View Full Version : Dublin City to seek sanctions

05/11/2004, 11:39 AM
DUBLIN CITY PRESS RELEASE - Friday, November 5, 2004

Club to seek sanctions
against Shamrock Rovers

DUBLIN CITY FC has asked the Eircom League Board of Control to investigate the details
surrounding Roddy Collins' decision to take over as manager of Shamrock Rovers FC.

The eircom League will host a board of control meeting on Monday (November 8) and Dublin City Chief
Executive, Ronan Seery, has requested to make a statement to the assembly. He will be strongly
recommending that Shamrock Rovers be severly dealt with as a result of their unethical actions
in approaching Roddy Collins whilst manager of Dublin City FC.

He will further make a case to consider the possibility of deducting points or suspending
the club as a result of their attempt to undermine the business workings of a fellow eircom
League club.

"I believe there are solid grounds for this appeal. This approach was timed to have a
maximum negative effect on a club that has conducted it's business in a proper and above board
manner at all times," said Seery.
"The integrity of the game must be protected and this can
only happen if Shamrock Rovers are dealt with in the strongest possible way. We need to send
out the right messages or run the gauntlet of irrevocably undermining the game we are trying
to promote."

05/11/2004, 11:49 AM
Sneery will probably go to the courts again,same as a few seasons ago,held up the Harps/Longford playoff. :rolleyes:

05/11/2004, 11:58 AM
Oh dear. Looks like sharing Tolka Park has led to a serious touch of the Ollie Byrne mind-set creeping into CHF here....

"We didn't manage to stay in the league through our footballing prowess, and now that we're only 1 more defeat out of 3 away from relegation - hey, let's blame someone else for our situation !!"

CHF haven't a leg to stand on here. It's your own tough sh*t for playing like schoolboys all season that you're in the relegation mess you're in, and it's your own touch sh*t for being cheapskates and not employing Roddy that he's left yees high and dry, as if you did you'd have had a contract in place to prevent this sort of thing happening. Roddy and Rovers have done nothing wrong by the rule book or the law. If you want to complain to the FAI about the ethics of another team's behaviour, then half the league would be in trouble.

Wise yourself up, dry your eyes and say hello to the First Division....

05/11/2004, 12:00 PM
Oh dear. Looks like sharing Tolka Park has led to a serious touch of the Ollie Byrne mind-set creeping into CHF here.....

Was think that aswell.
Fighting with City fans and now crying to the league.
Ollie's teaching him well.

05/11/2004, 12:53 PM
"He will further make a case to consider the possibility of deducting points or suspending the club as a result of their attempt to undermine the business workings of a fellow eircom League club."

Seery is nothing but a ****, how dare he talk about morals look at what happened a few seasons ago regarding the playoffs as Corkharps said, I bet his next plan is to appeal that none of the 3 promoted teams grounds are up to Premier division, mark my words.

05/11/2004, 1:03 PM
I bet his next plan is to appeal that none of the 3 promoted teams grounds are up to Premier division, mark my words.Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
However, he may actually be fighting for CHFDCs survival; They don't earn any money from gate receipts, they don't appear to have many fundraising events.
So, where do they get the money to carry on?
They obviously have backers, but will those backers be happy to continue with a 1st division side?
No disrespect, but the 1st divison is a no-mans land commercially. While not expecting to actually make any money, sponsors/backers would at least get some "glamour" and exposure in the Premier divison. Will they continue on, now that even those little crumbs will disappear?

05/11/2004, 1:29 PM
In fairness it was a pretty sh*tty thing to do. Collins never surprises anyone with his unpredictability but this is truly rotten.

The flippant manner in which he and the r*vers board have reacted to everyone's disgust speaks for itself.

Aberdonian Stu
05/11/2004, 1:38 PM
I really doubt the action is capable of meriting FAI sanction largely because Collins never had a contract per se with City and thus was a free agent. Still a bloody awful thing to do mind.

LFC in Exile
05/11/2004, 1:55 PM
I really doubt the action is capable of meriting FAI sanction largely because Collins never had a contract per se with City and thus was a free agent. Still a bloody awful thing to do mind.

