View Full Version : fireworks good or bad!

31/10/2004, 6:45 PM
People I know have spent hundreds on fireworks for tonight and just wanted to know are any of you like them or are you against!
Me personally, i think its the biggest waste of money! Obviously supervised they can be nice but none of us can prevent accidents

max power
31/10/2004, 7:14 PM
oh my god....dublin more like there's only one f in beruit :D

dublin is like a war zone with noise all week.

but if you see a proper display like in disney or the like it can be lovely.....

i personally love a GOOD fireworks display.

disney spend $500,000 on there show in epcot EVERY NIGHT :eek:

31/10/2004, 7:29 PM
ive just been rudley awoken from my hungover sleep to what sounded like cruise missles going off around me feckin dublanders :mad:
if there not robbing pensioners there making a racket any way thats my ranting done
fireworks are they safe depends on whose hands there in

01/11/2004, 8:11 AM
disney spend $500,000 on there show in epcot EVERY NIGHT :eek:
Saw that at Christmas time a couple of years back and it was the most amazing thing ever!
What are all the fireworks in Dublin in aid of? in ingurland they've all started for the 5th Nov already :rolleyes: some eejit through one as ma house last night! :eek:

green goblin
01/11/2004, 8:28 AM
I used to love them. We had a great display in our village every year, and it was always superb. But one year a firework somehow got into the bonfire and went off. No one was hurt, or even close to being hurt, but it scared the living jebus out of the lot of us, and I've been wary ever since. :(
Personally I like them the bigger the better. Mortars (Huge shells you bury in a tube in the ground an get lobbed in the air), mines (Buried tubes again, projecting stars upwards) and rockets as tall as a man are all good for me. :) :)
I've pondered aboput November the 5th, recently though. No one in Englad seriously considers it a celebration of the triumph over catholicism and it's just a bit of a laugh...All except in the village of Lewes near Brighton, where they burn effigies of the pope as a tradition, I believe. Mind you, last year they all got in trouble because they burned a full size cardboard caravan full of cardboard travellers, and got doen for racial harsassment. W*nkers. :mad:

01/11/2004, 9:39 AM
I've pondered aboput November the 5th, recently though. No one in Englad seriously considers it a celebration of the triumph over catholicism and it's just a bit of a laugh...All except in the village of Lewes near Brighton, where they burn effigies of the pope as a tradition, I believe. Mind you, last year they all got in trouble because they burned a full size cardboard caravan full of cardboard travellers, and got doen for racial harsassment. W*nkers. :mad:
Aye I've thought about it to-most people in ingurland just see it as a bit of criac-i don't like the Guy burning though-but I reckon a few fireworks are alright.
I remember that Lewes lot-they're a total bunch of scum and can't leave the epast behind!
What are all the fireworks in Ireland about? Obviously not Nov. 5th?

green goblin
01/11/2004, 10:42 AM
What are all the fireworks in Ireland about? Obviously not Nov. 5th?

'alloween, innit?

01/11/2004, 12:38 PM
I've pondered aboput November the 5th, recently though. No one in Englad seriously considers it a celebration of the triumph over catholicism and it's just a bit of a laugh...All except in the village of Lewes near Brighton, where they burn effigies of the pope as a tradition, I believe. Mind you, last year they all got in trouble because they burned a full size cardboard caravan full of cardboard travellers, and got doen for racial harsassment. W*nkers. :mad:

I used to live in Brigton, and headed down to Lewes for the fireworks. It was sick. Not only do they burn a model of the pope, but they march through the streets with burning crosses!! Seriously found it really disturbing!!

01/11/2004, 2:39 PM
I used to live in Brigton, and headed down to Lewes for the fireworks. It was sick. Not only do they burn a model of the pope, but they march through the streets with burning crosses!! Seriously found it really disturbing!!

Fe3k! Sick, sick people-apperntly still hung up on Mary Queen of Scots ( :D ) burning a lot of Protestants there hundreds of years ago....to be honest I think they're just racist w*nkers looking for an excuse :mad:

01/11/2004, 2:44 PM
You're right; sick (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/16.jpg) screwed up (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/13.jpg) "people" (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/04.jpg).
They need to go on the floggin' bonfire themselves-who takes their kids to see Winnie the Pooh get burned ? :eek:

green goblin
01/11/2004, 3:10 PM
You're right; sick (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/16.jpg) screwed up (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/13.jpg) "people" (http://www.gatwork.co.uk/brighton__hove/news_features/lewes_fireworks/2002/images/04.jpg).
They need to go on the floggin' bonfire themselves-who takes their kids to see Winnie the Pooh get burned ? :eek:

No one tell you that Pooh was a tim?
Some traditions really aren't worth keeping. I can't imagine why they haven't been reined under under the new UK laws outlawing religious hatred.