View Full Version : Bush for four more years!

03/11/2004, 4:21 PM
Kerry Concedes-Bush wins!

03/11/2004, 4:32 PM
Bush had the biggest vote for a president in hisotry and is also the first ever presiden t to win over 50% of the opular vote (he won 52%).....least the Americans cannae complain for anything that happens now-it's there in black and white-the majority of Americans have voted for bush, not just the electoral college vote system, the majority of votes across the whole of America have been for Bush.
Tbh Kerry was a no hope-msot of his support based on hatred for Bush, the rest on a few Vietnam vetrans who hadn't yet realised that he milked the VA for his own benifit and then a few who bought his 'I'm a Catholic' line and missed him sucking up the Christopher Reeve fans by promising research (murders) on embyo's....
Not saying Bush is a saint....just that Kerry was terrible and the Americans have chose Bush

03/11/2004, 4:39 PM
Didn't see anything about embryonic research in the Bible myself...

Aye ya always do disagree with me Conor but to be honest the Pope is opossed to it, the Catholic chuch is opposed to it and the majority of Catholics including myself are opposed to it so ya got to adfmit it's a bit rich Kerry claiming to be Catholic and then swinging to research on the wee embyros!

......and to think I had just come on to change that part of my post because I thought it was a bit to heavy for a football forum :rolleyes:

03/11/2004, 4:41 PM
and yes before anyone point out I did start a tribute thread to Christopher Reeve because he was an inspiration to never give up at anything and at the time they hadn't realised his video and I wasn't clear on his embryo research 'morals'.....blame me for being mis-informed I just wanted to clear that one up ;)

03/11/2004, 4:53 PM
The first two would seem to make it a recommendation.

As for the 'majority of Catholics', I dunno about that. Clearly, for example, the 'majority of Catholics' in this country agree with divorce and abortion in certain circumstances, and we know that because they voted for it.

Fair play Conor.....I'm not 'backing down' or anything and I'd be open for a debate on Catholicism/Embryo research/Aboriton/Divorce but I know it can get pretty heated and I don't particularly want to go into a debate with you or anybody about it at this time or on this thread.
I don't claim to know all the facts and I know that if a relative was raped, parylysed etc. my views may well change-I don't think they will but i'd probably make a somewhat unfair excpeiton (as I've done before-but again don't really want to get into that here).

Not havin a pop or anything though Conor, you're a sound bloke and as Adam would say 'let's keep on topic' (and argue over the president! ;))

04/11/2004, 3:30 PM
Yanks used the excuse in last few years they didn't know what they voted for last time so shame on them now cos they getting exactly what they voted for now. NY, Boston & California which are what we usually see of the US are clearly not the norm & US gotta be one of most conservative western countries now.

Always funny to hear Republicans criticise Democrats as tax & spend liberals whereas Bush has proven to be just a spender. Probably better Kerry not get elected cos with Republican majority in Senate & Congress he'd be screwed with massive budget deficit & with another 4 years of dubya that country probably be broke.

Republicans were anti stem cell research until Reagan suffering from aulsimers (spelling?) in old age when some (Nasty Reagan) changed tune...


anto eile
04/11/2004, 4:14 PM
theres no case whatsoever against stem-cell research . how would you feel if you knew you were being left to rot in a wheelchair, unable to breathe on your own, simply because some chimp-like c*nt preaches a ridiculous notion of some higher deity?

as for catholics.unless you believe every single word in the bible then according to karol wojtyla (ak john paul) you're not a real catholic.so its safe to say that 90% of this country is not actually catholic.so we're going to hell..according to the vatican anyway

$90bn already spent on the war in iraq,at least another $50bn to come.economy going rapidly downhill, 5o million more americans with no medical insurance, 100,000+and counting civilian deaths. bush will have the planet on the verge of WWIII in four years time.thank fukc they dont get 7year terms or wed be totally screwed.

green goblin
04/11/2004, 5:18 PM
Oh dear, we're into heavy stuff again. :(
Well, for what it's worth, the anti abortion/stem cell/embryo thing is certainly far from a soley Catholic thing. It's been firmly on the evangelical protestant agenda for about the last 30 years, and we're as opposed to it as anyone.
Trouble with all these thinsg is that I find it very, very easy to be dogmatic until it affects the ones I love. For example, I used to be opposed to vivisection until I had kids of my own and realised that I would gladly put kittens into blenders if it would save the life of my kids if there were anything wrong with them.
At the monent I'd say I'm probably opposed to stem cell research. However, | have to say that if there were anything wrong with my kids (God forbid) I might change my opinion. I really just don't know. but I might. I might weigh saving the children I love against something that's only the size of a grain of rice, and tell myself that it wasn't a person. I really don't know.
Jeez but we're getting awful heavy here, lads. Has no one got any good fart jokes? :confused:

04/11/2004, 8:59 PM
Oh dear, we're into heavy stuff again. :(
Well, for what it's worth, the anti abortion/stem cell/embryo thing is certainly far from a soley Catholic thing. It's been firmly on the evangelical protestant agenda for about the last 30 years, and we're as opposed to it as anyone.
Trouble with all these thinsg is that I find it very, very easy to be dogmatic until it affects the ones I love. For example, I used to be opposed to vivisection until I had kids of my own and realised that I would gladly put kittens into blenders if it would save the life of my kids if there were anything wrong with them.
At the monent I'd say I'm probably opposed to stem cell research. However, | have to say that if there were anything wrong with my kids (God forbid) I might change my opinion. I really just don't know. but I might. I might weigh saving the children I love against something that's only the size of a grain of rice, and tell myself that it wasn't a person. I really don't know.
Jeez but we're getting awful heavy here, lads. Has no one got any good fart jokes? :confused:

I'mr eally agreeing with you here and feel exactly the same way about changing opionions when these thing affecting the ones we love......as well as this getting veery heavy!
Obv. don't have kids or a wife but had a bit of an exception of my general view on a certain issue after a scenario about a year back regarding a friend......vague I know but throwing it in to this conversation would just drag it to new depths of deepness :rolleyes:

Ok Friday tommorow-let's lighten up......................

:D :D

Jim Smith
05/11/2004, 8:49 AM
Watch out for the continued rise of the creationist movement. The religious right frighen me, thet really do....

05/11/2004, 9:46 AM
I guess you are a happy man, Conor, as your beloved leader thinks its great news altogether, and saves him having to go begging to John Kerry to save all our jobs....;)

The re-election is no great surprise, is it?
Cheney/Bush have decided that there is a great evil arising in the east in the form of Islam, and they will be the great opposing force in the west, in the form of Christianity.
All very simple, black & white and easy to sell.
To go for this kind of stuff requires no thought at all really, and conviently does away with the need to think about issues and have to face up to the fact that the world is a very complex place with many and varied shades of grey.
Virtually all governments, our own included, are keen to dumb everything down, reduce the world around us to a few simple slogans, and ridicule, abuse and blacken anyone who objects to this.

BTW, a very close friend of mine, a native of Boston, while no fan of John Kerry, actually physically wept on Wednesday night for what she sees as the destruction of her country.

green goblin
05/11/2004, 9:59 AM
Cheney/Bush have decided that there is a great evil arising in the east in the form of Islam, and they will be the great opposing force in the west, in the form of Christianity..

Trouble with crusades is that they're actually unchristian, even anti-christian. :mad: Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, care for the poor. The bible in full?: "Love God with all your heart,and your neighbour as yourself- the rest is commentary".
Heard a wonderful Catholic peace activist speak a couple of years ago, who takes the verse from Isiaih about turning spears into pruning hooks and swords in ploughshares literally. He who was arrested for breaking into USAF bases during the first Gulf war with a sledge hammer, and who started turning F16's into farm machinery!
Not saying I'm keen on criminal damage myself :o

05/11/2004, 11:34 AM
..least the Americans cannae complain for anything that happens now-it's there in black and white-the majority of Americans have voted for bush, not just the electoral college vote system, the majority of votes across the whole of America have been for Bush.

Bush did not win the majority of votes where I live and I'll complain about what happens all I want.

Hither green
05/11/2004, 1:47 PM
Check this out for a great commentary on the whole damn thing.


05/11/2004, 5:59 PM
Bush did not win the majority of votes where I live and I'll complain about what happens all I want.

I tghought ya were Irish!
Sorry mate all seriousness didn't mean it in that way....

regards to KErry being Catholic.....as I said I think ya need some inverted around the word :rolleyes:

06/11/2004, 4:06 AM
Its a sad sad day for the world

Closed Account 2
07/11/2004, 1:55 AM
Has no one got any good fart jokes? :confused:

Not really farting but...

Greatest Comeback Line Ever?

This was apparently in the Washington Post... the title of the article was

"Best Come Back Line Ever."

In summary, the police arrested Patrick Lawrence, 22 year old white male
resident of Dacula, GA, in a pumpkin patch 11:38 p.m. on Friday.
Lawrence will be charged with lewd and lascivious behaviour, public
indecency, and public intoxication at the Gwinnett County courthouse on

The suspect explained that as he was passing a pumpkin patch he decided
to stop. "You know, a pumpkin is soft and squishy inside, and there was no
one around for miles. At least I thought there wasn't," he stated in a
phone interview.

Lawrence went on to say that he pulled over to the side of the road,
picked out a pumpkin that he felt was appropriate to his purpose, cut a
hole in it, and proceeded to satisfy his alleged "need."

"Guess I was really into it, you know?" he commented with evident
embarrassment. In the process, Lawrence apparently failed to notice a
Gwinnett County police car approaching and was unaware of his audience
until officer Brenda Taylor approached him. "That was an unusual
situation, that's for sure, "said officer Taylor." I walked up to Lawrence
and he's...just pumping away at this pumpkin." Taylor went on to describe
what happened when she approached Lawrence. "I just went up and said,
"Excuse me sir, but do you realize that you're having sex with a
pumpkin?". "

He froze and was clearly very surprised that I was there, and then
looked me straight in the face and said, .... "A pumpkin? F*ck me, is it
midnight already?"