That's it exactly. DCFC don't really have a case - it seems nothing unlawful was done but certainly it was sharp practice and does not reflect well on Collins or Shamrock Rovers. The way it was done seems really underhanded. Ronan Seery was on the Joe Duffy show and Roddy Collins started off saying that "somethign immoral" had happened to make him leave. What a smkescreen - typically he ahd to leave before the show ended - just like real life I guess.

I just can't help feeling though that this type of thing does come around to bite clubs on the ass at some stage in the future. Bad karma and all that. When Rovers are in a similar spot they will need to watch out - and how can they take anything Collins at his word now?

Can you imagine the sh ite if Ollie Byrne did what Tony Maguire has done?

And Collins is quoted in today's paper as saying he has left DC in a strong position - jaysus. :ball:

05/11/2004, 2:00 PM
Then there was his "they would have got relegated ten games ago if it wasn't for me" point..mm Yes they had a sparkling record under you roddy..

05/11/2004, 2:14 PM
Makes you wonder what Ronan Seery could do with a club with a decent fan base. Like the man said he never failed to pay any of the clubs wages this year and never had any cheques bouncing. I suppose when its your livelihood it makes you work thalt bit harder to ensure getting backers into a club.

05/11/2004, 4:25 PM
Makes you wonder what Ronan Seery could do with a club with a decent fan base. Like the man said he never failed to pay any of the clubs wages this year and never had any cheques bouncing. I suppose when its your livelihood it makes you work thalt bit harder to ensure getting backers into a club.

Is it his livelihood?

I thought he owned a travel agency or something.

05/11/2004, 5:07 PM
No. Its his only means of income. He also has 2 full time staff working in club office, maybe more. Amazing how he keeps it all together. Remarkable actually.

06/11/2004, 2:18 AM
Amazing ??? Feckin miraculous more like ! You can't tell me a grown man with a family makes a living out of CHF ??? Their attendances don't even cover the rent of Tolka, for feck sake !!

Most Eircom league clubs with 10 times the fan base and better results struggle to stay in the black. How the hell can CHF pay-out to its players, let alone any one else....? Answer me that ! And don't say sponsorship. You only pay in sponsorship what the coverage is worth, and believe me - the media value of being associated with CHF is feck all....

07/11/2004, 12:37 PM
what collins did was nasty and unforgiveable. but I have no sympathy for seery. he deserves it. no contract is no contract. his rotten little club looks stupid enough without him running off to the league looking for sanctions over something that may have been nasty, but was not against any rules

07/11/2004, 6:55 PM
what collins did was nasty and unforgiveable. no contract is no contract.

Everyone knows why Collins would'nt sign a contract, brom brum :rolleyes:

LFC in Exile
08/11/2004, 10:46 AM
what collins did was nasty and unforgiveable. but I have no sympathy for seery. he deserves it. no contract is no contract. his rotten little club looks stupid enough without him running off to the league looking for sanctions over something that may have been nasty, but was not against any rules

Is this the attitude that Rovers would have taken if any other eL club had moved in to take players that had gone weeks without pay and tehrefore were free agents? No they wouldn't - and the fans would have shoted traitor at any player that left. Rovers want it both ways.

08/11/2004, 10:56 AM
Is this the attitude that Rovers would have taken if any other eL club had moved in to take players that had gone weeks without pay and tehrefore were free agents? No they wouldn't - and the fans would have shoted traitor at any player that left. Rovers want it both ways.
They may not have been happy, but there would be nothing they or the league could do about it. Delighted for Seery and his sham of a club.

08/11/2004, 11:06 AM
It's not really hard to see the hand of a certain Mr. Byrne in the background here, all this shouting about "integrity of the game" and "conducts its business in a proper and above board manner "...:rolleyes: Its a pity, in some ways, that Seery is such an obnoxious little b*llix......

08/11/2004, 11:30 AM
"conducts its business in a proper and above board manner "...
Surely business conducted in a proper manner does involve written, legal contracts?

