View Full Version : Which FAI Officer did this?

31/10/2004, 4:07 PM

31/10/2004, 7:37 PM
your the same guy that posted it on the city website because of the statement released by cork city fc :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
are you milo corcoran in disguise
are you all that dirty deleany and the crook corcoran got to back them up :rolleyes: :o

31/10/2004, 8:01 PM
You're not half connected to Corcoran or dopey Delaney! I'd suggest you go and do a bit of investigative nosing on the FAI careers of MC and JD. You'll find plenty of interesting facts and stories about these chancers, as good as or worse than anything you can find on Rooney.

The stuff you are pulling up on Rooney is a load of crap. What has it got to do with football? It's a load of nit-picking bull****, designed to get Rooney out of the FAI, essentially so that Delaney and Corcoran can continue to fat-cat their way in the FAI, so that they can continue on in their cushy jobs despite the recommendations of the Genises report.

To answer your question\suggestion - F*ck John Delaney, and F*ck Milo Corcoran, thats what I think. I hope Rooney sticks it out, and these tosspots who have presided over ALL of the farce over the last 5 years fullfil their promises, and resign en-masse. We'll be alot better off without them.

31/10/2004, 10:22 PM
Think someone is definitely flying a kite for someone here. Friday's Sun had a report by Barry Scanlan about Rooney getting backing from "hundreds of fans" organising themselves via this site. What yer man posted on the Cork MB seems to be left there specifically for some journo to pick up on.

Bit of a contrast, eh? Rooney organises for eL fans to be together to try and generate atmosphere at Lansdowne. The anti-Rooney faction try to use a fans' MB to shaft him. Charming. :mad:

01/11/2004, 12:39 PM
your the same guy that posted it on the city website because of the statement released by cork city fc :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
are you milo corcoran in disguise
are you all that dirty deleany and the crook corcoran got to back them up :rolleyes: :o

I'm none of the above. no association with FAI except to say I play football and attend games.
I don't like Corcoran, Delaney or Rooney!

01/11/2004, 12:42 PM
You're not half connected to Corcoran or dopey Delaney! I'd suggest you go and do a bit of investigative nosing on the FAI careers of MC and JD. You'll find plenty of interesting facts and stories about these chancers, as good as or worse than anything you can find on Rooney.

The stuff you are pulling up on Rooney is a load of crap. What has it got to do with football? It's a load of nit-picking bull****, designed to get Rooney out of the FAI, essentially so that Delaney and Corcoran can continue to fat-cat their way in the FAI, so that they can continue on in their cushy jobs despite the recommendations of the Genises report.

To answer your question\suggestion - F*ck John Delaney, and F*ck Milo Corcoran, thats what I think. I hope Rooney sticks it out, and these tosspots who have presided over ALL of the farce over the last 5 years fullfil their promises, and resign en-masse. We'll be alot better off without them.

No I am not connected to any of these. I don't like whats going on in the FAI, nor do i like corcoran, delaney or rooney.