be gettin one here so I'm best stay quiet.....!!!

08/11/2004, 1:15 PM
fine nay worries man..
though pick a fight with me if ya like :P
but dont expect to last too long round here if ya do..

08/11/2004, 2:43 PM
Time to up the ante a bit.

onomatopoeia When a word describes a sound, and sounds like the sound. e.g. Quack

tmesis When a word is put in the middle of another word. e.g. abso-bloomin'-lutley

Granted, they don't pop up in everyday conversations.

Don Vito
08/11/2004, 3:07 PM
My fav phrase is: "You gotta let it grow man"

My fav words are: Putty and Tramco :D

09/11/2004, 2:12 PM
My two fave words are:

1. Man
2. Wans

09/11/2004, 3:22 PM

"(Die) Schlange", which means "snake" bares more than a passing resemblance to it and they mean the same thing. :confused:
I dont think so. Seán Beacher's book has some explaination in it I think (Adam?) about it coming from India?

My fav word word would be an Irish word intuigthe which does translate compleatly into Anglo-Saxon but means something along the lines of instantly understood, a given (well kinda). Hard to explain.

09/11/2004, 3:28 PM
My fav word word would be an Irish word intuigthe which does translate compleatly into Anglo-Saxon but means something along the lines of instantly understood, a given (well kinda). Hard to explain.

Yeah Sean, there are a few words like that which I like too.
Citóg being one of them.
As far as I know there's no word in the English language for a left-handed person.

09/11/2004, 3:28 PM
IMy fav word word would be an Irish word intuigthe which does translate compleatly into Anglo-Saxon but means something along the lines of instantly understood, a given (well kinda). Hard to explain.

So, that would be "intuitive" then? I instantly understood it. It was a given.

Ta-dah! usage & definition! bonus points for me!

My favourite word is "loquacious".

It means full of sh*te. Uncanny, No?

09/11/2004, 5:09 PM
Schlock is a cool word. As in schlock horror films.

09/11/2004, 8:26 PM
My favourite word,

well it would have to be '****ie' :D

What else would you describe a bunch of acne ridden, sexually frustrated, self dillusional bunch of twenty somethings from ****. :rolleyes:

10/11/2004, 11:30 AM
My favourite word,

well it would have to be '****ie' :D

What else would you describe a bunch of acne ridden, sexually frustrated, self dillusional bunch of twenty somethings from ****. :rolleyes:

Obsessed. :rolleyes:

10/11/2004, 11:39 AM
odysesssysyesssyssy (colm help?)

10/11/2004, 11:40 AM
odysesssysyesssyssy (colm help?)

Ah yes as words go you can't beat odyssey especially when you have the word European in front of it! :)