As I said in the other thread, Shoddy was in a untenable position with CHF once he had agreed to take over at Rovers next season. If he'd stayed, CHF had been relegated, then he'd left to take over Rovers what would Seery's reaction have been?

LFC in Exile
08/11/2004, 3:51 PM
They may not have been happy, but there would be nothing they or the league could do about it. Delighted for Seery and his sham of a club.

Macy, I agree with you (as I posted above) that legally Seery has no case - and Rovers did nothing unlawful. However, the point I was trying to make is that there is a lot of hypocrisy around this league in that clubs always (like Rovers recently) bang on about loyalty, but then behave completely selfishly.

There is a bigger issue here - which I guess will always be with us - that clubs when they act in this way have no grounds then for complaining when other clubs sc rew them over in terms of setting dates for fixtures/challenging results/unregistered players etc.

Patsh - how youc an bring Ollie Byrne into this is beyond me. For christ sake - he is not the source of all evil in the eL. This fascination with Ollie Byrne is unhealthy. :ball:

08/11/2004, 5:28 PM
Patsh - how youc an bring Ollie Byrne into this is beyond me. For christ sake - he is not the source of all evil in the eL. This fascination with Ollie Byrne is unhealthy. :ball:1. Seery would have ongoing contacts with Byrne, as tenant to landlord.
It is quite concieveable that a person, not skilled in thae ways of administration in this league, would ask "advice" from someone who is, and is convenient and available. Or don't you talk to each other in Limerick?

2. Heard on the news that Seery demands that the whole league schedule be "put on hold" until there is an investigation into his (own, inadequate) deal with Collins. This is the same type of sh*te that regularly emanates from the other users of Tolka.

While I think Collins is scum, Seery ain't going to win many friends with his hysterics and drama queen act.

08/11/2004, 5:56 PM
Everyone knows why Collins would'nt sign a contract, brom brum :rolleyes:

I'm open to correction but didn't Collins only say he was working for free after the story about the Merc became public.

Was there money under the table????????

09/11/2004, 6:38 AM
I'm open to correction but didn't Collins only say he was working for free after the story about the Merc became public.

Was there money under the table????????

My understanding is he was paid by cheque. It was to hide it from Carlisle , not the taxman.

09/11/2004, 6:39 AM
[QUOTE=patsh]1. Seery would have ongoing contacts with Byrne, as tenant to landlord.

one could say the same about Rovers as tenant in Tolka. Maybe they got advise from Ollie :rolleyes:

09/11/2004, 8:15 AM
[QUOTE=patsh]1. Seery would have ongoing contacts with Byrne, as tenant to landlord.

one could say the same about Rovers as tenant in Tolka. Maybe they got advise from Ollie :rolleyes:While it's possible, I think it is highly unlikely that Tony Maguire goes to Byrne for advice. On the other hand, I think it highly likely that Seery does.
Two litigious, angry little creeps....made for each other....;)

09/11/2004, 8:20 AM
Seemingly a couple of the English-based players, who obviously hold allegiance to Roddy, have refused to travel for tonights game against Longford.

LFC in Exile
09/11/2004, 9:18 AM
1. Seery would have ongoing contacts with Byrne, as tenant to landlord.
It is quite concieveable that a person, not skilled in thae ways of administration in this league, would ask "advice" from someone who is, and is convenient and available. Or don't you talk to each other in Limerick?

2. Heard on the news that Seery demands that the whole league schedule be "put on hold" until there is an investigation into his (own, inadequate) deal with Collins. This is the same type of sh*te that regularly emanates from the other users of Tolka.

While I think Collins is scum, Seery ain't going to win many friends with his hysterics and drama queen act.

Maybe Ollie had a chat with Tony Maguire and told him that the best way of ensuring survival was to take Dublin City's manager. Maybe Ollie had originally told Ronan Seery not to offer Roddy a contract. In fact, I would not be surprised if this goes all the way back to Carlisle's decision to give Roddy a Merc and tell him that he could keep it until he got a full time job. Knowing Roddy loves Mercs he would have made sure that Ronan offered him an unpaying job. Then he gets an investor to "invest" money in Rovers just before the end of the season - take Roddy for Rovers - and there you go, before you can say "Forget Hussein, George W should look for WMD in Tolka" the cunning plan is achieved. But why? Well, for you amateur conspiracy theorists out there I'll spell it out. Ollie is worried that DC's growing fan base would undermine the Northside base of Shels and he can get more rent from Rovers next season anyway.

