View Full Version : when in rome...

28/10/2004, 1:53 PM
bringing the lass off for a weekend in rome next january
about to book some hotel for acommo
never been myself so..looking for a bit of advice
any1 on here recommend any decent hotels in the city for the like
or even recommend the best areas to stay in????

28/10/2004, 1:58 PM
Think meself you could have brought her somewhere better for a whole lot cheaper like Prague, Croatia, or even Paris, but maybe you're slipping away to tie the knot... ;) ;)

Amyway, check this out

28/10/2004, 3:23 PM
jaysus not likely
ive enuff on me plate at the moment

thx anyway for the link
i usually use hotelclub.net. good enough site for booking but no real advice on locality etc.

Closed Account 2
28/10/2004, 3:50 PM
I was there last month, to catch some footie matches in fact.

Most of the Budget hotels are near Termini station, which ain't a great area. Having said that if you head towards the national library (c.10 mins walk)theres a few decent ones there.

Hotels in the more historic parts of the town are a bit more pricey, but there are a few decently priced ones you might find if you have a look on the net now. Between Piazza del Popolo and Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps) is probably the best bet, theres decently priced ones there. You can ask at official tourist information kiosks dotted around the city. The other thing to note (if your getting a hotel on the day) is it possible to get a discount on most places if you offer to pay in cash and ask nicely, but I dunno if they'd be too keen on it for a weekend.

Here are some phrases that might help if your stuck:-

Per andare a.... = How do I get to...
Dov'é (pronounced Dho-vey)... = Where is...
E lontano ? = Is it far.
Quanto Costa... = How much does it cost ?
...per una/due/tre notta/notte = for 1/2/3 night(s).
Vorrei questo/questa = I'd like this (and then point at what you want).
Posso pagare con Visa = Can I pay with Visa (always ask coz some places dont let you).

And if you stop someone to ask if they speak english always say hello beforehand (its the height of rudeness not to) eg :-

Bongiorno (day)/ Buenasera (night), scusi, parlí Ingelese ?

28/10/2004, 3:57 PM
Stayed in the Napoleon last March, a bit pricey like but very nice. Could get you the details if you want.

Think it's a 4 star place.

28/10/2004, 4:15 PM
Depends what u want. if uw anta well busy area, termini station area is like the busiest place, but to be honest rome is all fairly walkable so if u stay within walking distance of the city centre you can pretty much see everything.