View Full Version : Adam Beecher

26/10/2004, 5:46 PM
Anybody see the Irish Independent today and their article on Cork slang and the books and websites around that deal with it. The Dictator here :) is mentioned as is a former member of the Subterraneans who wrote a book on slang. (Apparently Adams uncle also wrote a book on Cork slang in the 80's)

26/10/2004, 6:45 PM
Adam wrote a book on Cork slang?

Fair play to ya..

(was going to add "ye ol' ****** but don't want to get banned just before the Christmas party ;))

26/10/2004, 6:47 PM
Effing Indo, those O'Reilly lickarses couldn't write their way out of a paper bag. The site for Sean's book is here (http://www.corkslang.com/). Morty's site (http://www.dowtchaboy.com/) should be a bit further along in a week or two when the book goes on general release. The Indo piece is here (http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=42&si=1274799&issue_id=11592) but you'll need to register. And it's the Indo, so why bother. Just open up the dustbin, take something out, and read that. Probably better quality anyway.


27/10/2004, 1:04 AM
Should help me out with conversing con la familia de Conchita.