By the way - all of the above is sarcasm. Because when it comes to this league some people will believe anything.

By the way Patsh - one flaw in your Ollie whispering in Ronan's ear scenario is that Roddy did the dirt on DC... :ball:

09/11/2004, 9:28 AM
Latest news from Camp Seery is that DC are refusing to fulfill the remainder of their fixtures as a mark of stupidity.....sorry, protest...!!!

09/11/2004, 9:54 AM
By the way Patsh - one flaw in your Ollie whispering in Ronan's ear scenario is that Roddy did the dirt on DC... :ball:One flaw in your argument is that you do not read properly.
AFTER Collins upped and left, I would think that it is very likely that Seery got advice from Byrne. Given the situation he (Seery) found himself in, he would want to know how best to proceed, and the master of the rulebook is in his immediate vicinity.
It's not a conspiracy theory, just speculation about something that is very possible, maybe even likely.

09/11/2004, 10:01 AM
It's not a conspiracy theory, just speculation about something that is very possible, maybe even likely.

need i say anymore :rolleyes:

09/11/2004, 10:33 AM
Latest news from Camp Seery is that DC are refusing to fulfill the remainder of their fixtures as a mark of stupidity.....sorry, protest...!!!
So this cóck is going to extend Towns season yet again with a pathetic protest against something that isn't against the rules. The sooner that club goes out of business the better.

09/11/2004, 10:48 AM
So this cóck is going to extend Towns season yet again with a pathetic protest against something that isn't against the rules. The sooner that club goes out of business the better.

Dublin City will be in Longford tonight, minus the players Roddy signed, who are refusing to travel. Very fair & of course within the rule book :rolleyes:

manic da hoop
09/11/2004, 10:52 AM
Ronan Seery is clearly forgetting one thing - Nobody gives a damn. DC is a one man show, so any kind of protest on their, or should I say his, part is ultimately going to affect nobody but himself. Given that Longford are already safe and with a place in Europe now secured I doubt they'll loose too much sleep over having this fixture postponed. We certainly won't care as it will almost definitly write off whatever slim chances DC had of staying up.

So bring it on Ronan, give us all a good laugh at your expense!

09/11/2004, 10:57 AM
Dublin City will be in Longford tonight, minus the players Roddy signed, who are refusing to travel. Very fair & of course within the rule book :rolleyes:
How is that Longford's, or the rest of the leagues, fault? If he's so keen to go to court, there's a case already - breach of contract. Sue the players.

KR's Post
09/11/2004, 11:09 AM
Ronan Seery is clearly forgetting one thing - Nobody gives a damn. DC is a one man show, so any kind of protest on their, or should I say his, part is ultimately going to affect nobody but himself. We certainly won't care as it will almost definitly write off whatever slim chances DC had of staying up.

So bring it on Ronan, give us all a good laugh at your expense!
Ha Ha Ha!!! City are going down, maybe further than the first division.... Where's your roddy gone,wheres your roddy gone...... :) ;) :p

anto eile
09/11/2004, 11:26 AM
i play on the Rovers supporters team.we only got founded 10 months ago, but i want to join the eircom league....well.. if ronan seery can invent a new club and get straight into the EL then why cant anyone else? if seery wanted to join the EL , he should have started in the leinster junior league in the phoenix park and built from there. he acts like he has godgiven right to play in the premier division, when his inclusion at all in even the first division is highly dubious in the first place

thyre a ****ty little club ,with no history,no fans,no traditinal heartland,no tradition full stop. all CHF/ICBINHF/homefarm drumcondra/everton/fingal or whatever theyre called this season, is a bloody ego-trip of ronan seery. ronan seery might as well invest in some lego or a train set, he can have his hobby and it wont cost him much money and t wont annoy the rest of the EL.we all win

anto eile
09/11/2004, 11:33 AM
btw the english based players roddy signed were,according to the star come weeks ago being paid by a sponsor, not actually by mr ronan "dublin shytty" seery himself.and they didnt travel a couple of weeks ago to play for homefarm when roddy was still in charge, (the reason being because theyre shyt) so talk of english based players not travelling because of roddy leaving is a complete load of shyte

