View Full Version : funny bits from films

the 12 th man
02/11/2004, 9:52 AM
just trying to get a laugh going.

one of my favs:"the blues brothers" the two nazis guys in the car thats been dropped from a height.
the older guy knows that his goose is cooked and turns to the other guy and says totallly unexpectadly "i've always loved you" :D

02/11/2004, 10:41 AM
da funnyest things i've ever seen in a film was in one of the pink panther films where inspector cleausea (sorry i can't spell) goes into a hotel in switzerland and this fella dressed as a bell boy asks him for his coat, hat, gloves and bag and then walks straight out the door unknown to the inspector ( bit like jonathan ross i'm goin to avoid tryin to spell that name)
mightened seem funny if u haven't seen it. peter sellers at his best

max power
02/11/2004, 10:44 AM
just trying to get a laugh going.

one of my favs:"the blues brothers" the two nazis guys in the car thats been dropped from a height.
the older guy knows that his goose is cooked and turns to the other guy and says totallly unexpectadly "i've always loved you" :D

greatest film ever.

peter sellers.......it thought ur dog did not bite.......thts not my dog :D

all of uncle buck and groundhog day and all 80's movie in general :D

green goblin
02/11/2004, 10:57 AM
Leningrad Cowboys Go America. Where one of the band goes off to buy food and comes back having spent all their money on a gold Elvis suit. "He is very badly beaten up". I nearly weed my pants laughing.
Er... not so funny now I see it written down. Guess it's a mainly visual joke. :o

Pat O' Banton
02/11/2004, 11:00 AM
Leslie Nielson, Prescilla Presley - 'Nice beaver' :D :D

02/11/2004, 11:06 AM
another fav is from lethal weapon 4. "hey johnny someone stole your bike" hard to explain but if you've seen it u'll remember it.

Don Vito
02/11/2004, 12:16 PM
another fav is from lethal weapon 4. "hey johnny someone stole your bike" hard to explain but if you've seen it u'll remember it.

Thats just not funny no matter how good an asian accent you put on. And go do somethin, you're wasting your life away.

02/11/2004, 1:26 PM
I just wanna wish you good luck, we're all counting on you.

green goblin
02/11/2004, 1:29 PM
From kingpin:
"I just been out there milkin' yer cow. She's a ornery ole critter, takes a while to get her going, but boy when she does, she lets rip".
"We don't have a cow. We have a bull".
"... I'm just going to clean ma teeth".

02/11/2004, 1:35 PM
Nice one gustavo...

"She has to be taken to a hospital"
"A hospital??? What is it??"
"it's a big building with doctors in it, but that's not important right now".

the 12 th man
02/11/2004, 1:38 PM
from "along came polly"

philip seynour hoffman:"dude, we have to leave this party now"
ben stiller :"but why,i'm havin a good time"

philip seymour::"i just sharted" :D

(definition of a shart:when you try and f*art and a little bit of **** comes out :eek: )

02/11/2004, 1:47 PM
another 3 ij ust thought of that made me laugh out loud in work.

1) the brick/cord/willy combination in Old School

2) R.Lee Ermey in Evil woman

"i'd rather go down in a hail of bullets than go back to the big house!!! Nice to meet ya Mister Diamond"

3) Zoolander. All of it

green goblin
03/11/2004, 8:37 AM
From Life of Brian
"What did he say?"
"I think it was 'Blessed are the cheesmakers'. Obviously it's not meant to be taken seriously,it means any manufacturer of dairy produce".
"What was that?"
"Sounded like 'Blessed are the Greek'".

Also the whole Judean peoples Front/Peoples Front of Judea/Campaign for free Galilee debacle. Still wonderful.

04/11/2004, 3:09 PM
Withnail & I:

"Are you the farmer...?" (directed at country guy in wellies, driving tractor in field...


anto eile
04/11/2004, 4:25 PM
screen on wall, man tunes it in ,thru loads of white noise,and finally finds right channel with video link to william shatner on it,
man explains situation,
shatner:"il be right there"
shatner opens the wall which we realise is a door,the screen simply being the other side of the door.
not as funny written down but the funniest thing toul ever see in a film!anyone who seen airplane will know this joke instantly

green goblin
05/11/2004, 10:20 AM
From the Three Amigo's.
Setev Martin to singing bush.
"Are you the singing bush?"