09/11/2004, 12:30 PM
btw the english based players roddy signed were,according to the star come weeks ago being paid by a sponsor, not actually by mr ronan "dublin shytty" seery himself.and they didnt travel a couple of weeks ago to play for homefarm when roddy was still in charge, (the reason being because theyre shyt) so talk of english based players not travelling because of roddy leaving is a complete load of shyte

The club paid them, no one else, more bull$hit from Roddy
the 5 that remain, have been in the team consistantly, until tonight.

09/11/2004, 12:32 PM
no traditinal heartland,no tradition full stop.

What exactly is your heartland? you havn't had one since the club $crewed you.

09/11/2004, 12:33 PM
How many players exactly are ye missing tonight?

09/11/2004, 12:34 PM
How is that Longford's, or the rest of the leagues, fault? If he's so keen to go to court, there's a case already - breach of contract. Sue the players.

i never said it was Longford's fault. The club has never suggested going to court.

09/11/2004, 12:49 PM
How many players exactly are ye missing tonight?

two English placed players & some might not be played (read between the lines)

LFC in Exile
09/11/2004, 4:01 PM
Ronan Seery is clearly forgetting one thing - Nobody gives a damn. DC is a one man show, so any kind of protest on their, or should I say his, part is ultimately going to affect nobody but himself. Given that Longford are already safe and with a place in Europe now secured I doubt they'll loose too much sleep over having this fixture postponed. We certainly won't care as it will almost definitly write off whatever slim chances DC had of staying up.

So bring it on Ronan, give us all a good laugh at your expense!

I really can't wait until Rovers fu ck up on registering players or some such deal and start jumping up and down about fair play etc. I will break my ar se laughing. Guess what hoop, nobody gives a sh it about Rovers either. Pity you don't get points at the start of the season for tradition. My club wouldn't be where it is if tradition mattered. Guess what - tradition does matter a damn.

And, by the way DC are a properly constituted eL club and have had no problem with finances etc this season unlike a certain other club. In fact I remember that at the start of the season it was Limerick and Rovers that couldn't get a licence. Obviously Rovers are all for doing thingsd strictly by the book - except when it doesn't suit them and they need a break.

NY Hoop
09/11/2004, 4:04 PM
nobody gives a sh it about Rovers either.

Really so why you always on about us? Cos you're obsessed thats why.

Whats it feel like to be the bottom team in the whole league with no ground or future? Go off and sharpen some knives you drooler..........


09/11/2004, 4:12 PM
when it comes down to it Home Farm had a lot of people on his side because of Roddy's treacherous, nasty behaviour, and by the pathetic reaction of Seery, they've destroyed most of that sympathy. two things have been obvious to most peole in this league for years:
1. Bringing in a load of english players on short term contracts to try and fight relegation rarely works.
2. Roddy Collins is a chancer who is interested only in Roddy Collins.

Seery knew that as well as everyone else (unless he's even more stupid than he appears) and he took the risk regardless. You win some, you lose some. Roddy's a nasty bit of work...boo hoo. Good riddance

LFC in Exile
10/11/2004, 8:25 AM
nobody gives a sh it about Rovers either.

Really so why you always on about us? Cos you're obsessed thats why.

Whats it feel like to be the bottom team in the whole league with no ground or future?

That's right. We're all obsessed with Rovers. I've posted about my own club and other clubs on this board a lot more than I've posted about Rovers. Just becasue someone comments on the dodgy dealings of your club does not make them obsessed.

I'm still amazed by the irony of being slagged about not having a ground by a Rovers supporter!

Go off and sharpen some knives you drooler..........

By the way Adam and Colm, what was all that about attacking the post and not the poster.